Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 284 Leaving the Big Dipper

Chapter 284 Leaving the Big Dipper

In the future, there will be more than just the power of cultivation, or in other words, the mainstream of the future world will not only be the spiritual law system, but also the basic rule system.

Whether it is cultivation or technology, the essence is to understand and study the rules, master the power of using the rules, and finally create your own rules.

Cultivation refers to this peak level as enlightenment, and sublimates one's own Tao into the world, and even emerges independently.

Science and technology call this peak level rule technology, master the rules of the universe, change and create the rules you want, and even create the universe independently.

Different paths lead to the same goal, both are the use of rules, there is no essential distinction between superior and inferior, whoever masters the rules better will be more powerful.

The aura is fading.

Even if Zhetian has a perfect aura circulation system, the layout of the universe and planets reduces internal friction, and Zhetian practitioners can manually convert aura, but this can only reduce the consumption speed and cannot solve the essential problem.

There is no [-]% energy efficiency, and if the reversal converts a piece of aura, it will definitely consume the energy of the excess aura. This is a law that the whole world obeys!
As a closed system, the increase of macroscopic entropy is an irreversible process. If there is no supplement of external energy, the aura will definitely decay over time.

The spiritual energy has been declining again and again, the power of the spiritual energy law is declining, and it has become less active, and it has become more and more difficult for the practitioners to cultivate and understand.

At this time, the power of the basic rule system erupts, and it can definitely beat the practitioners of the aura rule system into oblivion.

Of course, the constant heat death of the universe, after tens of billions of years, the decay of matter and energy becomes inactive and difficult to be utilized.

At that time, the basic rule system will gradually come to an end, so don't let it be done by the new power system.

If you are not detached and completely independent of the world, then you must listen to the words of the father of the world, follow the changes of the world to adapt to the environment, and not delusional to change the environment.

Gai Jiuyou didn't know what Chen Nuo said about the universe not only the power of cultivation, but also the other powers, but since he chose to believe it, he wouldn't hesitate.

A few days later, the Fairyland Fair ended.

Because Ye Fan didn't go to gamble on stones, and Chen Nuo shot down the 9 great sages of the ancient tribe and completely reversed the momentum of the birth of the ancient tribe, the emperor who was sealed in Shenyuan was not born.

After the event, Chen Nuo and An Miaoyi were ready to leave, officially embarking on the journey of the ancient starry sky.


Before leaving the Yaochi Grand Meeting, a shout suddenly came from behind.

The Queen Mother of Yaochi West, with a graceful figure and noble and elegant temperament, walked towards him.

"Something happened."

Chen Nuo asked curiously.

"I heard that Mister is going to the Starry Sky Ancient Road, this is the information we have learned about the Starry Sky Ancient Road in Yaochi Holy Land over the years.

It may not be as comprehensive as the information that senior Ge knows, but there are some unique information that Mr. Ge should be able to use. "

The Queen Mother of the West reached out and took out two information jade slips, looked at Chen Nuo with a smile on her face and said, "The other one is "The Western Emperor's Classic". I was looking for some top-level ancient scriptures before, and I hope this can help you."

Information on the Starry Sky Ancient Road and the "Xihuangjing".

Chen Nuo looked at the smiling Queen Mother Xi with a slightly surprised expression.

In the past, it was necessary to attack the Holy Land of Fluctuation in order to obtain the practice method, but now it is handed over to the door?
"The queen mother is too polite, isn't there something that Chen needs to do?"

Chen Nuo did not take the jade slip of information, and asked about the Queen Mother's purpose.

There is nothing to be courteous, and it is either a traitor or a thief.

He is not familiar with Yaochi Holy Land, nor has he known Queen Mother West of Yaochi for too long.

In this way, the Queen Mother of the West suddenly brought out the information of the ancient starry sky road and the "Xi Huang Jing", and the situation is a bit wrong.

Could it be that Chen is so handsome?
"The road to immortality is opened in this era. Mr. is currently the most hopeful person in the human race to become an emperor. I only hope that in the dark turmoil in the future, Mr. can stand up for the common people."

