Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 296 The Disadvantages of Both Sides

Chapter 296 The Disadvantages of Both Sides

Following the words of the leader, the atmosphere in the command center instantly became extremely solemn, and a large amount of data was refreshed on the screen. This is the self-check of the solar system defense system, and the calculation of the next attack plan.

The first wave of attacks must achieve the greatest results, so as to ensure the final victory of this war.

"Dear Earth Civilization, hello, we have almost arrived, you can give us the technological data, and our technological data is ready for exchange."

"Okay, don't we need to explain to you?"

A message was displayed on the big screen, and the commander-in-chief quickly replied to the message, asking if an explanation was needed.

At the same time, the starship carrying the scientific and technological data also turned a corner quietly at this time, came to the direction behind the moon and then extended out, and at the same time, the tachyon waves in the solar system were also dense.

"No need for now, let's make an exchange first, and if there is something I don't understand in the end, then I will ask you for advice."

The head of the Cao family replied to the message.

At this time, the competitors have changed from the so-called human civilization on Earth to the major forces in their eternal kingdom. To be on the safe side, it is the safest behavior to obtain the technological data first.

"Wait, something is wrong!"

Just after replying to this message, Patriarch Cao looked at the starship on the screen that went to the moon and blocked the earth behind the moon, and then saw the sudden increase of superluminal tachyon waves detected, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Dear alien civilization, we think that in order to avoid disputes between the two parties if you don't understand it, we'd better demonstrate it to you personally."

Before he could react, the earth sent another message.

Almost instantly, time and space resonated violently, and the space-time blockade equipment arranged by the earth's human civilization in the solar system was activated!
Divine Sense felt the buzzing of time and space, the light was distorted, and time and space changed.

Patriarch Cao and other people from the Eternal Kingdom watched in horror as the entire fleet appeared in the starry sky of the solar system, and a star the size of an orange was emitting a dim light in the distance.

"Attack! Attack the opponent's star!"

Patriarch Lan Tuo was shouting loudly.

At this time, everyone understood that they were plotted by the human civilization on this earth, and the other party wanted to resist!

In this case, then attack the star, and use the extinguishing of the star to force the opponent to submit!

The spiritual energy surged, and countless Dao lines emerged, and a battleship of the Lan Tuo family launched a super-light speed attack.

But at the next moment, time and space vibrated, and the attack gathered by countless aura lines disintegrated as if hitting a wall as soon as it left the battleship. With a bang, an explosion occurred around the battleship.

This unlucky battleship GG on the spot.

"Look at the detector!"

Suddenly, the Patriarch of the Zhao family exclaimed in horror. In the superluminal detection, the weapons arranged in the orbits of asteroids, satellites, and planets in the solar system suddenly showed their fangs at this moment.

Countless high-energy light weapons, ray weapons, burst into light, and flocked towards them in an enveloping manner.

What shocked everyone in the Eternal Kingdom was that behind these light weapons, there were countless basketball-sized mass bombs attacking them at a sub-light speed. Looking at the trajectory of the ballistics, this was a blocked cover attack.

What is a blocked coverage attack?
It means that the advance amount of dodge is calculated, and the attack method covers all your dodge space.

A large amount is full.

These attacks, if time and space are not blocked, they can dodge at will, and bullets that cannot even catch up with the target are not lethal.

"Counterattack, attack with the speed of light, and counterattack their parent star!"

The Sanskrit patriarch roared violently.

The dao pattern flickered, the light shone, and the two attacks flew towards the earth.

Looking at the angle of the attack, it barely avoided the moon in the middle.

Looking at the power of the attack, once it hits, the earth will not explode like Pluto, but it will definitely cause serious damage and cause a planetary catastrophe.

At that time, except for the people in the shelter, all the rest of the earth will die.

As the behind-the-scenes controller of one of the three major plundering groups in the Eternal Kingdom, he has always been the only one who plots to plunder and attack others. He did not expect to be plotted by a civilization that is not as powerful as his own this time.


The super-light speed attack with more concentrated energy was blocked by the space-time blockade, but the super-light speed detection can still be used.

The earth command center, the system monitors the attack launched by the eternal kingdom, and a large amount of data is being calculated and refreshed. Thousands of mass bombardments arranged around the earth are launched with a bang to intercept these two attacks.

