Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 295 Fight!

Chapter 295 Fight!
"War is all about predicting the enemy in the worst-case scenario."

Facing the eyes of everyone looking over, the leader said with a heavy face: "Bring the other party in, whether it is war or peace, we must take the initiative."

Whoever holds the initiative in the war will have the upper hand.

At present, both human beings on earth and the eternal kingdom have the initiative in the hands of the eternal kingdom.

The Eternal Kingdom has mastered the super-light speed navigation technology of the aura law system, and has mastered the super-light speed attack.

The technology related to gravitational time and space on the earth side is not fully mastered, and there is no superluminal technology. This is like birds and land animals, and the initiative is always on the birds.

If you want to gain the initiative and win the war, this must be limited.

Only when the two sides are at the same level, can the human side have the ability to fight back.


The person in charge of the command nodded, and with a thought, a message was sent out.

"Dear alien civilization, hello, it's a great honor to communicate with you and explore the mysteries of the universe. After discussion, we agree to exchange scientific and technological information.

The complete technology tree information is a huge amount of data, and our communication bandwidth cannot transmit the information of the technology tree.

Because the amount of data is so huge, it is conservatively estimated that it will take us 40 years to send the complete data wirelessly.

In order to facilitate our communication and not waste the time of your civilization, we are going to arrange for starships without weapon systems to directly deliver storage modules to you.

According to the speed of our starship, we will be able to successfully transport the complete data information to you in about 12 years.

During this period, you can also prepare your own technology tree data. The starship will transport our data to you and transport it back to complete the exchange of technology trees between us and promote harmonious and beautiful exchanges between us. "

Humans have many reasons to fool the Eternal Fleet.

The communication bandwidth is not enough to support the transmission of the technology tree. This is the most convenient argument, and it is also an objective problem.

The more advanced the civilization, the greater the information related to the technology tree.

The current technology tree data of humans on Earth is already a huge order of magnitude, which is far from being able to be copied and transmitted by simple means of communication.

This is like the data transfer in the previous large data center, instead of establishing communication between the two parties as imagined, and then the data is transmitted through the optical fiber.

In fact, trucks are used to transport the data. The hard disks or tapes storing the data are removed and transported to the new data center by large trucks.

This transfer method is the fastest and most cost-effective method.


Inside the Eternal Fleet, Patriarch Cao and others saw the message sent by the earth, and they agreed to exchange the message before, but then they looked confused.

The starship transports the hardware modules that store the technology tree information, and then transports their technology tree information back.

Do you want to be so troublesome?
Isn't this something that can be done with one stream of information, or a jade slip of information, or even one hundred and eighty Dao lines?

Could it be that he is fooling, is there some kind of conspiracy?
"Their system is different from ours. Looking at their storage situation, this seems to be true."

The head of the Zhao family sent out an analysis of the earth's civilization, with a somewhat uncertain expression on his face.

This civilization is a technological system with purely basic rules. There is no power of cultivation within the civilization. There is no such thing as information flow, information jade slips, or dao patterns.

"What a troublesome civilization."

The Patriarch of the Sanskrit clan frowned and said: "We will send warships to receive them, and we will withdraw when we get the storage modules, and we can also clean them up by the way."

They are in the outer Kuiper belt, 0.8 light-years away from the sun, which is a short distance for them.

However, for humans on earth, the maximum one-tenth of the speed of light plus deceleration, acceleration and mitigation, it takes less than ten years.

"No need, your starship is too slow, we will send a battleship to meet you"

The Sanskrit patriarch replied with a message, and a battleship broke away from the formation, time and space were distorted, and flew towards the earth.

"Not the same person."

Earth, after receiving this message, relevant psychologists immediately determined from the tone and sentence structure analysis that this is not the same person who said before that the technology tree would be exchanged.

This is a bit interesting.

Relevant analysts subconsciously opened the Eternal Kingdom to leave the stargate, and carefully identified the construction style of these warships from the newly detected images of the detector.

"This is the Combined Fleet."

The bio-brain chip brought powerful information processing capabilities, and the relevant analysts quickly gave the answer. This is not a single civilization or a fleet of one force, but a fleet of multiple parties.

Different forces, different ideas, different cultures, and the products designed and produced must be different.

The joint attack of the Eternal Kingdom was quite careful. All the family emblems on the battleships were removed, but there were still many differences in the style and some details of the battleships. From this point, it was enough to distinguish that the opponent was a joint fleet.

This is the same reason that the standard weapons of various countries on the earth have very different styles.

A moment of thought flashed in the eyes of the person in charge of the specific command of the United Fleet, seeing the warship that had entered the super-light speed sailing state and coming towards the earth, he suddenly sent a message.

"Dear alien civilization, is it okay to hand over the technology tree information directly to this battleship? Everyone belongs to a technology system with different rules. Do you need to communicate with each other and explain it to each other?"

Patriarch Cao and the others were taken aback when they saw the message from Earth.

Whether or not an explanation is needed is a question, and they even go deeper into the association, whether there will be any traps in the data in which the earth humans hand over the technology tree so simply.

Just leave it to this battleship
Seeing this sentence, except for the Sanskrit, the Cao family and the Zhao family all frowned.

You must know that before they came to the earth, they were still in a competitive relationship with each other, and even had a relationship of enemies.

If the warship of the Sanskrit tribe got the data of the technology tree and destroyed the earth, it would be possible to threaten or do something to them with the only technology data.

"Sanskrit, let your warships wait, let's send warships to chat with this earth civilization and exchange information related to scientific and technological data."

Thinking of this, the Patriarch of the Cao family and others immediately came out, and signaled the warships sent by the Sanskrit to stop and wait for them, and then they all gave orders, and the fleet rushed out to the earth.

