Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 286 Chen Nuo: You Missed Your Homework

Chapter 286 Chen Nuo: You Missed Your Homework

On an extinct planet in the Starry Sky Ancient Road, Chen Nuo walked on the desolate land with his assistant An Miaoyi.

It has been several years since the two of them entered the Ancient Starry Sky Road. As for Crocodile Zu, he was lost by Chen Nuo.

With a beautiful assistant, the crocodile has been despised.

Suddenly, the mud splashed in front of him, and a bone creature flew out of the ground. The bone blade in his hand shone brightly, and slashed at Chen Nuo fiercely.

Before the attack was approaching, Chen Nuo waved his hand, and the space-time distortion buzzed at the spiritual level. The bone creature was immediately crushed by time and space, leaving a pile of bones tumbling and gathering, as if to re-condense.

Chen Nuo threw out a punch casually, and his martial arts will erupted, instantly obliterating the mental imprint of this bone creature.

In just an instant, a bone-dead spirit at the level of a great sage hit GG.

"Miaoyi, why don't you pick up a few pieces and go back to make bone soup?"

Chen Nuo kicked the bones that had been wiped out and completely shattered into a pile of bones, and turned to suggest to An Miaoyi.

Not to mention, the bones of the dead spirits at the level of the Great Saint contain a huge amount of aura essence in their bones. If there are practitioners of the four extreme secret realms, this is equivalent to a treasure.

Pick up a few bones and go back to make soup, and cooperate with the special method to absorb the evolution of the spiritual energy contained in it. Not only will you strengthen your body, but you may even improve your cultivation.

The sky-shattering four-pole secret realm cultivation method, or any cultivation method based on the spiritual law system, has an enviable place, that is, eating can improve one's cultivation.

Eat treasures of heaven and earth, eat innate spiritual fruits, eat magical beasts and birds, eat items that contain principles, even eat the essence and blood of ordinary creatures, eat girls, eat handsome men, and so on.

In short, with the corresponding method, eating can improve cultivation, eating can evolve and transform, and eating can gain strength.

Compared with the basic rule practice method that requires hard study and study, and masters the deeper mysteries of the basic rules, the practice method of the aura development system is simply amazing.

Chen Nuo even suspected that if the aura laws of all the heavens and worlds were interlinked, then he would switch to the aura laws. With his handsome and handsome image, he might be able to lie down and detach himself.

In ancient times, there was a day of the Yellow Emperor, oh no, the royal daughter flew up three thousand times, and from now on, someone Chen would sit and watch the ball with detachment.

"No, this is disgusting."

Following Chen Nuo's side, the beautiful and outrageous An Miaoyi just recovered from the shock of Chen Nuo instantly killing a skeletal undead at the level of a great sage, and hurriedly shook her head when she heard this.

She has switched to the basic rule cultivation method, and eating can no longer increase her cultivation, let alone the bones from who knows how many years ago.

"Don't forget that, let it return to heaven and earth."

With a thought in Chen Nuo's mind, the temperature control exploded, and the white bones on the ground burst into a dazzling red light, turning into ashes and dissipating in an instant.

With billions of high temperatures that can play with the demon emperor's holy soldiers like children, it is not too easy to burn these bones.

The bones were turned into ashes, and the surging aura energy was released in this space. This is the aura contained in the body of the bones, which dissipated and released as the bones turned into ashes.

Chen Nuo killed the skeleton undead at the level of the great sage, and instead of moving forward, he carefully observed the surrounding environment.

"Sir, there are no living beings on this planet, why don't we go to the next stop?"

Seeing this scene behind him, An Miaoyi couldn't help asking curiously.

She knew what Chen Nuo wanted to study when he entered the ancient starry sky road, but there was no living planet, so there was nothing to study.

"That's what we're working on."

Chen Nuo didn't explain too much, let go of his spiritual power, and carefully sensed this planet on the ancient road in the starry sky.

Well, this is also an abnormal super planet. Although its mass is not as good as the ancient Big Dipper of Zundi, it is more than ten times larger than the sun.

The surrounding time and space are covered with dao pattern formations, and the law of aura counteracts the gravitational force, which prevents this planet from collapsing due to its huge mass.

Under Chen Nuo's telepathy, the obscure dragon vein breath that was originally sensed on the earth is very clear here.

In terms of understanding of dragon veins, if Chen Nuo is ranked second in Shrouding World, no one would dare to claim first.

Whether it's kendo dominating the world or Journey to the West, in addition to creating a general trend of reform, he relied on his understanding of the mysteries of the world, the understanding of the dragon veins of the world, and the understanding of the energy cycle of spiritual energy, and finally created the overall situation of the world and completed the world reform. .

The fluctuations of the dragon veins extend from this planet in three directions, one of which is the direction it came from, and the other two are other planets connected by the ancient road in the starry sky.

