Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 289 Is it a year of living, or is it a fight for longevity?

Chapter 289 Should I live for a hundred years, or fight for longevity?

"In our vast land, there have been legends of various gods and gods since ancient times, such as the Yellow Emperor, Sakyamuni, and Lao Tzu, etc. have left legends in our history.

Even before the Ming and Qing Dynasties, our land still had all kinds of extraordinary powers, and there are still some weird situations in modern times.

Information found in archaeology, folk records, and historical records. "

Along with the leader's words, everyone's mobile phones beeped at the same time, and a message was being pushed.

Yellowed paper with strange characters recorded, buildings that are about to weather and decay, strange floating objects, people flying in the air, people with various supernatural abilities, including pieces of jade slips and bamboo slips.

There is no shortage of people who are proficient in coding information.

For each photo, open its source code, which contains information such as shooting time, complete image encoding, pixel encoding, and even location information when location sharing is turned on.

This is also the reason why many photos taken by other mobile phones are transferred to the new mobile phone, and the old photos can be accurately arranged in the album selection by location.

The time is correct, and some of the photos are even more than ten years old, more than 20 years ago.

There is no problem with image encoding and pixel encoding, complete and clear, without traces of PS.

Once the authenticity of the photo is confirmed, there is no doubt about the content of the photo.

What does this represent?
The thoughts that appeared in the coffin of Kowloon 10 years ago appeared in everyone's mind, and then they were forgotten with time, and the forgotten thoughts were worn away with life.

"In this world, in this universe, there is the theory of cultivation that you are thinking about now. These relics and information are all information left by extraordinary practitioners from ancient times to the present."

Seemingly guessing what everyone was thinking, the leader paused for a moment and continued.

"Ten years ago, Mount Tai collapsed, and Kowloon pulled the coffin down, and then left through the five-color altar of Mount Tai. One year later, humans officially landed on Mars for the first time, and found a dilapidated ancient temple on it, and found a five-color altar similar to Mount Tai. .”

"It's not just you, I didn't understand these strange relics before, what is an extraordinary cultivator, because the earth's cultivation environment has been exhausted, we know the existence of cultivation, but we don't understand what cultivation is."

"It wasn't until 10 years ago when a person appeared that we really saw what an extraordinary cultivator looks like. He is also the root of the rapid technological advancement of human civilization on earth in the past 10 years."

The screen changed, Chen Nuo had just arrived on the earth in the world of Shade, and the picture of chatting with a middle-aged man in the car appeared on the screen.

"Mr. Chen doesn't have a place to live yet. I'll arrange a place for you first. The leader will come over to discuss matters in person tomorrow. What do you think?"

"Don't be so troublesome."

"Bring this data to the above to verify the authenticity of the data first. I will give you a complete technology tree information in a few days. The universe is about to have a catastrophe, and human civilization needs to improve its technological strength as soon as possible."

"Is there going to be a catastrophe in the universe?"

"I don't know what sir is referring to?"

"Don't you think that only the earth has life in the universe, or that the legends of ancient immortals and gods are all false?"

"In the future, there will be a group of superpowers who can blow up the galaxy at will and need to survive. They are old and need to absorb the lives of hundreds of millions of sentient beings to supplement life consumption. This is the source of the cosmic catastrophe.

After a while, there will be nine dragons in the starry sky pulling a huge bronze coffin to descend on the earth, which can also verify my statement. "

"I used to be a part of the human race on Earth. Don't worry about my malicious intentions. If you really want to be malicious, you can't resist it."

In a simple conversation, Chen Nuo gave a USB flash drive, and then the screen was interrupted, switching to show the time at that time, as well as the situation of the car captured by the Skynet camera and traffic camera on the street outside, including the people on the side of the street .

This proves the authenticity of this video.

The screen turned again, to the conversation between the leader and Chen Nuo in the next few days, and the appearance of the technology tree storage device out of thin air.

"The cultivators of the universe have a different system of rules, as an image metaphor, we are the basic rules of matter, the four basic forces, dark energy and dark matter, and they are the aura that can only be sensed by the soul, which is invisible and intangible. The law is the way.

There is no distinction between the two systems. It depends on who uses the rules, and whoever uses the rules more deeply will be stronger.

A cultivator cannot live forever if he does not become an immortal. To become an immortal, he needs to open the road to immortality. This road to immortality is opened every million years.

