Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 291 The Reaction of the Eternal Kingdom

Chapter 291 The Reaction of the Eternal Kingdom

Do not help?
What Shen Nong said made the other people silent.

"This is not a dark turmoil."

After a long time, Li Er shook his head.

"This should be the technological star field - the fleet of the eternal kingdom. They came to plunder, not to exterminate."

Shakyamuni turned his head, his eyes seemed to see the fleet coming through the star gate opened by the way of time and space, and shook his head.

"We have no problem taking action against the dark turmoil caused by the forbidden zone of life. This kind of ordinary secular matter, the normal cycle of the development of cosmic civilization, we are too inappropriate to interfere."

"Not extinct, we will not shoot."

Huang Di, who was born from the body of Emperor Void, raised his spirit, and said lightly, which is considered to be the final conclusion on this matter.

At their level, it doesn't really matter which side wins the alien fleet's invasion of the earth.

This is like the top-level leadership of the country. The two small companies below are competing. Whoever wins and who loses goes bankrupt. This is a liberalized market competition, and it is inconvenient for high-level officials to interfere.

Unless the two sides are red-eyed, not only will they go bankrupt, but they will also kill their lives, then they will intervene.

Even speaking from the heart, compared with the current earth and the eternal kingdom, their relationship with the eternal kingdom is more deeply rooted.

After all, they are the spiritual wisdom reborn from the corpse of the former great emperor on the earth, a unique place for raising corpses and spirits, and they are not from the real earth human race.

The earth has now completely moved towards the scientific and technological system of the basic rules, and the eternal kingdom is the scientific and technological system of the spiritual law, which is closer to their way of cultivation.

In a channel where light circulates, space-time fluctuations are spreading mightily.

"How long will we be away from the target star field?"

The heads of the Cao family, Zhao family, Lantuo family, and Xingyu plundering group of the Eternal Kingdom are in contact through communication, and the huge aura light curtain shows the scene of the solar system.

This time, the Eternal Kingdom almost came out in full force, and almost all the cultivators above the realm of the Ancient Star Saint of Life in the universe sensed the powerful force and power.

This time they will attack and plunder the technology of the solar system and human civilization on Earth, and they are bound to win.

The posture has been set, they must return victorious, otherwise the blow to the eternal kingdom will be unprecedented.

"It will take more than three years."

The eternal kingdom is very far away from the earth, and the speed of the star gate shuttle technology is not as fast as the ancient starry sky road of the colorful altar. They walked very simply.

It's not that I don't want to go to the colorful altar, which saves more effort, but the colorful altar will pass through ancient life stars one by one along the way.

Such an all-out cross-reputation campaign, using the starry sky channel of the colorful altar to reach other ancient life planets, the local aborigines would explode in an instant.

Good guys, what are you trying to do?

Is your eternal kingdom going to war with ancient life stars such as our Big Dipper, Ziwei, and the ancestor stars of the various barren bodies and holy bodies?

This thing doesn't make sense.

This is the same as the new aircraft carrier fleet of the Huaguo on the earth said to go for a stroll along the coast of the United States, calling me to stop by for a meal, and then leave. The United States will definitely not agree.

In order to avoid conflicts, the fleet of the Eternal Kingdom can only be forced to open star gates one by one, and hurry on their way leisurely.

too slow.

The star gate sounds very exciting, but this situation spanning almost half of the universe is still slow to death.

"Year 3."

The head of the Mo family of Shimo Xinghai Raiding Group looked at the earth in the picture and said, "Check again carefully to see the target's situation. The development potential of this technology system is astonishing. Let's be cautious."

The law of aura is relatively active, and some of them tend to be idealistic. This has an absolute advantage on the cultivation side, but the upper limit of application on the technology side is limited.

Why?Because the law of aura has only two development directions in the later stage.

One is harmony, controlling and mobilizing the development power of the existence of the universe.

One is to condense one's own Tao, transform belief into Tao heart, and use one's own Tao to control and control all Taos.

