Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 288 Tinder Plan and Sudden Escape

Chapter 288 Tinder Plan and Sudden Escape
The Alien Fleet is coming!
When the news spread, all mankind was in an uproar.

Some people were doubting and some were questioning, but when the relevant and complete data was made public and the leaders of various countries stood up to testify for this matter, most of them collapsed in an instant.

The alien fleet has always been a powerful and evil existence in the human mind.

Modern detection technology has confirmed that there is no intelligent life or intelligent civilization within 3000 thousand light-years around the human solar system.

Well, this menacing alien fleet obviously has mastered the super-light speed navigation technology. If it has not mastered the super-light speed navigation technology, it is impossible to cross this dark and desperate star journey to attack human beings.

Humans have not mastered the technology of faster-than-light navigation, but the other party has the technology of faster-than-light navigation. Anyone who is not a fool can tell which one is stronger.

An alien civilization that surpasses the scientific and technological strength of humans on Earth is invading. No one knows what will happen in the future and what will happen tomorrow.

"Don't grab it! I want to buy it, don't grab it, everyone don't grab it!"

"Children! I have children here! Don't squeeze everyone, don't squeeze everyone!"


"Snatch it, scramble it, do you think it's a biohazard? No matter how useless it is to scramble, the alien warship will be shot down, let alone the earth, and the solar system might be gone."

Supermarkets in major cities are looting for supplies. Countless people have stepped out of their homes and crowded into supermarkets, stores, shopping malls, buying, drinking, wearing, and eating.

On the street, cars were jammed into long queues, and the siren blared through the sky. Countless people couldn't wait to get out of the car and ran home with their things, fearing that someone would snatch their things.

People in a panic, their emotions are contagious. At this time, no one is thinking too much, and society is completely in chaos.

Faced with this situation, the higher authorities did not appease them, except for soldiers and armed police who went to the streets with guns to prevent burning, killing, and looting in the chaos, and did not intervene in the panicked emotions of the people and the behavior of rushing for supplies.

With the development of artificial intelligence, the production of society has almost got rid of manpower, and the chaos of the people will not cause too much hindrance to the planned plan.

So on the premise of ensuring personal safety and ensuring that incidents such as burning, killing, looting and prostitution do not happen, it is a suitable choice for the people to release their emotions and release their depression.

When the repressed emotions are released, when the inner fear is released, everything will return to calm, and only then can we truly calmly face the next crisis.

The earth space base, the leader came here, except that the surrounding metal walls are easy to fatigue visually, the artificial gravity environment does not make the body feel uncomfortable.

The leader came to the central hall of the space base with a serious expression, where a group of soldiers and non-commissioned officers including some scientists were already waiting.


As the leader came in, the passworder shouted.

Saluting uniformly, everyone looked at the leader who walked in, but did not speak.

The leader looked at this group of human elites, was silent for a long time, and suddenly bowed.


"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

Everyone saluted again, shouted, and walked to the side passage.

There were no solemn ceremonies, nor any serious instructions, everything was silent, only a few video recorders nearby recorded all of this, and I don’t know if there will be a day when it will be revealed in the future.

There was a sudden slight vibration from the space base, and the warships sprayed azure blue tail flames and were leaving the space base.

A strong magnetic field shield emerged on the surface of the fleet. The decay energy engine cooperated with the expansion engine to gradually accelerate the fleet to one-third of the speed of light and rush towards the dark starry sky, looking for the other side of the next destination.

This is the kindling of the human beings on earth.

It carried human embryos one by one, frozen dormant human beings one by one, and intelligent educational equipment one after another.

It is also loaded with the embryos of the main biological chain layers of the earth’s biosphere, backing up the technology tree of the earth’s humans, and storing the history and culture of the earth’s humans.

Say victory without saying defeat.

Facing the mysterious alien team that can travel faster than the speed of light, although it is a different system, it is impossible to accurately predict the strength of the opponent, but from the bright side, the human civilization that has not yet mastered the curvature of the super-light speed is obviously far behind.

As the leader of a civilization, inheritance and survival are always the most important words for a civilization.

Regardless of whether human civilization wins or loses in the end, the Tinder Project is a must.

If you win, then the technology of human civilization will go one step further, and if you have mastered super-light-speed navigation, then you will catch up with the Fire Fleet and welcome back this group of heroes who chose endless solitude, endless responsibility, and the pressure of civilization inheritance.

If it is defeated, the main body of human civilization on the earth must no longer exist. Then this kindling fleet will be the last hope of human civilization on earth. It will shoulder the heavy responsibility of inheritance and find a new livable planet to pass on the kindling.

If it is such a day, maybe after a few years, the earth, the solar system, these are the nouns of memory, and the vocabulary in textbooks will no longer have a clear impression.

"Leader, look this way!"

The leader stood where he was, watching the blue light spots in the starry sky gradually dim and finally disappear from sight. At this moment, the assistant next to him suddenly called out.

The leader turned his head to look.

Starships lifted off from the western hemisphere of the earth, spraying azure blue tail flames and flying into the dark starry sky without looking back.

Seeing this, a trace of anger flashed in the leader's eyes.

The Human Ignition Project was made public in advance, and the related process and videos were also broadcasted, so the public would not have much emotional reaction when they saw the Ignition Project’s fleet leave.

But at this time, a fleet outside the Tinder plan suddenly appeared and escaped from the earth.

A call came in, the assistant glanced at the caller ID, and handed the holographic tablet to the leader.

"Leader, the head of the United States."

The leader nodded, connected to the communication, and a holographic screen spoke out.

"Sorry for the loneliness and darkness of the starry sky, I didn't expect them to escape."

As soon as the video was connected, the head of state of the United States cut to the chase with a tired face: "The people saw the battleship take off from the earth, and now they are all suspecting that the high-level human elites have abandoned the earth and fled. The news spread, and the situation is out of control."

Simple words made the leader's expression change instantly.

The expected thing happened.

"I understand."

As a country with a capitalist system, the United States has already left a group of capitalists from the main class of society, and even some government officials have also left.

The combination of government officials and capital is almost the most powerful force in the human social system.

If there were no people in the system to help cover it up, he would not have known the situation until the battleship took off and fled.

Capital is chasing profit, and the interest of life can compare with life?
Humans on earth have not yet perfected the technology of superluminal curvature, how can they resist the alien fleet rushing at superluminal speed.

Human gene life extension technology has made a breakthrough. After some minor details are perfected, the life span of human beings can exceed a thousand years, and they will be frozen and dormant. It is no problem to live a ten-thousand-year-old tortoise.

With such a long remaining lifespan, they don't want to die with the earth.

As long as a livable planet is found in the starry sky, transformed and transformed, and human embryo technology is used to cultivate and clone new populations, then they will still be human.

Only in this way will the neuropathy stay and die with the earth.

"Go back to Earth, prepare for the live broadcast of the press conference, notify everyone to attend the press conference, and detain those who disobey the unwillingness to participate as crimes against humanity!"

After hanging up the call, the leader thought for a moment, then suddenly spoke to the assistant next to him.


The assistant responded with a serious expression.

out of control.

If the people were originally allowed to vent their emotions, then the fleet that suddenly fled this time is really out of control.

If the out-of-control is not controlled in time, it will inevitably affect the mood of the army, and even gather crowds to smash production equipment, causing a devastating blow to the next plan to fight the alien fleet.

"It's good to escape, it's good to mess up, scrape off the rotten flesh of the wound, so that new flesh can really grow."

Looking at the bright but dark starry sky, a flash of determination flashed in the leader's eyes, and he walked towards the landing ship of the space base to return to the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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