Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 281 Chen Nuo: My mouth is at full level!

Chapter 281 Chen Nuo: My mouth is at full level!

"My purpose?"

Chen Nuo glanced at Gai Jiuyou, was silent for a moment, and suddenly said: "I have a dream, dreaming that one day, we will all be born equal, and together we will pursue the dawn of truth and explore the mysteries of the world.

I have a dream, a dream"

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Before Chen Nuo's exciting speech officially started, Gai Jiuyou hurriedly stopped, his expression full of helplessness.

This thing is a big killer, you can't shout it.

If Chen Nuo really wanted to keep shouting, then the slight advantage he had managed to gain by appearing on the stage would be completely lost.

At that time, whether to back down or not to back down is a difficult choice.

Facing the big stick of the people waving over, if you give in, you will lose your interests; if you don't give in, your reputation will be lost, and in the end you will lose your interests.

This is simply a slippery head, always taking the people's hat to cover it.

"Mr. Chen, let's not talk about nonsense, you should not be from here."

I, who stopped Chen Nuo, had a dream. Gai Jiuyou looked at Chen Nuo meaningfully.

Not here.

Obviously, this does not refer to Beidou, but this world.

In the realm of the quasi-emperor of Jiuyou, the law of the holy way has been sublimated into the supreme law, and its strength is stronger than that of Chen Nuo at the current stage, so it is not difficult to see the uniqueness of Chen Nuo.

Not from the fairyland, but from outside the realm.

The existence of extraterrestrial celestial demons exists no matter which world they are in, but most of them are ordinary intruders who have integrated into the world and lived a mediocre life.

This is the first person in the Shrouding World to be as carefree and cheerful as Chen Nuo.

"Ideology has no borders. My dream, my wish, is that all beings are equal."

Chen Nuo looked solemn, looked at Gai Jiuyou and said seriously: "Not only are there sentient beings there, but there are also sentient beings here. I am willing to fight for it, to fight hard!"

The mandarin, the big hat, the big cake, this is the basic skill of a leader, a leader of reform.

Chen Nuo spoke very seriously, his eyes were full of hope and expectation, as well as full of tenacity, which made the corners of Gai Jiuyou's mouth twitch involuntarily.


This kind of attitude that always calls me to have a dream of equality for all beings, and I am willing to give everything for all beings, to fight hard, to struggle, is completely invincible.

Gai Jiuyou suddenly felt tired.

He is the kind of person who silently guards behind and doesn't speak.

When he encountered Chen Nuo, he just started doing things like this, and his verbal skills began to go crazy, and his slogans were already shouted all over the world, integrating righteousness and public opinion.

When a scholar meets a soldier, it is unreasonable.

But if soldiers cannot use force and can only reason, 1 soldiers will not be an opponent of a scholar.

"Your dreams and ideas will cause cosmic turmoil and bring huge casualties to all races."

The mandarin clichés, cover a big hat, and the skill of drawing big cakes is no better than Chen Nuo's. Gai Jiuyou's expression is serious, and he changed to seek truth from facts and reason.

Reform, which belongs to class struggle, will inevitably cause conflicts, turmoil, and casualties.

As a last resort, he did not want to use force.

Force can kill, but it can't restrain people's hearts, let alone stop Youyou's mouth.

This is to debate, fight ideas?
Chen Nuo raised his eyebrows and chuckled: "The system of unequal human rights may look beautiful on the bright side.

Everyone practiced and debated. In every era, there are outstanding talents, and in every era, great emperors are born.

However, at the bottom, in the shadows, among ordinary people at the bottom, the system of unequal human rights is bloody and heinous, and it is so dirty that people vomit.

Senior, there are thorns in the wound, it will be very painful to pull out the thorns, and the wound will rot slowly if you don't pull it out, do you want to pull it out or not? "

There are thorns in the wound, to pull it out or not to pull it out
Gai Jiuyou looked silent, he still couldn't say anything against his will.

After a few seconds of silence, Gai Jiuyou nodded: "Pull it out, but it should be done slowly, not forcibly."

"What is slowness? What is force? Senior, you can give me a standard, and tell me from what angle this standard is derived."

Chen Nuo restrained his smile, looked at Gai Jiuyou, and said with a sneer, "You should know better than me that the sky is almost getting dark, how slow is this?

It's going to be cold, and people are going to freeze to death. Do you have to slowly weave the padded jacket in your hand? "


Gai Jiuyou opened his mouth, but couldn't speak.

His realm strength, his height, and things to look at are more long-term.

What Chen Nuo said was right, it was getting dark and it was getting cold.

The road to immortality opens in this era, and the dark turmoil caused by the revived Supreme is darker than any night and colder than any winter.

How slow is this? Can it go any slower?

There are hundreds of millions of human races, who are emerging now, and have the hope of becoming emperor before then, protecting the living beings of one party, and even preventing the occurrence of darkness and turmoil. Only Chen Nuo, a person from outside the domain, can do that.

"9000 years ago, there was a man from Zhongzhou, the Big Dipper, who was invincible all over the world and only one step away from becoming the emperor.

If it weren't for the current Qing Emperor's Great Emperor Dao not completely retreating, then he would be the 31st Great Emperor of the human race.

Legend has it that the man failed to become an emperor in the end, and the time limit was approaching, and he finally sat down in the Eastern Wasteland.

But only a few people know that in fact, he didn't sit down, but persisted until the present age, and has been guarding the human race and the ancient Big Dipper with his old body behind his back."

Chen Nuo picked up the jade wine glass on the table, twirled it a few times in his hand, and then drank it down in one gulp, looking at Gai Jiuyou with a chuckle.

"But now it seems that that person is not protecting the human race, what he is protecting is his own class, and what he is protecting is the interests of his own class."


"Chen Nuo, you are too presumptuous!!!"

Before Chen Nuo finished speaking, several people from Zhongzhou Dynasty who were standing beside him shouted angrily at Chen Nuo.

With furious expressions and agitated momentum, it seems that if they hadn't considered their strength and occasion, they would have rushed forward.


Gai Jiuyou waved his hand to signal the others to be quiet, looked at Chen Nuo, and sighed: "Mr. Chen's words are really good, and this old man is willing to bow down."

"It's not my fault, but I can see clearly."

Chen Nuo put down his wine glass, shook his head and said, "Since senior is protecting the human race, I would like to ask senior a question."

"what is the problem."

Gai Jiuyou paused for a moment, beckoning Chen Nuo to say.

"It's a simple question."

Chen Nuo smiled, and said with a calm smile: "Since the senior is protecting the human race, then who can truly represent the human race in front of the senior?
Is it these ancient families and holy land great religion?Or the ordinary people outside, the sentient beings outside? "

Chen Nuo pointed to a group of holy masters around him, and pointed to the outside, pointing to the vast world beyond the grand festival of Yaochi, hundreds of millions of ordinary beings.

Holy land family, ordinary people, who can represent the human race?
This lore problem that used to be the lore problem of forcing Xuanhou to be tied to the chariot in the swordsmanship, today in the world of Shrouding the Sky, Chen Nuo once again threw it to Gai Jiuyou.

(End of this chapter)

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