The aura energy circulates back and forth along the fluctuation of the dragon vein.

"The environment of the dead spirits on this planet is not acquired."

Chen Nuo's mind flooded with a lot of information. After a long time, he looked at this barren planet of dead spirits and shook his head.

Telepathy, there are a lot of undead sleeping underground on this planet, among which there are not a few planets with strength above the Sendai realm.

These undead have human races, animals, and ancient races, etc. They have all become undead, and the one that just emerged is one of them.


Beside, An Miaoyi looked surprised, and said in disbelief: "There is death here, isn't it the aftermath of the battle of the top powerhouse that wiped out all life on this planet and turned it into a dead spirit?"

"It wasn't caused by a great war. If it was really caused by a great war, it would be impossible to only change the aura environment without destroying the planetary structure and terrain.

This is the evolution of the world, and as the evolution progresses, the planet changes from a living environment to a deadly undead environment. "

Chen Nuo sighed, the aura circulates, it doesn't mean that it is enough to build a channel to let the aura circulate.

The aura cycle of the world is similar to a complete natural ecological cycle.

For example, the water vapor in the ocean transpires, and the water vapor is blown into the land and condenses into clouds in the air. The clouds turn into raindrops and fall, and the falling rainwater turns into surface runoff and groundwater, and finally flows back into the ocean again.

This is a relatively complete cycle, in which life inhabits and breeds.

The Reiki cycle is also similar to this.

Dead Qi, Yang Qi, Essence Qi, Five Elements Reiki, Blood Qi, etc. are all types of Reiki energy, similar to the relationship between ice, water vapor, frost, dew, snow, rime, etc. and water.

These auras of various attributes are constantly changing and changing in the flow, and finally build a complete aura ecology.

According to Chen Nuo's observations and calculations, the aura environment of this planet changed millions of years ago with the evolution of the world.

From an aura environment similar to that of the Big Dipper, it has evolved into a world of dead spirits, where the life in it dies and turns into undead in a short period of time.

If I had to use one word to describe it, it would be revival.

In a few hundred thousand years, this planet will change again from the dead air environment, the dead air will dissipate, and the aura will recover again.

At that time, the sleeping dead spirits here will all have to "die" again unless they have reached the realm of the Four Saints of Sendai.

Compared with the changes in the world environment, ordinary life is still too small.

The ancient starry sky road is a road for the strong, a road for cultivating the laws of aura, but on this prosperous surface, it is also filled with the lamentations of countless ordinary beings.

"Let's go, let's go to the next stop, there's nothing to see here."

Chen Nuo studied it carefully for a while, recorded the information here, and called An Miaoyi to the five-color altar on this planet.

"Sir, what are you doing researching?"

"It's useful. Isn't Mister handsome when he's researching? You actually pay attention to the content of your research, not how handsome you are."

Chen Nuo was very narcissistic.


The corner of An Miaoyi's mouth twitched, and she said speechlessly, "Sir, you are handsome or not. Miaoyi didn't see it. It's true that you have a thick skin."

"You actually still have the time and energy to slander Mr. It seems that the homework is quite easy."

Chen Nuo calmly took out a jade slip of information, looked at An Miaoyi's terrified eyes, and said earnestly, "Work hard, and try to catch up with Mr.


"Sir, don't, I can't do it, please forgive Miaoyi"

An Miaoyi swallowed hard and wanted to withdraw her hand, but Chen Nuo still put it in her palm seriously.

"try hard."

Chen Nuo encouraged again, suddenly frowned, and looked at the space.

Aura energy fluctuates, time and space are distorted.

Stargates opened one after another in outer space, and battleships shuttled out, and then the second stargate opened, and the battleships flew in, and finally disappeared into the starry sky in a burst of space-time fluctuations.

"Sir, what happened here? The Eternal Kingdom actually dispatched such a large fleet."

Staying by Chen Nuo's side and being personally trained, An Miaoyi, who had almost mastered the decay of matter, also sensed the situation just now, and asked in surprise.

As she spoke, she took advantage of the situation and quietly threw away the jade slips that Chen Nuo assigned homework.

It has been several years since she walked the ancient road of starry sky, and she also knows a little about the situation in the eternal kingdom.

For such a large-scale collective dispatch of the fleet, at least several families in the Eternal Kingdom joined forces, and something important must have happened.

"I don't know, ignore it for now."

Chen Nuo frowned and thought for a while, but still didn't expect what happened.

The mysteries of the aura circulation in the sky-shading world, the dead air planet, the blood aura planet, etc. have already been encountered, and after a few years of research and walking, the mystery of the aura circulation here can be explored clearly.

"Let's go, if everything goes well, we will be able to go back in a few years."

Chen Nuo beckoned An Miaoyi to follow, and glanced at the jade slips on the ground.

"You lost your homework, don't forget to bring it with you."


An Miaoyi, feel wronged.

(End of this chapter)

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