Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 294 Decision

Chapter 294 Decision
The spiritual energy is surging, and countless dao patterns emerge, turning into a shining beam of spiritual energy that distorts time and space and shoots out.

An extreme light spot instantly lit up in the outer orbit of the solar system.

Endless rays of light and energy shock waves spread at the speed of light. At this moment, the solar system seemed to have a second sun.

People don't talk much, plundering and robbery made a fortune. The Eternal Kingdom determined the deterrence plan, and a Saint King-class warship researched based on the law of aura launched an attack instantly.

Pluto exploded.

This dwarf planet, which was once listed as a sequence of nine major planets by human beings, was subsequently proposed as a planetary position, and has been orbiting in the deep and dark orbit of the solar system for countless years. It exploded.

Beep beep!

In the command center of the earth, a violent siren sounded, and the superluminal signal sent back the information of the sudden explosion of Pluto.

Such a strange alien fleet just bombarded one of their own planets.

Originally, I thought that the other party was not malicious, but a glimmer of hope for a friendly exchange was completely frustrated.

Such a blatant act declared the other party's full malice, this is the alien civilization that came to oppress the earth's human beings and even destroy the earth's human beings!

The person in charge of the command closed his eyes, and then calmly said: "The detectors increase their power and closely monitor the opponent's attack. Once the opponent launches another attack, try to intercept it immediately.

Start the planetary engine of the moon, so that the moon is synchronously tracked and stabilized between the earth and the enemy fleet, and the 9th intelligent fleet will join the earth's protection. "

The other party came here with malice, this matter has long been expected by human beings, and countless countermeasures have been analyzed and prepared in the past few years.

The other party blasted Pluto, although the worst thing happened, but as the commander in charge, he quickly calmed down.

The detection data just now shows that although the opponent's attack is not the mass cannon, ray weapon, gravity bomb, material disintegration cannon, etc. of the basic rule system, it can be regarded as traceable and follows a straight line attack.

In this way, the moon is placed horizontally in the middle as a shield, and combined with the intelligent fleet to assist in defense, if an attack is launched against the earth, there will be a fault-tolerant opportunity if the interception fails.


As soon as the commander-in-chief gave the order, several prompts suddenly flashed in the system.

"The other party sent regular superluminal fluctuations."

A technician hurriedly yelled that the detector detected strange fluctuations in the law of spiritual energy.

There was no cover up for this fluctuation, it was mighty, and it was very upright.

"Regular fluctuations?"

A trace of suspicion flashed in the eyes of everyone present. The two words, law, represent many meanings. Words, language, culture, and even all civilizations are based on laws.

Combined with the current situation, then this regular fluctuation is most likely the language dictionary.

"The other party showed a light and shadow image."

Without waiting for humans to analyze the information contained in the fluctuation, suddenly, a battleship of the Eternal Kingdom Fleet broke away from the star gate at the superluminal level and appeared in the universe at the inner level of light speed.

Light and shadow flickered, and the battleship projected a huge image, flickering at an extremely high frequency.

At this time, the fleet of the Eternal Kingdom slowed down, and it was still 4 light-years away from the solar system. It seemed to express goodwill by slowly approaching.

It exploded a planet in our family, and only slowed down to express kindness at this time, crazy!

A sense of humiliation flashed across the eyes of the people in the Earth Command Center. Without waiting for an order, the relevant technicians were already analyzing the situation based on the superluminal detection.

language dictionary.

The fluctuations and images sent by this alien fleet are definitely language dictionaries.

This is not a communication between practitioners, as soon as the mind moves, the two parties can communicate unimpeded.

As long as one side is a pure technological civilization like the earth, then a language dictionary for communication is essential, otherwise it would be a chicken talking to a duck, and the other party would have no idea what to say.

"How do we communicate?"

After deciphering the language dictionary, the people around looked at the leaders and other heads of state.

This first sentence belongs to the export is the strategy, and it represents the attitude of the human beings on the earth.

"Ask them what they want."

The leader thought for a few seconds, briefly exchanged opinions with the surrounding heads of state, and said.


With a thought of the commander, the bio-brain chip immediately sent a message.

""What is your purpose? ""

The more advanced the technology, the finer the time is divided, or the more things can be done per unit of time.

At this time, the original keyboard interaction can no longer keep up with the times, because the time spent typing on the keyboard is enough to do a lot of things.

With the keyboard interaction changed to the communication link of the bio-brain chip, commands can be issued with a single thought, which is much faster than the original keyboard.

At this time, the fleet of the Eternal Kingdom also gradually approached the outer edge of the Kuiper belt of the solar system and broke away from the star gate, which is 0.8 light-years away from the sun, entering the range of time and space blockade.

But it’s not safe. The space-time blockade is stronger the closer it is to the inner galaxy. In the outer Kuiper belt, no one knows whether this distance will be directly broken.

Furthermore, for such a long distance, based on the calculation of one-third of the speed of light at the opponent's normal sailing speed, the distance is 3 light years, so the attack needs to cover an area with a radius of 0.8 light years.

This is beyond the attack limit of the Earth's defense system.

It is necessary to deceive the other party to come some distance.

The faster-than-light communication is very fast, and the message from the earth side is sent out through the strengthened faster-than-light communication wave.

Just as the technology on the earth side can detect the fluctuations from the fleet of the eternal kingdom, the specially enhanced fluctuations on the earth side can be accepted by eternity.

"Dear civilization, we want to exchange technology tree information with you."

