Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 283 I'm Just a Sower

Chapter 283 I'm Just a Sower

"This is Zhongzhou's "Taihuang Sutra". I heard that you are collecting these training scriptures."

Gai Jiuyou didn't talk nonsense, and simply took out a jade slip of information and handed it to Chen Nuo.


Chen Nuo looked at the jade slip of information that Gai Jiuyou handed over, feeling speechless.

what's going on.

Could it be that Mr. Chen really has a charismatic personality, so handsome that he explodes, so handsome that he is scumbag, male and female, suitable for all ages?

Not only the beauties like An Miaoyi, but also a group of goddesses and saintesses who called "Mr." and put them on their bodies, almost calling them to have children together.

Even Gai Jiuyou, one of the most amazing people in the world, who has walked out of his own way at the peak of Emperor Zhun, was also succumbed to his own personality charm in his heart?

Don't be so exaggerated, such a simple customs clearance will lack a lot of fun and reduce a lot of sense of accomplishment in life.

"Thank you senior."

Chen Nuo didn't reach out to take it, but frowned and asked, "I don't know if Senior wants me to do anything?"

If he had just come to Beidou, he would have been happy to get the "Tai Huang Jing" so easily.

But now he has roughly figured out the aura circulation of the Shrouding Universe, and he just needs to walk along the ancient starry sky road and do some on-the-spot investigation.

It is good to have the "Tai Huang Jing", but it is no longer a gift in a timely manner, but just icing on the cake.

It is impossible for Gai Jiuyou to give out the "Taihuang Sutra" for free. For a practice scripture that is icing on the cake, if you ask too much, then it is unnecessary.

"Tell me your purpose."

Gai Jiuyou repeated the question just now, his eyes flickered, and his cloudy eyes instantly regained clarity, and he looked closely at Chen Nuo.

"I have a dream, equal human rights."

Chen Nuo spread his hands, his expression unchanged.

"However, what you have done in the past few years does not seem to be for this purpose."

Gai Jiuyou said with a serious expression: "You want to reform, you want to establish a system of equal human rights, this is not a problem that can be solved by force.

The basic rule-based cultivation method you promote is not just a public practice method. The peculiar rule system above is difficult to develop without a perfect system education.

You want reform, you want to implement the basic rule practice method, and you want to establish a system of equal human rights.

It is necessary to cultivate talents in the basic rule system, and to cultivate talents in new systems and new concepts.

They will go to various parts of Beidou like seeds one by one, and spread to all planets in the universe. Only then can we truly implement the basic cultivation method and establish a system of equal human rights.

To put it simply, you not only need to teach the Dharma, but also preach the teachings, otherwise the so-called reforms are nothing but talk in the mirror.

I don't see traces of teaching the Fa seriously and patiently in you! "

Gai Jiuyou stared at Chen Nuo and told each sentence. Every time he said a sentence, his aura increased. The strong aura wanted to oppress Chen Nuo, trying to see the flaws.

The essence of reform is the change of people's hearts, and it has never been determined by force.

Pure force, ignorance of ideological education, lack of a sound education and training system, education and publicity system, is nothing but martial arts.

Wu Fu is impossible to establish a social system.

The sickle and hammer of the main world, from entering the hearts of hundreds of millions of civilians to establishing a perfect system and a perfect organization, in addition to the system concept and style, it is also inseparable from the education and propaganda system of the party committee and political commissar.

Without this, ideas cannot be publicized, policies cannot be disseminated, and government orders cannot be implemented, then there will be no follow-up countries at all.

Force is just a means, and the real solution to the problem depends on thought.

Only when the hearts of the people recognize it and accept the change in their hearts can real reform be realized.

Gai Jiuyou understood this, so he doubted Chen Nuo's purpose.

The slogan is so loud, I have a dream to establish a social system with equal human rights, but the actual actions are nothing but fish every day.

How can this kind of contradictory behavior not make people suspicious.

