Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 282 Free choice

Chapter 282 Free choice
Chen Nuo smiled, and said with a calm smile: "Since the senior is protecting the human race, then who can truly represent the human race in front of the senior?
Is it these ancient families and holy land great religion?Or the ordinary people outside, the sentient beings outside? "

Chen Nuo pointed to a group of holy masters around him, and pointed to the outside, pointing to the vast world beyond the grand festival of Yaochi, hundreds of millions of ordinary beings.

Holy land family, ordinary people, who can represent the human race?
This lore problem that used to be the lore problem of forcing Xuanhou to be tied to the chariot in the swordsmanship, today in the world of Shrouding the Sky, Chen Nuo once again threw it to Gai Jiuyou.

The surrounding Holy Master was stunned, and Gai Jiuyou also frowned.

This Chen Nuo's witty words can kill people.

For questions with preset answers, no matter how Gai Jiuyou answers, that won't work.

To answer the Holy Land family is to admit that you are a person who bait for fame, and the so-called guardian of the human race is actually a guardian class.

To answer ordinary beings, then this is to betray the big ancient families and the great religion of the Holy Land of the Big Dipper, which is equivalent to joining Chen Nuo's camp.

It's okay not to answer. Since Chen Nuo dared to ask, if he didn't answer, his verbal wit would definitely be announced.

Do people believe in Chen Nuo who shouted "I have a dream", or do they believe in Gai Jiuyou who has been standing behind the scenes without making a sound?
This is easy to understand.

Under the same power, whoever has the loudest voice and who controls public opinion will be trusted by the people.

"Mr. Chen, this is a fallacy."

Gai Jiuyou was silent for a long time, then shook his head and said: "The human race is not my human race, let alone the human race of the ancient aristocratic families and holy land religions, the human race is everyone's human race, and there is no such thing as who represents the human race.

I can't represent the human race, neither can the ancient world or the great religion of the Holy Land, nor can you, Mr. Chen, represent the human race. "

A trace of surprise flashed across Chen Nuo's expression.

Compared with Xuanhou who was forcibly tied to the chariot, Gai Jiuyou's answer was several levels superior. It was a perfect answer to his answer, and at the same time, neither side was offended.

This is the first time that Chen Nuo's ability to buckle the big hat with his mouth has failed.

Chen Nuo smiled, nodded and said: "Since no one can represent the human race, and the human race is everyone's human race, then senior seems to have no reason to stop it.

Whether you choose the basic rule practice method or the four-pole secret realm practice method, this is the freedom of people, and you cannot represent them, seniors.

Whether you choose the existing social system or a social system with equal human rights, this is also the choice of all sentient beings, and you have no right to interfere with them, seniors.

I pass on my practice of basic rules and promote my belief that everyone is equal.

Seniors continue to be your behind-the-scenes guardians, guarding the human race in your heart,

The Ancient World and the Great Sect of the Holy Land continue to inherit the cultivation method of the fourth-level secret realm, controlling and maintaining the existing system and order.

The rest is left to the people to choose. Whether they choose the basic rule practice method and everyone is equal, or choose the fourth-level secret realm practice method and accept the existing system and order, we will not interfere. "

Chen Nuo's voice was very soft, but what he said made the face of Shengzhu Daneng present gloomy, and Gai Jiuyou smiled wryly.

If people were really willing to let people make their own choices, then they wouldn't gather together, and Gai Jiuyou wouldn't chat with Chen Nuo.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that I have a dream proposed by Chen Nuo, and more people will be willing to accept the human rights equality system proposed.

Or it can be said that the existing top-level ancient families and holy land religions, and the remaining groups, including the existing middle and lower classes, all tend to have equal human rights.

If people were allowed to make their own choices, then they would undoubtedly lose, and some of their Holy Land families would definitely fall to the top class.

Gai Jiuyou sighed deeply, and shook his head: "I don't care about this matter, you can handle it yourself."

No one can be an enemy of the whole world unless he is desperate.

Chen Nuo was on the side of hundreds of millions of people, so he was naturally in an absolute advantage.

Unless he abandons the bottom line, abandons his persistence for many years, abandons the idea of ​​protecting the human race in his heart, and uses force to suppress it, otherwise it is impossible to restrict and stop Chen Nuo from doing what he wants to do.

As for being reasonable?Is there any other reason than that I have a dream, or that human rights are equal.

Chen Nuo went to such a stop, invincible!


The faces of the several holy masters of the Zhongzhou Dynasty suddenly changed, and they shouted subconsciously.

Gai Jiuyou didn't support them, and they obviously lacked confidence when facing Chen Nuo.

"The change of times is normal. Mythology, ancient times, ancient times, and after ancient times, this universe has been changing and reincarnating. Even the supreme beings of mythology and the holy emperors of ancient times have failed to survive. How do you want to pass it on forever?

If you really want not to be eliminated and passed on forever, then you should reflect on yourself and adapt to the changes of the times. "

Gai Jiuyou waved his hand, turned and left.

He came to look for Chen Nuo because he was thinking about his old love, and it was because of the old favors from the great holy land families that he was invited, not because he really had any prejudice against Chen Nuo.

Since he couldn't convince him and Chen Nuo was unwilling to back down, there was nothing to say.

He has not had a good life for a few years, and he just wants to stand on the last shift.

Whether it is Chen Nuo or the great families of the Holy Land, in his eyes there is not much difference.

Chen Nuo, who even has the hope of becoming an emperor in this era, protecting one side, propping up the sky of the human race, and stopping the darkness and turmoil, holds more weight in his heart.

As for Chen Nuo being an outsider, there is no need to worry about it.

He is not a person of origin, and interests are the topic of adults.

Bring benefits and help the human race, that is a member of the human race, bring harm and harm the human race, that is the extraterrestrial demon.

In the original book, he walked with Ye Fan as a sick old man, and together with Ye Fan, he won the military secret.

In the first battle of Qinling, he used the word "soldier" to control the emperor's soldiers to save Ye Fan and others.

The fundamental reason is that it is possible for Ye Fan's ancient sacred body to become a great success. After his death, he can protect the human race and support the sky.

Indeed, he did the right thing and helped the right one.

"Everyone, I'll go for a stroll, you can do whatever you want."

When Gai Jiuyou left, Chen Nuo's expression changed suddenly, he stood up, greeted An Miaoyi, and also walked away from here.

Watching Chen Nuo and Gai Jiuyou leave, all the Holy Masters looked at each other with wry smiles, and finally sighed.

"Quicken up the plan."

Patriarch Ji shook his head, said something, and walked away from here.

Gai Jiuyou couldn't stop Chen Nuo from persuading him, and the group of Xiantai Erxiantai San couldn't restrain Chen Nuo.

Even the emperor soldiers were sealed by Chen Nuo,

Since restrictions cannot prevent it, it can only be adapted.

It's just that, the future power and transcendent status may be gone forever.

Chen Nuo took An Miaoyi away from the central area of ​​the Yaochi Festival, and came to a remote corner, where Gai Jiuyou was already waiting.

"I don't know what else Senior wants to do with me."

Chen Nuo looked at Gai Jiuyou suspiciously.

Just now when Gai Jiuyou left, he left a message and signaled to come out to chat.

As for what to talk about, he didn't know.

(End of this chapter)

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