Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 298 Chen Nuo's Anxiety

Chapter 298 Chen Nuo's Anxiety

"How did the bandits in the Eternal Kingdom know about the situation on Earth?"

A ray of light of five colors was circulating, and Chen Nuo hurried forward with An Miaoyi anxiously.

The space-time channel of the colorful altar suddenly vibrated just now, which gave him a bad premonition.

Originally, I saw the fleet of the Eternal Kingdom attacking on the planet of death. This is another planet and world to rob, but I didn't expect the target to be the earth.

Before he was only one or two planets away from the starry sky and ancient roads, he could study the mystery of the aura circulation channel. The news of the Eternal Kingdom's full-scale invasion of the ancient Yinghuo star area and the snatching of a civilization technology tree there spread throughout the universe.

Gu Yinghuoxing, isn't this Mars?

Hearing the news, Chen Nuo looked very surprised. The original book Eternal Kingdom has fully invaded Beidou and competed. Why did it suddenly invade the solar system at this time.

After confirming the authenticity of the news, he hurried back with An Miaoyi.

Nothing can happen to the earth.

Although I don't know how the Eternal Kingdom knows the news of the earth's technology, but if the earth is really destroyed, let alone emotions and being slapped in the face, his reform plan alone will be completely overturned.

"It should be the Supreme Being of the restricted area, or the ghost of the Immortal Emperor."

As Chen Nuo was on his way, he thought about it for a long time, and he probably confirmed the situation.

The earth that shrouds the sky is on the other side, although it was glorious in ancient times, but how low-key it is at this time, the Eternal Kingdom suddenly knows the situation on the earth, and the only thing behind it is the great emperor or the supreme level who may have a glimpse of the universe.

"The magical powers of the basic rule system are too lacking, and the quasi-emperor level can't jump in space. This thing actually needs to master the great unity."

Hurriedly on his way, Chen Nuo did not forget to complain about the basic rule system.

Magical powers are too scarce.

Not to mention compared with the three thousand roads and countless magical powers of the prehistoric system, it is much worse than Zhetian who is like a group of reckless people who like to fight and are good at fighting.

At least in the Zhetian system, Zhundi can appear everywhere in the universe. He has mastered the four basic forces. His combat power has reached the level of Zhundi and he is still playing with the curvature of time and space. To travel, he has to use the five-color altar.

"Sir, is this earth your hometown? It makes you so anxious."

An Miaoyi looked at Chen Nuo's rare impatient look and asked curiously.

Chen Nuo is not from the Big Dipper, she already knew that, seeing Chen Nuo being so anxious about the situation of a planet at this time, she made a bold guess in her heart.

"It's not a matter of home or not, the planet is that."

Chen Nuo wanted to explain, but after saying a few words, he didn't know what to say, so he just shook his head: "Forget it, you'll know when you get there, hold on tight, I'm going to speed up."


An Miaoyi nodded obediently, and didn't ask any more questions when she heard this, she pulled Chen Nuo and dared not stop.

The explosion of powerful psychic power drove the two of them to rush forward at an accelerated speed. Although the speed could not reach the level of Jiulong pulling the coffin, it was not too far behind.

In the asteroid belt of the solar system, fierce battles are going on, the strong electromagnetic reaction, and the surging aura energy have turned the asteroid belt in the area of ​​hundreds of millions of miles into powder.

The rays of light bloomed, the aura energy surged, and a warship of the eternal kingdom was pierced by a mass cannon at close range, countless streaks flickered, and the battleship exploded with a bang.

But the next moment, the human battleship that was desperately rushing to attack encountered concentrated fire, and the electromagnetic shield of dozens of attacks directly distorted and collapsed, and the battleship was completely shattered without even exploding.

This piece of starry sky has become the grave of battleships, and the war between the two sides has entered a bayonet fight, almost to the extent of battleships colliding.

No one backs down.

Behind the human fleet is the earth, there is no way to retreat, but to fight to the death.

There are three human fleets behind the Eternal Kingdom Fleet encircling and suppressing them, and the defense systems all over the solar system are constantly interfering.

Another human battleship was broken through the electromagnetic defense shield, and an explosion occurred, and the energy explosion and chaotic ray radiation particle flow swept thousands of miles around.


Suddenly, a terrifying cry of divine sense came from the starry sky.

A saint-level cultivator was hit head-on by a mass bomb, and the subsequent neutron extinction cannon made up for it, completely disintegrating his body and destroying his divine sense.

"Kill them all!"

When the Patriarch of the Cao family heard this voice, his face was tyrannical, and he ordered in an extremely ugly manner.

This is the elder of his Cao family, who fell on the way to attack the earth.

It was originally a war that was sure to win, and the scientific and technological data was already a turtle in the urn, but because of a momentary negligence, it was calculated and ended up like this, which made the high-level leaders of the forces in the Eternal Kingdom extremely annoyed.


The people below did not dare to say anything, but responded respectfully.

The battleship was activated at full power, and countless dao patterns emerged, forming a series of terrifying killing techniques to attack the human battleship.