"When the seeds are sown, someone will naturally fertilize them. I am the sower, not the planter."

Chen Nuo shook his head.

This time, he didn't have to spend nine years farming, training students, and developing the general trend bit by bit like in the World of Sword Dominance this time.

There is no need to hide for a hundred years like Journey to the West, study the mysteries of the world to create a nuclear deterrent, and then use the general trend of the world to reverse it.

Here is the existence of modern civilization on the earth, he can be lazy.

The seeds are sown, and when the earth's civilization develops and rises, billions of talents plus battleships are the perfect weapon for reform.

Anyway, the source power reward is the result theory, not the process theory, he sows the seeds, and he promotes the development and rise of the earth civilization, so the source power will not be less.

"Someone came to fertilize."

Gai Jiuyou narrowed his eyes, looked at Chen Nuo and said, "People from outside the territory?"

"People of this world."

Chen Nuo answered very simply.

He probably guessed Gai Jiuyou's attitude. If there is no exception, the guardian of the human race is fine.

The atmosphere fell into silence, and Gai Jiuyou looked closely at Chen Nuo. After a long time, he reached out and handed the "Tai Huang Jing" to Chen Nuo again.

"Take it, I don't need your help to do anything, I hope you remember what you said today."

Gai Jiuyou didn't see the limit of Chen Nuo's guilty conscience and lied. After thinking for a long time, he chose to believe it.

One is that during Chen Nuo's time at Big Dipper, although his behavior was salty, some details, especially his attitude towards ordinary people, were indeed as he said.

The second is that the road to immortality is opened in this era, and dark turmoil will inevitably occur. He doesn't know if he can live until then. The human race needs a guardian, and the human race needs a great emperor as a protective umbrella to hold up the sky.

At this stage, Chen Nuo is the only one who has shown this potential and strength.

He had no choice but to believe.

"I want to know some information about the ancient road in the starry sky. I wonder if the seniors can provide it."

Chen Nuo took the jade slip that Gai Jiuyou handed over. He could see Gai Jiuyou's purpose and thoughts, so he was not polite.

The more information on the ancient starry sky road, the better. Although Miaoyuan has collected a lot of information in this regard, after all, Miaoyuan did not have a great emperor, or even a quasi-emperor. The gold content of this information is not high.

As for the dark turmoil, even if Gai Jiuyou didn't say anything, he would not stand by and watch.

Those supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life want him to die the most, so there is nothing to say about treating the enemy like this.

There are still hundreds or even hundreds of years before the darkness and turmoil, when the modern technological civilization of the earth has already developed, he doesn't mind giving these supreme beings a taste of the technological power of the basic rule system.

The battleship group VS the supreme of darkness and turmoil, this sounds quite interesting.

It's time for this group of people who are blind to the basic rule system to see the real power of science and technology.

"Are you going to the Starry Sky Ancient Road?"

Gai Jiuyou was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded: "Indeed, you should go to the ancient starry sky road to hone your skills. If you can fight all the way to the end of the ancient starry sky road, you have a great hope of becoming an emperor in the future."

Saying that, Gai Jiuyou didn't hesitate, and with a move of his mind, he copied all the information he knew about the ancient starry sky road to Chen Nuo.

This piece of information is more complete than that of Miaoyu Temple, and involves more secrets of the ancient starry sky road.

When he was young, he was invincible all over the world, so he naturally walked the ancient road of starry sky.

Not only him, many arrogances of the Big Dipper ancient star have walked through the ancient starry sky road, and many of those five-color altars were established by the Big Dipper human race.

"My path is different from yours. I am not going to fight, I am going to study."

Chen Nuo shook his head with a chuckle: "The universe in the future is not just about the power of cultivation. I don't think seniors need to worry too much about the darkness and turmoil."

 I originally planned to update 4th today, but suddenly there was a meeting after lunch, so I can only update [-]rd, and I still owe two chapters.
(End of this chapter)

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