Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 285 The Undead Taoist's Scheme

Chapter 285 The Undead Taoist's Scheme


When the battleship Chen Nuo lifted off and headed for the ancient road to the starry sky, a Taoist suddenly appeared on the holy cliff of the Big Dipper, looking at the sky with a flickering expression.

This is the Immortal Taoist, the "Body of Faith" formed by the belief of the Immortal Emperor in the ancient times. Although it is an incarnation, its strength is lower than that of any supreme being in the restricted area of ​​life.

"Basic rule practice method."

The Undead Taoist closed his eyes, and the entire content of the basic rule practice method emerged in his mind. He was deducing the basic rule practice method.

Although the specific mysteries of the basic rules cannot be understood for a while, the general framework system can still be understood with strong thinking.

As time went by, the undead Taoist's face became more and more ugly, and finally opened his eyes and cursed: "Bastard!"

This basic rule practice method is poisonous, oh no, even if the basic rule practitioner masters the Great Unity and reaches the level of the Great Emperor, or even surpasses the Great Unity level, this is not in line with the four-pole secret realm practice method that shrouds the sky.

This means that even if one obtains the blood essence of a top master of the basic rules, it will not be able to prolong the energy used to make up for the loss.

This is undoubtedly a big bad news for the undead Taoist.

The cultivation system that covers the sky and even the Immortal Realm, this is the combination of the law of spiritual energy and the basic rules, absorbing energy is not rejected, and the attack is pure spiritual energy.

The two systems are innately contradictory and conflicting. Even if it is a creature in the fairyland, it will not be able to live forever if it has not become a fairy.

However, as a five-colored fairy phoenix in the Immortal Realm, the Immortal Emperor has a terrifying talent, that is, the Nirvana of the Phoenix, which can continue to survive after turning death into life.

However, any talent needs conditions, and the more defiant the talent is, the more difficult it is to display.

The Nirvana of the Immortal Emperor does not mean that he will be Nirvana if he wants to Nirvana, he needs to bathe in the emperor's blood that contains the surging spiritual energy to achieve Nirvana.

The blood of the Great Emperor, Ancient Emperor, Heavenly Venerable, and other cosmic extremes can allow the Immortal Emperor to bathe in Nirvana and continue to prolong his life.

In the ancient times, the Immortal Emperor had assassinated the Taihuang of the human race in his later years, and had also shot against the Dou Zhan Shenghuang.

Later, as the years passed, every few hundred thousand years, he would attack the emperor, hunting and obtaining the nirvana of the emperor's blood.

For several epochs, except for a stumble in the hands of the Wushi Great Emperor, the Immortal Emperor danced happily, and he has not died since the mythical era.

However, Chen Nuo, who suddenly appeared in this era, and the basic rule cultivation method that suddenly appeared, gave him a blow in the head.

The blood essence cultivated by this thing is useless to him!
What he wants is the blood of extreme masters, and the principles of spiritual energy in the blood of these extreme masters, but this is the basic rule, a completely different system.

Even if the blood of practitioners who have mastered the Great Unity and reached the level of the Great Emperor gathers into an ocean, it will be useless to the Immortal Emperor, and there may even be conflicts.

This is like drinking water when you are thirsty, but you are given a glass of thick sea water. If you drink it, let alone quench your thirst, it will be a fortune teller if you don't speed up dehydration and die.


The Undead Taoist cursed fiercely, his expression gloomy and uncertain.

Chen Nuo's cultivation method based on the basic rules is going to destroy his job and starve him to death.

Originally, it was discovered that Chen Nuo made public his cultivation method, thus creating a new flourishing world of cultivation, there would definitely be more extreme masters, and he could eat his fill, but who would have thought that he would be cut off from his roots.

If the education of the basic rules is really popularized, everyone will practice the basic rules, and no one will practice the four-pole secret realm cultivation method. It will be impossible for him to obtain the blood of the emperor again. After the nirvana period passes this time, he will have to wait for death .

"It must be stopped."