The second one was the first to pass, and the iron lumps of equipment and machinery, where does this come from Dao heart and belief?
Unless intelligent life is produced, that is, spiritual intelligence is born from the psychic described by practitioners.

But the psychic equipment and machinery are not like the weapons that practitioners practice day and night, and their minds and minds are fully integrated. The technological equipment for psychic technology may turn the muzzle on themselves at the first time.

The first rule of harmony requires materials that conform to the law of aura and resonate with the law innately.

This thing is a rare treasure in the universe, and in the eyes of cultivators, it is also a material that must be smashed. After so many years of mining, almost all that can be dug and robbed has been dug and robbed.

As for artificial manufacturing, the materials with simple resonance and fit have been settled, and the more extraordinary materials have not been overcome with a bunch of technical barriers.

Because of various reasons, in the end, the technology of the Eternal Kingdom was skewed, and it became what kind of physique, what kind of blood, most of the buttocks were skewed from the technology side to the cultivation side.

In contrast, the requirements of the basic rule system are not so high.

After the theoretical breakthrough, there are superconducting materials, and the remaining other materials are materials indeterminate electromagnetic mechanics.

Except for neutral neutrons, other ultra-high temperature, ultra-high energy, radiation, gamma rays, etc. cannot be solved without magnetic constraints.

This is also the reason why a group of bigwigs in the Eternal Kingdom determined the situation of the earth on a whim, and they all attacked the earth screaming.

As a semi-technical civilization, they also understand what kind of combat power can be unleashed when technology develops to its peak.

They are very eager to snatch the earth's technology tree to give themselves a gorgeous transformation. From now on, they don't need to have any physique or bloodline. If they study hard in Anxin Zhai for a few years, their strength will explode.

The detection equipment of the Eternal Kingdom is a detection method that conforms to the law, similar to the prehistoric deduction of the way of heaven, which obtains data from the level of the law.

In just a few minutes, the detection was completed, and the image of the solar system on the aura light curtain was refreshed.

It can be seen from the images that compared with the previous detection results, there are more starships shuttling in the solar system at this time.

Dense starships are passing through, relying on planets and satellites to deploy defense systems, waiting for the enemy to come.

"It seems that the other party has discovered us, but they haven't mastered super-light travel, nor have they mastered space-time related technologies. They can't escape!"

Patriarch Cao looked at it carefully for a while, then nodded with satisfaction.

In his eyes, such an earth civilization that does not even travel faster than the speed of light is already within reach.

"Be careful, this system is different from ours."

The patriarch of the Sanskrit clan frowned and said in confusion: "They have already mastered superluminal detection, how can they not even master the technology related to time and space? Even if it is a different system, it seems that it shouldn't be."

As the actual ruler of the Xianyu Xinghai plundering group, with extremely rich experience in plundering, he faintly felt that something was wrong.

"It's not surprising. In addition to relying on space-time for their superluminal detection, there is also something called natural tachyon, which is a different system from ours.

We obtain information from the law level in accordance with the law, and they detect fluctuations and reflective waves for analysis.

Compared with space-time related technologies, the power and difficulty of detecting probe waves is almost insignificant.

When we first set off, we detected the situation. The other party had just stepped out of the planet, and there were not many starships.

It is already very surprising to master superluminal detection so quickly, but it is impossible to really master space-time technology. "

Faced with the suspicion raised by the Sanskrit patriarch, Patriarch Cao and several others, including the analysts below, thought about it carefully, and after considering technical difficulty, time interval, development speed and other aspects, they finally shook their heads and rejected it.

Detection technology, navigation technology, and space-time control technology are completely different concepts.

"However, to be on the safe side, I suggest that we should not get too close. The fleet is stationed at the outskirts of this galaxy to deter and force the opponent to hand over the technology tree.

This can avoid the opponent's trap, and also prevent the opponent from deleting and destroying technology data in a hurry. At worst, we can get the technology tree information and send their star a shot from a long distance. "

The Lando family pointed to the orbit of Neptune in the solar system, indicating that the fleet would not cross this line, and put up a posture to threaten the earth to hand over the technology tree.

(End of this chapter)

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