In the battlefield, apart from the cultivators who stayed behind, there are also saint-level mechas made of various gods and rare materials wandering around crazily.

They are like sharks surrounding a whale. Every time they pounce, they will eat a piece of meat on the human fleet, and they will return with the results.

More than a dozen Saint-class mechs gathered suddenly, the flagship of the Fourth Fleet exploded, and endless high-energy rays and particle streams were blooming.

The attack of the human fleet seemed to stop for an instant, but calmness was restored the next moment, and the remaining battleships quickly filled the vacancy, blocking the advance of the Eternal Kingdom fleet as much as possible.

One after another human warships were exploding, like bright fireworks blooming their last rays before falling silently.

Accompanied by the fleet of the Eternal Kingdom gathering fire again, and the culling of the mechs, a continuous piece of light bloomed in the screen, completely covering up the starry sky with a vast expanse of whiteness.

The light dissipated, revealing the flagship of the Sixth Fleet. The electromagnetic shield was constantly flashing and emitting light of various bands. Obviously, it was almost broken in the concentrated fire attack just now.


Earth, the command center, a communication link comes in.

A message was sent back from the fleet that had not yet spoken after receiving the order to dispatch.

"Report to the command center, the fourth and fifth have been destroyed, the last flagship of the Sixth Fleet has consumed light-quality projectiles, the light weapons have been overloaded and burned, and the energy shield module has been overloaded and burned 67.8%. Sorry, we can't intercept the enemy fleet to 10 hours."

Suddenly, the flagship in the screen burst into a huge amount of light, and the terrifying energy flooded the three rushing mechs like a tsunami.

The material decay reactor self-destructed and exploded.

The light slowly dissipated on the screen, and the remaining three-quarters of the fleet in the Eternal Kingdom began to reorganize. The atmosphere in the command center was completely silent, and a small number of female analysts could not help but cover their mouths and suppress their crying.

"Report the location and situation of the opponent's practitioner."

The leader and other heads of state were silent, and the commander in charge paused for less than two seconds and began to collect information.


The smaller the number of people, the smaller the target of the encirclement and suppression, and the more concentrated the forces are. If 9 people die and there are 16 people left, then the time and cost needed to solve these 16 people will be less than before.

"The situation of the first, second, and third fleets."

"In full defense, the fastest to reach the asteroid belt is the Third Fleet, which takes 34 minutes, then the Second Fleet in 42 minutes, and the First Fleet in 1 hour and 9 minutes."

"The defense force of the asteroid belt, the mass cannon and the light weapon switch the attack target, and delay the attack on the enemy fleet for 34 minutes, waiting for the second fleet to arrive to intercept, and continue to block and kill the practitioners in the rest of the area."

The person in charge of the command did not hesitate at all, and his calm eyes made people afraid that he gave the order.

The messenger next to him shook his hands, then lowered his head: "Yes."

"Enough! Can't stop, we can't stop, our remaining three fleets can't stop each other at all!

Run away, let the three fleets escape, they may escape the solar system scattered, maybe they can still keep a share of the fire! "

Suddenly, someone in the command hall stood up, roaring with grief and indignation.

The three full fleets rushed to intercept near the earth, and it took only 10 hours to intercept the enemy fleet.

His entire army was wiped out, and only a quarter of the enemy fleet was lost. Almost all of them were small and medium warships, and the flagship was unscathed.

This kind of delay is meaningless. Even if the second fleet arrives, the third fleet arrives, and finally the first fleet arrives, those who came from the outer reaches of the solar system are not in a full state. It is considered powerful to stop the opponent for 7 hours, let alone How to reduce staff.

Furthermore, the mass cannons used to block and intercept the opponent's practitioners will inevitably cause the opponent's practitioners to accelerate their advance. Once they cross the orbit of Mars, the attack can pose a threat to the earth. Once they enter the vicinity of the earth's orbit, the earth will have no way to fight back. force.

It is impossible for human beings to aim their cannons at the earth, and even local cultivators bombard the earth with them.

Rather than engage in meaningless struggle, it is better to use negotiation and technological data to delay time and create opportunities for the remaining three major fleets to escape.

"Excuting an order!"

Faced with doubts, the commander-in-chief's expression did not change at all, and he repeated a sentence.

At present, he and several deputy commanders have the final say here. Even the leaders and other heads of state will not obstruct or interfere in this specific war command.


The herald nodded, and the relevant instructions were passed on. The person who made the rebuttal just opened his mouth, and finally sat down decadently.

The atmosphere was silent again, and everyone watched the battle situation displayed on the screen, but they all remained silent.

As things stand now, there is nothing to do and nothing to do.

The screen once again burst into light, the Second Fleet arrived at the asteroid belt and became entangled with the Eternal Kingdom Fleet.

The commander-in-chief looked at the situation of the two sides in the war, remained silent for a few seconds, and suddenly said: "Keep the No. 68 civilization database, format the rest of the database hardware, and fill in the format repeatedly to ensure that the data is completely destroyed."


The herald nodded, opened the operation interface himself, and operated the complete database of human civilization.

(End of this chapter)

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