"That Chen Nuo is at least a top-notch great sage. His deity is in Nirvana, and the main body of his avatar was suppressed by Wushi Laoer with the list of gods. My escaping spiritual thought used to be to deliver food."

The expression of the immortal Taoist changed.

He still has self-knowledge. After the immortal emperor Nirvana, the main body is suppressed, and even a trace of his divine sense is not enough for Chen Nuo to slap.

"The basic rule cultivation method has already spread, and killing Chen Nuo can no longer stop the spread of the basic rule cultivation method.

This is a practice reform. Since it is a reform, the massacre of the initiators of the reform is not the most important thing. It is fundamental to prevent the spread of ideas and practice methods.

A system with completely different basic rules requires the establishment of a new education system and system from scratch, but it seems that Chen Nuo has no intention of this.

Could it be that behind Chen Nuo, there is also the power of other basic rule systems hidden? "

Taoist Undead thought carefully for a while, then looked back at the big golden list in the center of the holy cliff, his expression flashed a little tangled.

Although it is a trace of divine sense, its quality is indeed at the level of a great emperor, and it fits the universe. It is still possible to search for the power of other rule systems hidden behind Chen Nuo.

It's just that in this way, the suppressed Conferred Gods list left by Emperor Wushi felt his escaping incarnation of divine sense, and would definitely burst out with power to kill this incarnation of divine will.

It took 10 years to slowly seep out a sliver of divine sense, and he would be killed if he hadn't had a good dance. This is too embarrassing.

"Procrastinate for some time for the deity"

The undead Taoist muttered something, and closed his eyes again.

He was sealed and suppressed by Emperor Wushi, and he still doesn't know the current situation of the Immortal Emperor. However, the principle of the deity's interests first prompted him to decide to find the reform force hidden behind Chen Nuo, set up obstacles or even kill him, and fight for the Immortal Emperor. more time.

Waves of spiritual energy surged, a powerful aura erupted from the undead Taoist, and the quality of the divine sense comparable to the level of the extreme master Half Emperor instantly fit into the universe.

After the undead Taoist made his move, the golden board in the center of the holy cliff shook a few times as if sensing something, and the bright golden light hit the undead Taoist.

In the ancient restricted zone, the ruthless man who was undergoing transformation opened his eyes, his vision seemed to penetrate the space, and the figure of an undead Taoist appeared in front of him.

"found it!"

A large amount of information is flickering. Through the information traces of the basic rules and the traces of the breath of life, the undead Taoist complies with the aura law of the universe, and found that strange fluctuation in the vast universe.

A decaying ancient star.

For extreme masters who have been able to fit into the universe, it will take a lot of effort to find ordinary planets, or to find other cultivation planets.

But looking for a place like the earth that plays with the basic rule system and has a lot of life forms, this is a unique place in the whole universe, so it should be as conspicuous as possible.

"Similar to a technological planet in the Eternal Kingdom, since this is the case."

The mighty power of the list of gods left by Emperor Wu Shi was already erupting, and the immortal Taoist quickly sent out a spiritual message, and the golden brilliance of the list of gods erupted immediately engulfed him.

The spiritual energy rioted, countless Dao patterns rose from the holy cliff, and the terrifying suppressive force was shrinking.

This is the imperial formation left by Emperor Wushi to seal and suppress the undead Taoists.

A trace of spiritual incarnation escaped from the undead Taoist suddenly revealed its breath, activating the list of gods at the core of the imperial formation, and its power exploded, annihilating this trace of spiritual incarnation and gathering it again, avoiding the occurrence of spiritual escape again.

A few seconds later, the golden brilliance disappeared, the dao pattern retreated, and the original incarnation of the immortal Taoist spirit has completely disappeared.

In the distant Eternal Kingdom, the Celestial Feather Xinghai raiding group of the Tiantian family, the Shimo Xinghai raiding group of the Mo family, including the Cao family, the Zhao family, and the human-trafficking Lantuo family, and other patriarchs suddenly had a heartbeat and a whim in their hearts.

Practitioners telepathy—a great opportunity appears! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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