Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 287 Earth Human Civilization

Chapter 287 Earth Human Civilization (Two in One)

On Earth, almost 10 years have passed since Kowloon pulled the coffin.

If you want to ask how you feel in the past 10 years?More than 80 billion people in the world can use one word to describe it, that is - dream.

However, in 10 years, human beings have not been able to get rid of the earth, and they are still dancing on the planet.

In a blink of an eye, it transforms into a super civilization that masters the decay of matter, the disintegration of matter is being studied, and the curvature super-light travel is already in the experimental stage, and it is almost about to master super-light travel and travel the universe.

The textbooks are changed almost every year, and the content has not been finished today, and the study of the technology tree left by Chen Nuo has produced new content.

If we say that China's reform and opening up took a few decades to complete the path of generations in the West.

In the end, society changed too fast, and people's ideas couldn't keep up, which formed a huge difference in ideas between the post-80s and 90s and the previous generation.

So now it will take 10 years to complete the road that human beings would have needed a hundred or even a thousand generations to complete.

Dazzling and dizzying, the latest graphene foldable mobile phone was just launched today, and everyone rushed to grab it happily. Before the next month, a holographic mobile phone with optical interference technology popped out.

It has not been a year since I bought the holographic mobile phone, and the warranty period has not yet expired, and the mobile phone controlled by nerve waves has appeared again.

A small see the big, the crazy outbreak of an industry involves the outbreak of the entire industrial system behind it.

Communications, digital coding technology, infrastructure, electronic chips, computers, etc. are all going crazy, and all walks of life in the entire society are in chaos in an instant.

There is no time to move forward slowly and steadily, the general direction is guaranteed to be stable, and everything else is trivial.

Chen Nuo used a complete technology tree as a guarantee, coupled with the evidence of the Kowloon coffin, a series of abnormal fluctuations in time and space discovered in the starry sky by the gravitational wave detection device first built by mankind, and a series of strange energy phenomena discovered by the superluminal detection module , which proved the authenticity of Chen Nuo's words.

This universe is huge, and the universe is very mysterious. Chen Nuo said that the future will be dark and revived, and the awakened power will wantonly slaughter and devour all living beings in order to survive. There is no doubt about the authenticity of it.

Chaos is better than death.

Furthermore, what is chaotic is that people's ideas cannot keep up with the development of social technology, and the impact of ideas is chaotic, not real turmoil and war.

In the era of material prosperity freed from the planet, and in the era when countries are united to deal with the dark turmoil in the future, real turmoil cannot happen.

All the turmoil is nothing more than unsatisfied needs. The basis is material needs, and the deeper level is spiritual needs.

Material needs, getting rid of planetary resources is not a problem for the time being.

Take iron and steel, the cornerstone of modern civilization, as an example. In the earth’s tens of billions of tons of iron ore, it is a super mine that exploded on the spot. But after getting rid of the planet, the starship goes to the asteroid belt to find a large iron meteorite. , the iron content is higher than that of the earth's rich ore, and the quality is easily tens of billions of tons, and the larger ones are hundreds of billions of tons.

According to the density of iron meteorites, if the mass of 5000 billion tons is converted into volume, it is only a meteorite with a diameter of [-] meters.

There are a lot of these things in the asteroid belt, and there are a lot of moons of Jupiter and Saturn when the asteroid belt is excavated.

Resources + artificial intelligence = productivity = commodity.

The material needs are solved, as for the spiritual needs?
Everyone no longer doubts the truth of the dark turmoil that Chen Nuo said. At this time, everyone is wholeheartedly preparing to fight against the doomsday. How can they still be in the mood to talk about love, talk about ideals and dreams.

Except for a very small number of idealists, the prerequisite for most groups to meet their spiritual needs is to be alive, and when material life is abundant, they will start to meet their spiritual needs.

There will be darkness and turmoil in the future, and life is already being threatened. Who would want to have a doomsday romance?
The defensive artillery in Shanghai has not yet been established.

"Old Zhang, is it true that the hackers discovered the top-secret information that aliens are going to attack us?"

Huaxing 9, one of the solar system defense and warning stations established in the outer orbit of the solar system.

Several astronauts in Huaguo were artificially simulating gravity, checking various detection parameters on a daily basis, and chatting at the same time.

"The top-secret information you mentioned is not top-secret. My daughter asked me this question yesterday."

The astronaut named Lao Zhang frowned while looking at the data detected by the tachyon superluminal detection module, while replying to his colleagues.