The purpose of blocking time and space when the Eternal Kingdom Fleet is near the orbit of Jupiter is to prevent this, so as to have sufficient reaction time in the face of enemy attacks.

If it is too close, the reaction time is not enough, the attack interception may fail, and the earth will be severely damaged.

It is too far away, and the further you go to the outer reaches of the solar system, the lower the strength of the time-space blockade, and the other party is likely to break the time-space blockade and escape from lurking.

Time is flying, time and space are blocked, the upper limit of the speed of light is so small in the distance of the starry sky.

Before the attack was intercepted, the orbital circle of Jupiter suddenly became a mess.

Countless high-energy light rays and high-energy rays flooded the target, the energy of the aura was fluctuating, and the electromagnetic guns were also raging.

However, when the wave of attacks ceased and the follow-up attacks took place, the Eternal Kingdom Fleet was revealed.

Numerous streaks were circulating, and the thick aura defensive shield blocked this wave of attacks almost without damage.


Earth, everyone was stunned.

From the analysis of the detection situation, the strength of the shield has not changed at all. Obviously, the high-energy light attack that was almost submerged just now, the shield of this fleet can be blocked without even overloading.

"We still have mass bombs, increase the production of weapons and equipment!"

Someone is shouting.

Although the defensive power of the battleship of the Eternal Kingdom is amazing, the original intention of the light weapon is to consume. I never thought that it could break through the opponent's defense. The mass bomb behind it is the big one.

Not to mention that this is the solar system and the base camp of mankind. Relying on the matter of the entire galaxy, this is enough to fight a protracted war.

"All attacks!!!"

The smart factory on the earth side, which had relaxed the enemy's vigilance and stopped, launched with all its strength, and the mass bomb was still on the way. At this time, the Patriarch of the Cao family and others were completely annoyed, and issued an order, and the fleet launched an attack and rushed to the earth.

"Get rid of the opponent's space-time blockade device."

The Huoyun family of Eternal Lord is reminded in the public network.

Accompanied by his words, one after another small battleships flew away from the fleet, and flew towards the detected equipment point that initiated gravitational resonance to block time and space.

As long as these space-time blockade devices are resolved, the human beings on earth will be lambs to be slaughtered, without the slightest ability to resist.

"What to do with those horrible metal bullets?"

Patriarch Zhao watched the dim flames emanating from the detection screen, completely blocking the mass bombs that covered their fleet, and frowned.

These hazy flames are the glimmer of light caused by the fragmentation of matter when interstellar dust hits the mass bomb.

There are too many, and their warships are just a drop in the bucket facing these mass bombs, and they cannot intercept them at all.

In addition, the energy contained in the mass bomb is many times stronger than that of the previous light weapons, and it is enough to hit any one.

If the light weapons in front are appetizers, these mass bombs are full of Chinese people, enough to shake and even shatter the shield of the battleship.

It was too sudden.

No one expected that the human civilization on earth has been showing weakness in front of it. The sudden outbreak caught them by surprise.

"Elders, please take action!"

The Patriarch of the Mohist family was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly looked at the elders of the Saint Realm and even the Saint King's family beside him.

The Eternal Kingdom is a big force in the starry sky, and the Eternal Star is a big life star in the starry sky. They suddenly mobilized all of them, which has attracted the attention of the whole universe.

In this case, the battleship cannot be damaged.

They also need to use the stargate technology of the battleship to quickly evacuate after obtaining the technological data of the earth.

Since the warship cannot be damaged, the characters who block the mass bomb can only use people.


The expressions of the elders of the Mo family, and even the elders of other forces, could not help but change.

Everyone understands that this earth civilization relies on galaxies, one wave of attacks comes and the next wave comes, and if they go out to intercept them, they probably won't be able to come back, even if they are not killed, they will be exhausted.

However, I usually enjoy the family's worship, and I need to stand up at critical moments.

Growing up in the family, they will not refuse the idea that the interests of the family are paramount.

"Please take good care of our wives and children in the future."

Gritting their teeth, several elders looked at each other and stood up, saluting the Patriarch.

"Go, if you can, rush to the enemy's planet with the flexibility of a cultivator."

The Patriarch of the Mo family nodded without much fluctuation, and looked at the mass bomb on the screen. The mass bomb blasted from a relatively short distance will arrive in a few minutes.

These mass bombs and battleships cannot dodge due to their size, but the flexibility of the practitioners is no problem.