Not long after, fluctuations were detected again on the earth side. Translated through the language dictionary, this line of words instantly appeared on the big screen of the command center.

Exchange technology tree?
Everyone was stunned.


Now that the technology tree information is being exchanged, what does it mean that you just bombarded Pluto when you came here?

are you crazy.

If you want to talk about this thing, we will pack it for you, and we will study it together. Anyway, this thing is also given away for free by others.

As long as the results of research and digestion are shared with each other, even if the digestion is over and you don't want to share, and your strength is not as good as others, in order to avoid competition, we can give it away for free.

But when you open the door, you will be bombarded. Is this another operation?

"Exchange the technology tree, so what did your actions mean just now?"

The head of the command center frowned, and sent a message with a questioning tone.

Ask questions, don't hesitate.

"Dear civilization, I'm sorry, we accidentally went off fire just now.

It seems to me that none of you have cultivated, and you still belong to the ordinary level of life. In order to express our apologies, we are willing to provide 100 blood potions unique to our civilization.

After taking this potion, you can prolong your life, and you will have no problem living for a thousand years. "

Eternal Kingdom paused for a while before replying to the message, and offered a compensation.

100 points of life-prolonging blood potion, taking it can live for thousands of years.

If there is no breakthrough in the genetic longevity technology on the earth side, then this price tag will definitely cause a sensation, and even cause internal turmoil and instability.

This is both compensation and calculation.

After all, longevity is the pursuit engraved in the deepest part of every life.

However, there has been a substantial breakthrough in the genetic lifespan technology of human beings on earth. The first generation of research is already in trial production, and the first generation of production will be perfected after clinical trials. The perfected second generation will be applicable to all people.

Then the calculation attached to this compensation is doomed to fail.

"What does the other party want to do?"

Everyone in the command center frowned.

Go on fire?

It's strange to believe this excuse.

Weapons misfired, submarines misfired, missiles misfired, and even nuclear bombs almost misfired.

If the Eternal Kingdom made its fortunes by plundering, then the human race on Earth relied on wars, or wars within civilizations to take off.

The progress of human civilization on the earth is a history of war. If you really believe the excuse of weapons going off, then there is a ghost.

"I'm sure the other party must have bad intentions."

"The destruction of Pluto this time is probably a demonstration of strength to achieve a deterrent purpose, forcing us to exchange technology trees."

"We don't think we should compromise. The other party has got the technology tree, and there is a high probability that they will do something to us."

In the command center, the relevant social psychologists in the think tank gave a positive analysis.

"It's okay to show strength, but if the opponent gets the technology tree and will do it, isn't that too determined? If we are willing to exchange the technology tree, the opponent will retreat."

Faced with the analysis given by the social psychologists of the think tank, some people raised doubts.

This question made everyone's eyes light up.

If the other party is willing to retreat after handing over the technology tree, and the two sides avoid the possibility of conflict, then the earth does not mind handing it over.

The technology tree is very valuable, but it can be said to be worthless, after all, it is data that can be copied.

With one more civilization to master this thing, in the dark and turbulent period in the future, there will definitely be less pressure on the earth.

As for today's hatred of oppression, after this crisis and the subsequent dark turmoil, it will take a long time, and it is fine to settle accounts slowly.

"What if the opponent gets the technology tree and doesn't want to retreat?"

If someone puts forward an optimistic view, there must be a pessimistic view.

"There is a high probability that the opponent will continue to attack, which can be seen from the behavior of the opponent blasting Pluto without saying a word."

At this time, a social psychologist from the think tank gave an opinion and explained: "If you want to get something, according to ordinary thinking, force is the last resort.

Only when negotiations at the negotiating table fail, will force be used for deterrence, and if deterrence fails, real war will eventually take place.

There is one sentence that can explain the situation of this alien fleet: that is who you are, and you will assume that other people will be the same.

The psychology of judging others by oneself is a kind of psychological thinking common to all intelligent life, regardless of civilization.

The other party directly blasted Pluto without saying a word, that is, the other party thinks that we will not hand over the technology tree peacefully, so deterrence first and then negotiation of conditions.

To understand it the other way around, it means that this is a brutal, cold-blooded civilization. We have handed over the technology tree, and there is a high probability that we will not retreat and let us go.

The reason why they didn't do it directly is because the technology tree has not been obtained yet, and they still have concerns.

When you get the technology tree and no worries, that's when you really tear off the mask. "

It seems that they are worried that everyone should rest assured and vigilant. The words of the social psychologists are very firm and affirmative, which makes the people in the command center look a little dignified and exchange opinions one after another.

Although the psychological analysis is so, it is not possible to leave without the other party getting the technology tree.

If the other party would have left after getting the technology tree, but because of his own reaction, there was a conflict, so the gain outweighed the loss.

Especially in the current situation where the strength of human civilization is not comparable to that of the other party. Once a war breaks out, the earth is likely to be severely damaged or even extinct.

Relevant personnel are still communicating with this alien fleet to delay time, but this cannot be delayed for too long, and an accurate answer must be given as soon as possible.

This answer is almost equivalent to deciding the next life and death.

To give or not to give is a difficult choice.

Everyone in the think tank couldn't agree more, and finally looked at the leaders and heads of state next to them.

This decision was too difficult. They gave a professional analysis report. As for the final decision, let this group of civilization leaders.

 emmm, I didn’t get home until 4:[-] in the morning, and I took a nap until the afternoon when I came back. I almost spent the Mid-Autumn Festival in high speed and sleeping. Today, I can only have one chapter

(End of this chapter)

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