The Queen Mother of the West said with a serious expression, and snapped a high common people's hat on Chen Nuo's head.


The corner of his mouth twitched, Chen Nuo was speechless.

Are you all stealing my tongue, I used the hat of common people to cover you, and now you cover it back.

"There is no need for the queen mother to say more about this. Chen will stop the dark turmoil."

Chen Nuo reached out to take the jade slip of information, and smiled lightly: "There is a technology called Electromagnetic Mass Cannon in the basic rule training method, which is a skill that can superimpose power infinitely as long as it has energy, and there is also a device that blocks time and space .

If the queen mother is really worried about the dark turmoil and the sentient beings of the Big Dipper, then a defense system with electromagnetic guns as the core can be established on the Big Dipper.

As long as the electromagnetic cannon's attack strength and quantity are sufficient, and as long as the space-time device can block the space jump, this will definitely make the dark and turbulent Supreme Rat Rats dare not do anything to Beidou. "

The queen mother's expression froze, she didn't expect that just as she had used common people's words to persuade Chen Nuo, Chen Nuo would go along with the flow and turn against the general, and she was not humble at all.

Pensive man!
Seeing Chen Nuo with a smile on his face, the Queen Mother couldn't help but cursed in her heart.

"What Mr. said is very true. We will consider such a plan."

She was slandering in her heart, but on the surface the queen mother bowed meekly, which gave Chen Nuo enough face.


"Big brother, big brother!"

Before Chen Nuo could continue molesting the beauty, a few shouts came from inside, and the little girl happily broke away from Ye Fan's hand and ran towards Chen Nuo.

"Oh, our little girl has become heavier and fatter."

Picking it up casually, Chen Nuo pinched the little girl's nose and said with a smile.

"No, the little girl didn't gain weight."

Shaking her head and shaking off Chen Nuo's hand, the little girl hugged Chen Nuo's neck very affectionately, and shouted reluctantly, "Big brother is leaving?"

"Well, big brother will be away for a while."

Chen Nuo nodded with a smile.

It has to be said that it is indeed a very good experience that the ruthless emperor Daoguo is transformed into a ruthless little girl who is so close to him.

"Big brother, pay attention to safety. When you come back, bring candies to the little girl, okay?"

The little girl wrapped her arms around Chen Nuo's neck, and her voice was sweet and childish.

As the incarnation of the Great Emperor Daoguo, she can sense the kindness and malice of others. Chen Nuo is a person who treats her very well, which is why she is willing to get close.

"it is good."

Chen Nuo rubbed the little girl's head, reached out and handed her back to Ye Fan, looked at the future Ye Pao and said: .

"Cultivate hard, master the decay of matter as soon as possible, don't even make the candy that the little girl wants to eat, if this continues, just bring the little girl to me."

As Chen Nuo said, he snapped his fingers casually, the air surged, and the transformation of matter produced a large bag of candies of various flavors.

Candy is just a kind of material compound. To make these things, to him who has mastered the decay of matter and can decay and transform at will to make matter, it is simply a trivial matter.

Ye Fan was embarrassed by Chen Nuo's expression. He was already practicing seriously, but the environment of Big Dipper was not suitable for studying the basic rules of cultivation.

If it were a modern technological earth with scientific thinking and research on the basic rule system, I am afraid that the progress of cultivation would be faster.

He is already thinking of a way to see if he can go back, his parents are still there, and the little girl can receive a better education on Earth.

"Sir, I will work hard and try to cultivate to the decay of matter as soon as possible."

Seeing the happy look of the little girl carrying a big bag of candies, Ye Fan gritted his teeth and nodded.

The decay of matter is almost equivalent to the Four Sages of Sendai in the Shading System. It is not so easy to practice, but for the sake of the little girl, you have to work harder and harder.

"Be ambitious and work hard. If I haven't practiced enough to master the decay of matter when I come back, I will personally assign you homework and supervise your studies."

