Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 290 Don't We Help?

Chapter 290 Don't We Help?
To survive, or to fight.

To escape, or to face.

Everyone was a little silent, no matter which one they chose, it was not easy.

Originally thought that this so-called live broadcast press conference would be the same as in the past, to appease and give some promises, or to re-interpret and overthrow the previous statement, or to force the weak chickens by the alien fleet.

I didn't expect it to be so hardcore in the end.

There was no peeing in the whole process, one after another top-secret documents, one after another things that had never been heard before, were thrown out with a bang, and everyone was dumbfounded.

The universe is huge, human beings are still very small, and those potential enemies are very strong and crazy.

It was okay if I didn't know it before, but now I know it, and I am at a loss.

Facing life and death, the severance of civilization, and the survival of races is beyond the psychological tolerance of ordinary people.

"I know everyone is confused. In fact, the strength of the alien fleet this time may not be certain. They may be very strong, but they may not be that strong, or even very weak."

Even if he didn't read the report, the leader probably knew the situation outside, so he continued to speak calmly.

Everyone looked at the holographic screen of the live broadcast with puzzled eyes, looked at the leader, and wanted to ask: Are you okay, are you still thinking clearly?

That's already faster than the speed of light.

The opponent is already traveling at super-light speed, and the super-light speed navigation technology on the human side is still in the experimental stage. How can such an enemy be weaker than human beings.

Even if it is really weak, how to deal with the dark turmoil caused by the extreme master who destroyed the galaxy group with his punch later.

"The mysteries of the universe cannot be fully explained by us. As mentioned earlier, the cultivation system is another rule that is different from the four basic forces.

According to research, according to Mr. Chen's description, the aura system is more active, and can be easily manipulated by living beings, and even actively fit into living beings to form a variety of special blood physiques.

The foundation of our modern technology, the four basic forces of matter, and the rules are relatively less active, and are more difficult to be leveraged.

These are two different rule systems.

To put it simply, the way of time and space according to the law of spiritual energy can be leveraged to travel through time and space at super-light speed by using a share of energy.

The gravitational space-time of the basic rules of modern science and technology is likely to use 5, 10, or even 100 parts of energy, and even more energy is needed to leverage gravity to travel faster than the speed of light.

The result of this situation is that although we have not mastered superluminal navigation, we are not completely without backhand ability in frontal combat, and we may even be stronger.

Of course, this situation may also be reversed. We are weak and the opponent is stronger.

With different rule systems, there is no uniform standard for comparison, so who is stronger and who is weaker, this can only be known after the two sides have entered the frontal battlefield and have a real contest.

We are not without hope of victory.

After this crisis of the alien fleet, if we work harder and master the disintegration of matter and navigation of curvature within 200 years, then we will be able to barely protect ourselves from the darkness and turmoil.

If we further master the unification technology, then we will be able to compete and even kill each other!

Compatriots, whether you choose to live, choose to escape, choose to be useless, or choose to hope, choose to face, choose to bite off a piece of meat from the enemy, or even choose to kill the enemy depends on your own ideas.

This live broadcast conference ends here, and all the high-level human beings have not left. We are here, preparing to fight, preparing to resist, and waiting for your choice. "

After the leader finished speaking, he brought the heads of state and senior management of all human countries to bow to the camera, click, the screen fell into darkness, and the world fell into silence.

Human beings all over the earth are silent and thinking. In the depths of Kunlun Mountains, the time and space where the earth is hidden, several figures suddenly appeared at this time.

Their eyes seemed to penetrate space and see what was happening on Earth outside.

"You say, how would they choose?"

Lao Tzu Li Er, who was reborn from the corpse of the Great Emperor of Virtuous Heaven, was a little curious looking at the situation outside.

"I don't know."

The majestic middle-aged man next to him shook his head and sighed emotionally: "I really didn't expect that there is another Tao besides Tao."

He is Shennong, who was born from the corpse of Emperor Hengyu.

As the quasi-emperor's strength, the development of human civilization on earth has always been in their eyes.

They didn't pay attention to the application of chemical energy and the simple application of atomic energy at the beginning. After all, they are too weak to watch the ants build their nests next to them.

But with the arrival of Chen Nuo, the scientific and technological strength of the human beings on the earth is gradually improving like a hormone, the application of material decay technology, the experiment of curvature space-time technology, and even other super electromagnetic guns, high-energy light weapons, ray weapons, etc. Technology broke out, and it was only at this time that the development of humans on Earth really caught their attention.

The amazing technology and the power system they use are completely different from the way they practice, the rules used by the eternal kingdom.

"This kind of Dao has always existed, but the aura is pervasive, and the Dao we practice is active, so the mystery of this kind of Dao will be covered up and interfered, making it impossible to comprehend."

Another middle-aged monk in white clothes was surging with spiritual thoughts, carefully sensing the environment, shaking his head: "Compared with the Tao we practice, this kind of Tao is more difficult to comprehend.

This is just like what the human leader said just now, the law of spiritual energy is more active, while the basic rules of matter are less active and more inert.

It seems that if we want to practice to reach the peak, it is easier for us to cultivate. "

"Buddha, you are wrong, there is no distinction between superior and inferior.

A considerable part of the law of spiritual energy is biased towards idealism. To reach the peak, one needs to have one's own way and beliefs.

The basic rule of this material is pure materialism, and hundreds of millions of people practice and learn it, which will have the same result, and it is more suitable for popularization and replication.

Enlightenment is more difficult, and it is also more difficult to reach the peak, but once the study of enlightenment is successful, the whole people will leap forward together, and then it will be the grand scene of hundreds of millions of saints and thousands of emperors! "

"The future is bright and brilliant, but the early development is full of difficulties, and external opportunities have come. I am very curious about their choices."

An unremarkable, unpretentious middle-aged man walked out next to him, looking at the outside world with a sigh.

His name is Huangdi, and he was born from the corpse of Emperor Void.

The law of aura is more active, partial to idealism, as long as you have firm beliefs, the chances of reaching the peak will be much easier.

The basic rules are relatively inert and almost purely objective. It is difficult to study and comprehend, and progress is transformed into practical difficulties. However, once the breakthrough is mastered, it will be ruthless and MAX.

Warships equipped with super-technologies such as matter-disintegrating engines, faster-than-light navigation, gravitational space-time blockades, gravitational shields, and matter-disintegrating cannons, each with one man, billions of ships, and even countless intelligent warships When it comes out, the screen will ask you if you are afraid.

The later stage is bright, the early stage is difficult, and the promotion is also difficult. This is the basic rule.

"Aren't we going to help?"

Shennong, who spoke second just now, suddenly asked.

They are all quasi-emperors, and they can see clearly the fleet mechs that are rushing towards the earth.

The highest level of strength for this group is no higher than the Great Sage class, the Saint King class, and generally the fleet below the Saints. If they are willing to take action, they can be eliminated with a snap of their fingers.

 Before the Mid-Autumn Festival, I was desperately trying to catch up with the progress of the project so that I could spend the festival with peace of mind. I got off work late, and I don’t think there would be enough time for Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. Tomorrow at noon, the two chapters will be together.

(End of this chapter)

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