Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 293 Arrival of the Eternal Kingdom Fleet

Chapter 293 Arrival of the Eternal Kingdom Fleet
Countless intelligent chemical factories are devouring all kinds of ores, and then continuously producing various parts, assembled into equipment and weapons, and transported away by starships.

Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, the outer barrier of the solar system, and the yellow satellite orbits of the four gas planets are all equipped with forts.

Among them, electromagnetic mass guns account for 60%, high-energy ray weapons account for 30%, and the remaining 10% are biological extinction guns.

Electromagnetic mass cannon, this is the main attack force.

This thing can be superimposed infinitely, even if you master the Great Unity and reach the level of the Great Emperor, you will not be left behind.

High-energy ray weapon, light-speed attack, this is the weapon with the highest attack speed of human beings at this stage, used for blockade and consumption.

As for the extinction run, this is essentially a high-energy neutron beam scattering weapon.

High-energy neutrons can easily destroy and change the microscopic structure of matter. Even if the great sage was shot several times at close range, his body would probably be destroyed.

Asteroids with relatively large masses, including the large-mass satellites of the four major gas planets, turned into tadpoles at this moment, oh no, they were comets emitting azure blue beams.

They were pushed away from their original positions by planetary engines one after another, a small part went around the earth orbit, and most of them came above and below the ecliptic plane, establishing a huge three-dimensional defense system with the earth as the core.

In the orbit of the sun, a large number of light sails are spread out, densely packed as if to form a Dyson sphere to surround the sun, a large amount of energy is converted into laser light, and the laser power transmission technology provides power for this huge industrial system.

In terms of destructive power, a saint of Sendai Four can blow up the earth, and a saint king can destroy the sun with a bang.

But in terms of the total amount of matter and energy, the sun has at least tens of millions of sage king's body energy combined.

The powerful attack power of a cultivator, and even the powerful attack power of technological weapons, mainly lies in the condensed compression, and the condensed killing power can shatter time and space.

Relying on the solar system as a defense, human beings are not without the ability to backhand.

Everyone has made the final preparations and used the most gorgeous lineup to meet the alien fleet from afar.

Beep beep!

The 98 deep space exploration and monitoring stations distributed in all directions of the solar system track the movement of this alien fleet through multi-point positioning technology at all times.

Today is destined to be a day worth remembering. 98 deep space exploration and monitoring stations sounded the alarm almost simultaneously, and the relevant signals were transmitted back to the earth immediately.

The alien fleet has come within 10 light-years of the earth.

Calculated according to the opponent's speed, this distance can be reached in an instant.

In addition, at this time, the other party wants to launch an attack. According to the analysis of scientists and think tanks, it can easily destroy the earth and even the sun.


When the alarm sounded, the leader and others came to the central command center of human civilization, standing by and watching the command team composed of the most elite sociologists, psychologists, scientists, and elites from various industries.

There is a specialization in the technical field. He is mainly responsible for the strategy of civilization and the resolution of major issues. As for the specific command of operations and analysis of social psychology, this team is the elite.

"Closely monitor the attacks against the sun, and be prepared to block the defense at any time to prevent the opponent from destroying the stars."

The bio-brain chip of the head of the command team was almost operating to the limit. After analyzing a large amount of data, he discussed it with several other deputy commanders several times, and calmly gave the order.

Equipped with the latest generation of high-performance biological brain chips, this process seems complicated and takes a long time, but in fact it takes less than one second.

It's just that this instruction from the person in charge made the heads of state watching the situation through video conference feel a little doubtful.

Do a good job of defense to prevent the opponent from attacking the stars?
Don't defend the earth?
As if guessing that everyone would have doubts, the commander in charge added: "Our power is limited, and it is the most appropriate choice to concentrate on the stars.

If the other party chooses to come straight to us across a small half of the universe with such a clear goal, then it must be asking for something. We have what the other party needs, so that the other party will not attack and destroy the earth unless it is a last resort.

As for the sun, the mass of the sun is not large. According to our technology, even if the sun is destroyed and exploded, the main body of civilization can still survive.

Analyze like this.On the contrary, the sun may be used by the opponent as a threat or as a show of power.

Our gravitational resonance instrument, space-time blockade, has the other party entered the range area? "

After the explanation, the main commander asked a key question.

This alien fleet headed straight to the earth is very fast. Before the other party reaches the solar system, the curvature super-light speed navigation technology will most likely not be completed.

Combining various situations, human civilization finally made a choice and chose to concentrate on researching the space-time blockade technology of gravitational resonance.

Compared with the curvature of super-light travel, gravitational resonance is relatively simple, and it concentrates most of the power of the entire civilization. The first generation of equipment in the practical stage was developed as early as a year ago. After subsequent experimental improvements, the second generation of official improvements was successfully put into practical deployment. In the solar system, battleships are also equipped.

The time-space blockade device of gravitational resonance is activated, and the time-space of the solar system will become a piece of iron.

Ordinary space-time distortion is no problem. If you want to perform super-light speed attack, super-light speed shuttle or space jump, sorry, please break this layer of blockade barrier first.

"All the space-time blockade devices in the solar system form an array. If they are activated at the same time, the radius of the sun is 3 light years, which is almost close to that of Proxima Centauri."

"Then don't activate it for the time being. In addition, don't activate any functional modules related to space-time of the battleship. The power of the electromagnetic shield is turned on to the maximum. The first fleet led by Kuiper launches a 70% power high-energy ray at the opponent to conduct a tentative attack. If it fails, then increase the power and try to get closer.”

The person in charge quickly made a decision.

The space-time blockade radius is only 3 light-years, which sounds awesome, but it is actually a child under the scale of cosmic and interstellar wars.

This thing is still used as a trump card on the earth side. If it is exposed in advance, it will have no effect.

As for the battleships and warships driving close to each other, the main purpose of this is not to attack.

The more than 70 billion human beings on the earth have never thought that a simple ray weapon can achieve a substantial attack effect.

The purpose of the attack is to cover up, to allow the battleship to successfully approach the opponent, so as to maximize the efficiency of the subsequent opening of the space-time blockade module.

Thousands of blue tail flames suddenly lit up in the dark starry sky. The curvature engine has not been researched, and human beings are still using thermal expansion working fluid engines.

A series of high-energy rays streaked across the sky and rushed towards the target.

The Eternal Kingdom Fleet, the Patriarch of the Cao family and others watched the detector refresh, and couldn't help but look at each other from the ground.

Is the other party an idiot?
They are still inside the star gate, they haven't escaped outside, they can't even be touched by this level of attack, and... light speed attack, such a slow snail attack, who can hit?

"It feels a bit wrong. Is the other party planning something?"

The Patriarch of the Cao family had a faint feeling that something was wrong with the practitioner's telepathy.

"They don't think we can't attack inside the star gate, and they want to cover and force us not to leave the star gate.

They have the matter and energy of a galaxy as their backing, and this kind of attack will take 80 or [-] years without any problem. "

The Sanskrit patriarch made a guess.

This is the best guess at this stage.

"It doesn't matter, we continue to move forward, be careful not to approach the inner galaxy, and stop at the outer edge of the other party's Kuiper belt."

The head of the Qi family changed the original plan to stop at the outer edge of Neptune's orbit to the outer edge of the Kuiper belt, and then pointed to Pluto, which was abolished by humans from the planetary sequence and deployed a large number of orbital weapons and ground-based weapons.

"Blow up this planet, show our force and attitude, and then negotiate with the other party for a technology tree."

 Sorry, I thought it would be 4 shifts today, but I was told to work overtime and only had 3 shifts
(End of this chapter)

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