If you avoid and block this wave of mass bombs, you may be able to counterattack the earth.

"Thank you Patriarch, we understand!"

Several elders of the Mohist family took a deep breath, their figures flashed, and they got out of the battleship.

At the same time, the Zhao family, the Cao family, the head of the Landuo family and other major forces almost made the same decision.

In the dark and bright starry sky, more than a dozen figures suddenly appeared.

Dao patterns emerged, and terrifying power erupted from them.

These forces surpassed the speed of light with the help of the law of spiritual energy. The meteorites of the major planets in the solar system were shaking, and the flames burning and spouting from the distant sun seemed to be more violent.

"what happened?"

"Are aliens coming?"

"what's going on."

Earth, all mankind suddenly felt a burst of depression in their hearts.

When the Eternal Kingdom Fleet bombed Pluto, it has not been two hours until now, and the bombarded light from the planet still has 3 hours to arrive. They still don't understand what happened.

"This is!!!"


The command center looked at dozens of extremely strong energy reaction points that suddenly appeared in the starry sky, and the detection waves were disturbed even when they approached. Everyone's eyes were filled with horror for a moment.

"Isn't this a technological civilization? How can there be practitioners?"

Someone exclaimed, his tone full of disbelief and even despair.

Compared with battleships, the body size and flexibility of practitioners are not at the same level at all.

The defense plans of the solar system are all built according to the specifications of warships. Mass bombs can cover the blockade fleet, but it is impossible to block the practitioners. This is like a mosquito net that can block mosquitoes but cannot block dust.

At this time, a group of cultivators with high strength suddenly appeared. This was completely an accident that was beyond the expectations of the earth, and even an accident that could lead to the overall destruction of the earth.


The earth command center was worried and even panicked. A group of elders in the eternal kingdom hadn't realized that, facing the approaching mass bomb, they all looked at each other and shot brazenly.

The blockade of time and space was about to be broken, countless dao patterns emerged, and the spiritual energy rioted, condensing into a series of killing techniques and blasting towards the mass bomb.

Just like the explosion of Genesis, the bright light is blooming, and the depression felt by the earth has become more intense.

Mass bombs flew straight around the battleship of the Eternal Kingdom and flew into the depths of the dark starry sky.

There is a high probability that they will fly away from the Milky Way, and a small part will hit planets or stars. If life has been bred on them, then this will be a catastrophe.

The mass bombs that participated in the blockade and would not attack the position of the battleship at this time passed by, and the mass bombs that could attack and hit the fleet were stopped.

"Puff cough cough cough!"

A group of elders in the realm of the Four Saints of Sendai stood in the starry sky in disorder, spitting blood from their mouths.

The energy brought by the mass bomb's terrifying speed is too condensed, and it is almost unstoppable violently.

Forcibly intercepting the mass bomb, the hard-to-hard collision between the two sides almost caused them all to suffer backlash.


The Supreme Elder of a saint king stopped his mass bomb unscathed, and suddenly punched it hard, causing time and space to vibrate, but it was as solid as gold.

This blockade strength, not to mention the saint king, even if the great saint wants to break it, it is almost impossible.

"Damn time and space blockade!"

The spiritual sense senses the gravitational resonance space-time blockade instrument in the distance.

Good guy, in the face of their pursuit, these blockade instruments are equipped with engine modules and are constantly fleeing, and the light weapons arranged around them are covering them, so they can't catch up at all.

"Squad! A group of people detoured to the opponent's home planet, attacked their command center, and plundered their technological data!"

The moment he looked at the blue and white planet in the distant starry sky, the sage king shouted and gave an order.

At this time, he also noticed a frown.

Galaxy defensive operations have inherent advantages, and can rely on the huge material resources of the galaxy to conduct operations.

But if you can't defend against the enemy, once the enemy advances, you will completely lose the ability to resist a comeback.

Mass bombs block attacks, and the distance between them can block their warships, but they cannot block their individual small and flexible practitioners.

As long as they evade interception and successfully enter the home planet of this earth civilization, then this war will be over.

"Yes, Elder Taishang."

Several other elders in the realm of saints also saw this at this time. Each faction left two guards around the fleet to block the next mass bomb, and the rest scattered and flew to the earth in a detour.

 Two-in-one chapter, I’m back in Shenzhen, and I’ll start updating tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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