Today's detection data is a bit wrong, and there seems to be a problem.

As for the top-secret information that my colleagues said about aliens attacking the earth, it's top-secret information.

It is nothing more than that the above is not suitable for the official announcement of this news, then go through the Zhanhu channel, oh no, it is a hacker out of nothing, revealing part of the relevant information so that the public can have a psychological preparation in advance, so that the public understands that such an urgent development is for the future crisis.

There is a crisis on the side. If the development is too fast and the concept cannot keep up with life and cannot adapt to life, then please bear with it in your heart.

If it is going to be decades or even a hundred years later, the dark crisis has not yet come, and the public is not happy. Then they can still pin the blame on the hackers who were born out of nothing, saying that the government has never acknowledged the dark crisis. Information fabricated by hackers and unscrupulous media.

Finally, slap on the "hackers" and seriously supervise and engage in the media industry, then even if this matter has been explained to the public, it will be considered to be exposed.

Perfect, kill two birds with one stone.

The art of politics is sometimes so unadorned.

"It's true, it's just that the news says that after hundreds of years, we may not be able to live until then."

The interrogating astronaut shook his head.

Most people's eyes don't look that far, facing the doomsday, most of them look in front of them.

If the end is tomorrow, everyone will go to the supermarket now.

If the end is in a few years, everyone will slap the boss today and go on a trip tomorrow.

If the doomsday is replaced by decades, most people’s plans are not decades away, at most they will be a little nervous, but they won’t take it too seriously. Only when the wooden day approaches, will they gradually become nervous or even go crazy.

If the apocalypse is a hundred years from now, I won't be able to live until that time, people will die, and sacrifice their current quality of life for things after death, many people will not do it.

This situation is also the most important contradiction at present.

The dark turmoil is hundreds of years later. For a post-mortem crisis, civilization is gathering strength and tension. The crazy speed of development makes everyone overwhelmed, concepts cannot adapt, and life is a little chaotic.

Most people actually complain about this situation, but the free subsidy temporarily silences them.

However, as time goes by, the complaints are accumulating, and there will be an outbreak one day.

Even if the high-level alliances of various countries do not lead to wars, if the society as a whole becomes chaotic, it will slow down development or even reverse it.

The Huaxing No. 9 defense station is talking about this matter, and the earth and the multinational joint meeting are also going on.

"How to deal with the social problems caused by the current rapid development?"

"I don't think it needs to be dealt with for the time being. All citizens are subsidized. No matter how bad it is, if they don't adapt to it, it will be fine if their lives are guaranteed.

Their complaints are nothing more than the rapid development of science and technology, and their ideas and concepts are not suitable, resulting in a feeling of being abandoned by society. "

"Perhaps we can consider guiding education. The problem of resources has been temporarily solved, and the energy of the people can be adjusted to learning.

In any case, as long as there is no subversive social turmoil, our development cannot be stopped.

The abnormal space-time fluctuations detected by gravitational waves, and the abnormal energy responses detected faster than the speed of light all prove that the universe is not peaceful, and the possibility of dark turmoil that Mr. Chen mentioned is very high. "

"Guide education. How about the mass production plan of biological brain chips?"

The leader pondered for a moment and asked.

The higher the technology, the more profound the data and theories involved, and the more knowledge scientists and engineers need to master.

The fundamental reason why human civilization on Earth can digest the technology tree provided by Chen Nuo so quickly is the biological brain chip.

Cultivate civilization, the higher the level of cultivation, the stronger the individual's thinking and computing ability.

Technological civilization also has a similar technology, that is, auxiliary chips, or personal auxiliary computers.

With the assistance of bio-brain chips, scientists' thinking operations can be qualitatively improved, the original profound knowledge theory can be quickly understood, the memory is almost unforgettable, and the research progress can be faster.

If there is no biological brain chip, the technology tree will become larger and larger with the development of civilization, and the huge knowledge may not be completed in a lifetime, let alone go further on the basis.

People's ideas can't adapt to the development of the times, then give a biological brain chip, learning ability leverage, and quickly follow the development of the times.

This can not only solve some social contradictions, but also unearth potential scientists.

"This technology is too complicated. The technology tree provided by Mr. Chen is not yet a mature product. The good product rate we produce is less than one in ten million. It needs to be improved slowly, and mass production cannot be achieved in a short time."

The person in charge shook his head and smiled wryly.

