Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 292 Strategic Adjustment

Chapter 292 Strategic Adjustment
Ding Ding Deng!
Rapid footsteps.

"The leader just took a break, can you talk about something tomorrow?"

"Emergency, please help to see if the leader is asleep."

"I can't talk about it tomorrow, you are young and lively, and the leaders can't stand it when they are old."

When the light came on, the life secretary who stopped him just now stared fiercely at the work assistant who ran over to report.

"Xiao Zhang, let him come in. I haven't slept yet. What's the matter?"

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, the leader who had just fallen asleep was awakened by a sudden sound, turned on the light and walked out of the room in plain clothes.

"Leader, those two special extraordinary items detected abnormal reaction fluctuations four hours ago."

The work assistant who came to report handed over a holographic tablet to the leader who just got up, and it showed two relics collected by human civilization on the earth.

If a knowledgeable cultivator is here, it is easy to tell that these are two quasi-emperor-level weapons.

Ever since Chen Nuo learned about the situation of the universe, about cultivation, and technology was able to detect the fluctuation of spiritual energy acting on the material level, human beings have been paying close attention to the situation of these items.

Not only these objects, but also the five-color altar on Mount Tai, the Daleiyin Temple on Mars and the five-color altar on Mars, including Kunlun Mountain and even some other areas with fluctuations on the earth, are all densely packed with all-weather detectors.

After several years of continuous monitoring, everyone was surprised to find that the energy response of the starry sky detected by the superluminal detector was vaguely related to the two items.

People carefully compared the data and determined that whenever the superluminal detector detected an abnormal energy reaction in the starry sky, before that, the two items would have an abnormal reaction.

After data collection and comparison, people have determined that this is a special induction, or a reaction faster than human superluminal detection.

The energy response caused by the cultivator's battle erupted in a distant place. Before being detected by humans, these two objects were detected through unknown induction, and they instinctively produced a wave response.

After many comparisons of data, the human civilization on Earth finally summed up the reaction law, and can roughly infer the distance and direction that caused the response fluctuation based on the fluctuation response of these two items.

"Our deep space superluminal detection failed to determine the situation?"

The leader took a few glances and frowned.

Scientists deduce from the response data that the signal source that caused this fluctuation, the human deep space superluminal detector will be able to detect the relevant data about 3 hours later.

However, this is not reflected in the report.

This situation is rare, and it happened twice in the past 5 years.

"No, the 98 deep space exploration stations distributed in the solar system have not detected any abnormalities!"

The assistant shook his head grimly.

There was no trace of abnormality in the detector, but the two items reacted.

Combined with the two situations that have only occurred in the past few years, and the imminent invasion of the alien fleet, the think tank boldly guessed that this is probably not the energy response of the top cultivator's battle outbreak, but the detection technology of the aura law system. Detecting the earth, this caused the reaction of these two transcendent items.

This is not good news, because at this time, the active detection of the earth can only be some alien fleet.

This means that every move of the earth has actually been exposed to the other party's eyes, but I can only roughly detect and track the other party's traces.

"Is there any problem with the defense plan?"

The leader nodded and asked about the plan.

"No problem at the moment."

"Let the team of scientists and think tanks evaluate a new plan, reduce the research investment in superluminal curvature navigation, and turn this part of the energy to increase the research investment in gravitational resonance and space-time blockade technology.

Before the other party reaches the solar system, we may not be able to develop a practical curvature flight engine, so we will devote our energy to the space-time blockade technology of gravitational resonance, and pull the two sides to fight on an equal footing.

Of course, this is just my guess. Specifically, let the professional assessment of the think tank give a data analysis report, and I will discuss with other heads of state to determine the strategic adjustment. "

The leader was silent for a long time, and put forward his opinions sentence by sentence, his tone was paused but firm.

Adjusting the strategy at this time is undoubtedly a very risky thing.

Do not adjust, continue to overcome the curvature and sail with all your strength. If successful, human beings will not only have the ability to escape and retreat, but even have the ability to fight back.

Once the curvature navigation technology breaks through, super-light speed attack, space-time level attack, gravity bomb, gravitational barrier and other technologies will all be lit up.

Adjust the new strategy, temporarily abandon the overcoming of curvature navigation technology, and turn to the space-time blockade of gravitational resonance.

Gravitational resonance blocks time and space, the main purpose of which is to pull both sides to fight at the same level.

At this stage, the invasion fleet is capable of traveling faster than the speed of light in time and space, and humans do not yet have this technology. This is equivalent to a war between birds and life on land. Under the same order of magnitude, it is obvious that birds win.

This gravitational resonance technology research is successful, unless the opponent breaks the blockade with ultra-high energy, otherwise it can limit the opponent's super-light speed shuttle and space jump approach and escape, and limit the opponent's super-light speed attack.

However, this is an auxiliary technology that restricts and weakens the enemy, which does not substantially improve one's combat power and escape ability.

Then once the war fails, humans on Earth will not even be able to escape.

This kind of strategic adjustment, no one knows which side lives and which side dies.If this is a little careless, all previous efforts will be wasted and the whole situation will be destroyed. Once the final strategy is wrong, the person who put forward the opinion will be the sinner of mankind.

Leading this strategic proposal not only bears the terrifying pressure, but also puts down his reputation all his life.

No matter how good he did in the past, as long as this matter goes wrong, he will be nailed to the pillar of shame for ten thousand years and cannot stand up.

But this is the responsibility that a leader should assume and take up. If there are hidden dangers and loopholes, if you find them, you must pay attention to them and plug them.


A person who can be a leader's assistant is not small in knowledge and structure, his expression changed a few times, and then he wrote down this matter, saluted the leader and left the room.

After the assistant left, the lights in the room did not turn off again, and they were not turned off until after three o'clock in the morning.

In the dark and bright starry sky, starships are traveling at high speed.

"You said, what kind of alien fleet is this, will it really be a weak chicken?"

Inside a starship, Zhang Hengbiao is operating the starship like a fool, occasionally dealing with unexpected situations that cannot be solved by artificial intelligence, and the rest of the time is all automated.

Being idle and bored, he called another companion who was manipulating the starship and building the solar system defense system, and chatted boringly.

"This kind of atmosphere, do you believe it is a weak chicken?"

Lin Xiaojian was playing the latest game, without looking up.

Weak chicken?

Just kidding, if the alien fleet that is about to invade the earth is really weak, then everyone doesn't have to be so busy.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that although there is no unified standard for comparison between different systems, human beings are likely to be inferior to each other in terms of strength.

After all, one has the ability to travel faster than the speed of light, and the other is still dancing within the limit of the speed of light. This is the difference between an eagle and a rabbit.

"After I've been busy for a while, I want the earth to enjoy it when I go back this time. Otherwise, when the aliens come, I might die."

Zhang Hengbiao shook his head and complained, picked up the game controller, watched the holographic screen and played the game.

Because we have to pay attention to the operation of the starship, sometimes we need to deal with some problems, and the neural immersion game cannot be played for the time being.

It has been more than a year since that press conference.

There has been no major turmoil in the past year, except for the arrest of a large number of people who disturbed the social order. The suicide rate in the society soared for a few months, and then gradually calmed down.

Humans are, after all, adaptable animals.

Whether to choose to live or fight, everyone gave the answer silently. They boarded the starship to build the solar system defense system together, and gave their own choices with practical actions.

(End of this chapter)

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