In order to survive, a group of extreme cultivators in ancient times chose to proclaim themselves and wait for the road to immortality to open in order to become immortals.

In a few hundred years, the road to immortality in this era will open.

Once they fail to become immortals, they will devour the common people in the universe, and use the source of life to supplement the consumption of breaking the seal and attacking the road to immortality, so as to last until the next road to immortality opens.

This is a group of extreme cultivators who can travel faster than the speed of light at will, jump in space and appear in all parts of the universe, and burst out with all their strength to destroy the galaxy group.

When they go crazy, there are not many people and civilizations who can contend, and all creatures in the universe will be ruined.

In 200 years, at most no more than 300 years, the road to immortality in this era will begin.

Before that, human civilization on Earth must raise its scientific and technological strength to a level sufficient to compete, denying that the Earth must perish! "

"What level of technological strength do you need?" The leader in the screen shrank his pupils and asked.

"Mastering the strong interaction force, mastering the disintegration of matter, mastering gravitational technology, and possessing super-light speed means, this can barely protect itself.

If we can further unify the four basic forces and complete the unification of matter, energy, and space-time, then we can compete. "

"Sir, is this the unification of theory, or the unification of technology?"

The middle-aged man next to him took a deep breath and asked additionally.

"It must be technology. What's the use of theory? Can you still tell them about technology, use mathematical models, discuss basic theories with them, and persuade them with your mouth?"

The screen turned again, followed by psychological analysis reports marked top secret.

Human psychologists and sociologists have analyzed Chen Nuo's every word, tone, and action during the period from his appearance to his departure no less than a thousand times, and analyzed them from various angles.

As long as people are not programs and are not unfeeling, then social psychology, emotional psychology, and behavioral psychology can be applied.

These are common subjects.

After analyzing numerous psychological reports, the final crushing probability of 95.87% showed that Chen Nuo was not lying.

At the end of the analysis report, the follow-up is a picture of the scientists analyzing the technology tree. Based on the theories analyzed by the scientists, the engineers are frantically experimenting with the production of related technology equipment, and truly digesting the picture of improving the technological strength of human beings.

The 10 years of uninterrupted development have created the rapid advancement of science and technology in the past 10 years of human civilization on the earth, and have made today.

In an instant, the people of the world and even the Mars colony fell silent, with despair in their eyes.

The so-called alien fleet is just an appetizer, and the real crisis is yet to come
Shuttle at super-light speed at will, space jumps appear everywhere in the universe, and destroy the galaxy group in diameter with a single punch. How can human beings deal with such a crisis?
"We are very grateful to Mr. Chen, he brought us information from the depths of the universe, and he brought us a technology tree that only needs to be unified to master the four basic forces.

Without him, it is very likely that when the crisis comes, we are still in the dark, and our civilization may perish without knowing anything.

I know that many compatriots cannot accept it now.

It’s not about the invasion of alien fleets, but how come extraordinary cultivators suddenly appear, and extreme masters who can destroy the galaxy group, give time and even destroy the universe, they will revive hundreds of years later and start to fight the universe bloodbath.

Some people may be thinking that after 200 years, they will all die at that time, and after death, let it be flooded and the universe will be shattered.

But please don't forget that our descendants, our descendants, will continue to live.

Don’t you think that a hundred years after your death, your grandsons and great-grandchildren will wait in front of your graves, cursing your timidity back then, cursing your shrinking back and daring to face it, so that they don’t even have the strength to struggle now?

In addition, I'm sorry, our scientists have worked very hard, and the genetic longevity technology has made a breakthrough, and it will be perfected in two or three years.

There is a high probability that everyone can live to 200 years later, not only 200 years, but also 2000 years.

Since ancient times, no matter the emperor or the common people, everyone has been pursuing longevity and long life.

Today, this wish for a long life has come true, and even the hope of longevity and immortality is possible.

So, are you happy, or sad?
Do you choose to live for a hundred years, or do you fight for a thousand years and a long life? "

After the leader's voice fell, everyone was dumbfounded.

At this moment, they didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

With the breakthrough of gene life technology, human beings can live for thousands of years, which means that even their oldest people can still dance for more than 900 years after the breakthrough of gene technology.

What a surprise.

Longevity, long life, this is the pursuit imprinted in the genetic instinct and engraved in the depths of thinking.

But now, the alien fleet is coming, and the dark crisis will happen two or three hundred years later, it is so terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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