Chen Nuo praised and patted Ye Fan's shoulder to encourage him.

Hearing Chen Nuo's words, Ye Fan's expression changed involuntarily.

Do you assign homework to supervise learning?This will kill people, okay!

He probably understood the intensity of the study plan arranged by Chen Nuo.

Seeing that An Miaoyi who was following Chen Nuo looked sleepy and her eyes were sleepy, she knew in her heart what kind of homework it would be.

"Old Ancestor, why don't you leave him to negotiate terms?"

When Chen Nuo left to enter the Starry Sky Ancient Road, not only the Queen Mother of Yaochi Holy Land, Ye Fan and others saw him off, but also the Holy Masters of all the Holy Lands came to see him off.

In the Holy Land of Yaochi, people from the Zhongzhou Dynasty and Gai Jiuyou stood on a mountain peak, watching Chen Nuo's warship turn into a stream of light and leave, the people from the Zhongzhou Dynasty suddenly asked.

To keep him is obviously to keep Chen Nuo.

Even if Gai Jiuyou is already old, the strength of the top quasi-emperor is definitely the top level of the universe.

Originally, in the eyes of the Zhongzhou Dynasty, including a group of holy lords, if Gai Jiuyou stepped forward, the matter would be sure.

Of course, they didn't want Chen Nuo to do anything.

The main purpose is to prevent and restrict Chen Nuo, slow down the progress of reform, so that they can have more time to adapt, and finally ensure the establishment of a new era system, which can also take advantage of the trend to become the new top class.

Who would have thought that Gai Jiuyou would have exposed this matter so easily when they met, not only allowing Chen Nuo to do things, but also supporting him instead.

"I can't keep him."

Gai Jiuyou shook his head and sighed.

The practitioner's telepathy is very powerful.

He once had the idea of ​​using force to reason, but he consciously told him that Chen Nuo was really going to leave, and he couldn't keep it.

In the end, he could only choose to hide from both sides.

But it was obvious that his mouth-dunning ability was several levels behind Chen Nuo's.

"What! Can't you keep it?"

The people of Zhongzhou Dynasty suddenly felt an explosion in their heads.

Gai Jiuyou, the quasi-emperor, couldn't keep Chen Nuo.
Does this mean that Chen Nuo's strength has reached the quasi-emperor level?
Or does it mean that the basic rule practice method has magical abilities?

Several people wrote their thoughts on their faces, and looked at Gai Jiuyou suspiciously.

Gai Jiuyou shook his head.

"It is very likely that Chen Nuo's strength is more than that of the top-level Great Sage. This era is destined to be his era."

Because of the different systems, if the two sides check each other, they will be caught blind, and it is difficult to find out the hidden strength.

Even Chen Nuo's understanding of the Zhetian system is deeper than that of Gai Jiuyou and others' understanding of the basic rule system.

After all, he has obtained many top-level cultivation methods of the Zhetian system, and there is a crocodile beside him, oh no, there is an An Miaoyi for actual research and understanding.

In this way, it is impossible for him to have a deep understanding of the Zhetian system.

Unable to understand the actual situation of Chen Nuo, everyone in Zhe Tian thought that Chen Nuo was only less than a hundred years old.

A top sage who is less than a hundred years old, oh no, stronger than the top sage, may have entered the quasi-emperor level.

This is the main reason why Gai Jiuyou immediately changed his mind and supported Chen Nuo after he sensed this situation and failed to escape with his mouth.

Emperor Zhun, who is less than a hundred years old, is still a big-minded emperor who discloses his practice methods to all living beings free of charge, discloses his way of practice to the world, and shouts that I have a dream to create a system of equal human rights.

Such a person, even if the emperor is alive, he would not dare to underestimate him.

This era is almost destined to be Chen Nuo's era, and everyone must live under his shadow.

 Sorry, I was dizzy after eating late at night and drinking alcohol. There is only one chapter left. Mantis will make it up tomorrow after he wakes up (ó﹏ò)
(End of this chapter)

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