Biological brain chip, just a word of brain, then you can understand how complicated the technology involved is.

This technology comes from the earth, and the technology on the other side of the earth has just begun, and it is not yet a fully mature technology, and the yield rate of production is too low.

At present, there are only a few hundred biological brain chips produced by human civilization, all of which are handed over to top scientists and engineers in various industries, but behind these hundreds of brain chips are billions of failed products.

"Speed ​​up the research and improvement in this area, this is the foundation for the real take-off of civilization."

The leader sighed. As one of the leaders of civilization, there is no need to doubt his vision.

If the technology tree given by Chen Nuo is equivalent to fish, then this bio-brain chip is equivalent to fish.

As a scientific and technological civilization, people's thinking and intelligence are fundamental.

As long as the biological brain chip is popularized, the per capita intelligence, research ability, and development ability of human beings will be greatly improved, and human beings can truly leap from an ordinary technological civilization to a super technological civilization.

"Everyone pays close attention to the stability of the society. If the backlog of emotions is too high, then find an external conflict to vent the emotions.

We must not let social problems affect our digestion of the technology tree provided by Mr. Chen and the improvement of civilization's technological strength. "

Everyone was silent for a while, and the leader set the tone seriously.

In any case, the current stage is to digest the technology tree, research and improve the technological strength of civilization, so as to deal with possible crises in the future.

"Yes, leader."

"We will pay attention to related issues, and we will definitely not mess up."

Boom boom boom!
Several department personnel in the conference room stood up and saluted and promised. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

With a click, the guard opened the closed door of the meeting room, and an assistant walked in quickly with a document and a USB flash drive.

"Leader, the solar system defense warning station has discovered a superluminal alien fleet, the direction is obvious, it is our earth!"

The leaders and other people present all showed shock. Just as they said to find an external conflict to ease the social mood, the aliens came?

"Look at the situation, and invite a few other academicians to come over."

The leader took a look at the report and analyzed the data professionally.

He couldn't understand such a professional thing, so he quickly signaled his assistant to play the situation.

Superluminal alien fleet. Even if you don't understand the specific situation, the word superluminal has actually proved its strength.


The assistant quickly took out the high-definition holographic projector. The data has been analyzed and the image has been generated. It can be played, and the relevant academicians and scientists rushed over immediately.

The holographic screen emerges, the vast universe, and the ripples of time and space are surging like waves.

In the center of the space-time ripple, a strange channel is flickering, and the image generated by the data analysis simulation can vaguely see the substantial points in the channel.

This is a battleship.

The target distance is still too far away, and the detected data cannot clearly restore the details, but this image is enough, enough for the leaders to understand the general situation.

As for scientists, what they see is not images, but data, which can fully reveal the details.

"This data is a bit wrong"

The biological brain chip cooperated with the brain thinking to analyze the data quickly, and even connected to the Internet with the help of huge external supercomputer resources to assist the operation. Several scientists gradually frowned.

"Academician Lin, how is the situation? According to the technology tree provided by Mr. Chen, what level of fleet do they belong to?"

The leader looked at the few academicians who did not speak, and asked questions from the side.

"It can't be seen that the data displayed by this space-time channel is not gravitational space-time."

The Academy of Sciences, known as Academician Lin, shook his head, not sure: "This should be the aura law system that Mr. Chen left a message, similar to the colorful altars on Mount Tai and Mars.

This is a cosmic rule that is different from the basic rules of the four fundamental forces, and the system standards are different, so we cannot tell how strong they are. "

Before mastering rule technology, technology is based on rules. Even the rule system is different. Academician Lin is not sure about the strength of the opponent's warship.

"The rule system is different?"

The leader frowned and looked at the screen: "Since the systems are different, the two parties should have no direct interests, so what is the other party trying to do when they come to Earth so aggressively?"

After pondering for a while, a flash of decisiveness and determination flashed in the leader's eyes, and he ordered: "Record the order and notify other countries of the relevant situation.

No matter what thoughts the other party has, if they really want to attack our earth's human civilization, they will never return.

When friends come, there is good wine, when jackals come, there are shotguns, and human civilization has officially entered a state of combat readiness.

Mobilize all forces to turn this possible crisis into the cornerstone of our stable progress! "

 emmm, 4000 words today. It seems that there is no status code word at the end of the Saturday holiday. I still have to go to work and secretly code the word. The state is good and the inspiration is bursting.

(End of this chapter)

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