"Wait, each family can only send 3 warships to copy the technological data."

Seeing everyone running towards the earth in a swarm, the Zhao family faintly felt something was wrong.

"Fart, all the flame mercenaries are out, if our Cao family doesn't keep up, these bastards will definitely do it."

The Cao family saw that almost all the flame mercenaries were following up, and they rejected this plan without the slightest hesitation.

They and the flame mercenary group are sworn enemies. If the formation is scattered and the technological data is in hand, the opponent will attack them nine out of ten, and some of them can be eliminated.

"The strength of a single battleship of our royal family on which the sun never sets is not strong, and the specified number is not appropriate. The people who passed by should be regulated according to their combat power."

The second one who jumped out to oppose was the Sunbuwei royal family on the Eternal Star.

After realizing that other people may do things with the technology data, the alliance that was originally united on the surface has the limit of collapse in an instant. Everyone, you guard me, and I guard you, lest the enemy or opponent get the technology data and do it yourself.

In the end, except for a few battleships that were responding on the periphery, almost all the rest of the families went out.

The human civilization on earth agreed to hand over the technology tree without even refusing to refute it, and unconditionally cooperated and obeyed. Coupled with the fact that they did not even master the super-light speed method, this has completely made the Eternal Kingdom United Fleet relax their vigilance.

This is a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

In their eyes, the actual opponents and enemies are no longer the earth, but other forces that may turn against each other immediately after obtaining the technological data.

"what's going on?"

Earth, the command center, saw that the fleet of the Eternal Kingdom suddenly dispersed into more than a dozen formations, rushing towards the earth in a defensive manner, and everyone couldn't react.

"Are their dozen or so forces going to fight among themselves?"

"We haven't got the technological data yet, and we're starting to fight among ourselves? Is the effect so good?"

"This is a fool."

The earth, everyone in the think tank, and the leaders and other heads of state all looked a little dazed.

In any war, force is only a part.

The psychological game, strategic analysis, and intelligence analysis during the period can also play a huge role, and even reverse the occupation when the power gap between the two sides is not too large.

Since the discovery of the fleet of the Eternal Kingdom, the war has actually begun, and the deception of related camouflage and intelligence information on the earth side has already been going on.

Just now I proposed to explain the technology tree, etc., which is also a subtle sowing discord, but what everyone didn't expect is that the effect of sowing discord is so good!

"Their social structure is different from ours."

There was only a few seconds of silence, and after calming down, someone from the most elite group of all human beings came to their senses.

The social structure and social system are different from the earth.

Although I don't fully understand the situation of the Eternal Kingdom, but from the information left by Chen Nuo about the law of aura, from the opponent's battleship style and psychological analysis, we can still see one or two points.

If we say that the parliamentary system and the people's congress system on this side of the earth are more inclined to democracy, the so-called leaders are nothing more than the spokespersons of the will of the country and social groups.

Then the Eternal Kingdom tends to be feudal dictatorship and dictatorship. Whoever is strong has the final say, and the weak can only rely on them. Their leaders are not the spokespersons of the country and social groups, but instead dominate the movements of power with their words and deeds.

Both sides respect the strong.

It's just that the strong on the human side refers to elites, ideology, thinking, and ideas. At the same time, the system of democracy and equal human rights also limits the full strength of leaders and avoids the possibility of dictatorship.

In the Eternal Kingdom, the strong are respected, and they tend to use force, not ideology. What's more, there is no system of democracy and equal human rights to limit the leaders' full strength and avoid dictatorship.

In this way, it seems to be justifiable to be provoked so easily, and to go up so irrationally as a bee chrysalis all of a sudden.

"Leader, do you want to fight?"

The people in the command center watched the alien fleet rushing over faster than the speed of light while sending messages on the screen. Everyone replied perfunctorily, and then looked at the leaders on the side, including the heads of state.

Originally, I thought that it would take a lot of effort to lure them into the inner galaxy, so that the power of the space-time blockade can be maximized, and there is even a risk of failure to be seen through.

However, I didn't expect that this alien fleet would actually give face so much, oh no, look down on people like this.

Before the real psychological confrontation started, before the real calculations and tricks were used, the other party almost fell into the urn with a whoosh.

Once time and space are blocked, super-light flight and super-light attack lose their effectiveness, then even if human strength is still a little weaker, relying on the solar system defense system may not be invincible.

Want to fight?
Looking at the separated fleet on the screen, the fingers of the leader and other heads of state also trembled a little.

If you fight, there will be no room for maneuver in that matter. Either you will die or you will forget about it.

If you don't fight, the opponent may leave with the technological data, but if you have evil intentions and get rid of the time and space blockade after obtaining the technological data, then the human beings on earth will lose the best chance, or even the last chance to fight back.

"What do you think?"

The leader looked at the head of state of the United States and others. This decision is too important, so important that no one dares to make it lightly.

"what is your opinion?"

The Russian head of state took a deep breath and seemed to have made up his mind, but he still looked at the leader and asked back.

"My opinion?"

The leader sighed and shook his head: "The life and death of human beings cannot be placed in the hands of others, and you cannot use your own life and death to expect others to be kind.

Since the opponent has bombed Pluto from the beginning, and the relevant limit shows that it is not good, then we will fight!"

Looking at the head of state of the United States and others, no one objected, the leader's trembling hands suddenly stabilized, and he shouted angrily:
"Record the order. Once the opponent has just entered the Jupiter orbital area, we can turn on the gravitational resonance instrument and block time and space. Let's fight him hard!!!"

 The plot is coherent and not divided into chapters. It is inconvenient to code words at home. I will start to make up the chapters the day after tomorrow.
(End of this chapter)

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