Chapter 299

A sage king from the Eternal Kingdom was roaring, his dao lines flickered, smashed more than a dozen mass bombs, and rushed towards the earth frantically.

At this time, his condition was not good anymore, most of his divine power was consumed, his clothes were torn, and scorched wounds were exposed.

The strength of a cultivator is mainly due to the condensed energy. Just like a neutron star the size of a sesame seed can destroy a star, a trace of extremely condensed energy can also shatter a star and destroy a galaxy.

Once you really want to play consumption, facing the battleship group, facing the defense system of the entire galaxy, even the saint king is not enough.

The distant asteroid is burning, countless light weapons are continuously irradiating, and mass bombs are also attacking.

Extremely angry, he couldn't help punching the time-space plane again, and tried to attack at super-light speed again. However, as soon as the time-space surged, it was shaken away by the gravitational resonance in the next moment, and countless lines collapsed into nothingness.

Superluminal detection with low energy response is no problem, but superluminal attack and movement with strong energy response is still not possible.

Different rule systems, the same time and space.

Gravitational resonance restricts the operation of high-energy reactions at the space-time level. Unless the gravitational resonance is broken first or the limit is exceeded, the emperor can only dance at the speed of light.


I don't know how many times I tried, or it ended in failure.

"All personnel rush forward directly, and the fleet covers the attack!"

"It won't work this time, destroy the opponent's home planet, capture the opponent's warships and equipment, and then crack it in reverse!"

Divine thoughts swept around, and the saint king was roaring.

At this time, there are only 9 elders left to attack the earth, and they are less than 7000 million kilometers away from the earth.

The attack launched at this distance is enough for the earth to intercept it, but they paid such a high price, and the technological data has not yet been obtained, so they don't want to destroy the opponent's planet unless they have to.

But I don't want to destroy it, and I will destroy it at this time, otherwise even if I finally successfully landed on the home planet of this civilization and obtained the technological data, the Eternal Kingdom suffered heavy losses in this battle fleet, and all the elders suffered all casualties. shred them.

The super-light speed message spread, and the Eternal Kingdom Fleet, which was entangled with the third and first fleets of the earth, paused for half a second, and then quickly issued an order. Under the frantic suicide attack of the human fleet, one after another, the relevant attack modules of the muzzles switched their targets. Scatter locked Earth.

They launched massive attacks. Humans don't want the earth to be destroyed, so they have to spend ten times more resources to intercept it, so that the remaining 9 elders can break through and enter the vicinity of the earth's orbit.

Their enemies are all over the universe, and no one wants to fight until the end of their foundation is exhausted.

If it doesn't work this time, the elders who have penetrated to a range of 7000 million kilometers will decisively bomb the earth, don't want scientific and technological data, and collect the captured warships and related equipment and bring them back to reverse crack.

boom! ! !
The aura energy rioted, countless dao patterns shone, and the remaining fleet of the Eternal Kingdom concentrated fire on a large scale, aiming at the earth like a tsunami, and pouring out.

The remaining human fleet in the asteroid belt was stunned. When the superluminal tachyon wave detected this scene, the earth command center was also stunned.


The Saint King of the Supreme Elder let out a roar, and rushed out with the remaining nine elders.

The choice is once again handed over to the human side of the earth.

Whether to choose to intercept the attack of the Eternal Kingdom Fleet or to intercept the attack of this group of cultivators is a dilemma.

If you choose the former, the opponent's cultivator will land on the earth, and human beings will be lambs to be slaughtered.If you choose the latter, the opponent's fleet's attack cannot be intercepted, the earth will be destroyed, and human beings will perish.

There is no solution to this matter.

In the Earth Command Center, everyone closed their eyes in despair, and the corners of their eyes were moist.

Although relying on the opponent's psychology of underestimating the enemy and the concerns of wanting technological data, human beings have delayed the war until this time.

If the opponent can't react, there is a high probability that they will be consumed to death. However, once the opponent reacts, the earth has no ability to fight back at all.

Worry will defeat you.

Seeing that the casualties continued to rise, he gave it up completely, not wanting to fight until the end of the eternal kingdom with heavy casualties, let go of his worries, and immediately launched a desperate counterattack to human civilization.

"We lost this war, and we are willing to hand over the technology tree information and pay corresponding compensation.

Please don't go near the earth's orbit, otherwise we don't mind a complete death.

Maybe we will perish, but you will never get half of our technology. "

The commander-in-chief trembled a few times, put down other things, and personally sent a broadcast at the speed of light.

The broadcast was repeated three times, and then without any hesitation or emotional fluctuations, he issued a definite order to intercept the opponent's fleet's attack and self-destruct.

The solar system defense system reversed its attack and tried its best to intercept the attack of the opponent's fleet. Afterwards, every piece of equipment burst into high-energy reactions, and the decay reactors operated at superpower.

The dozens of orbital mass cannons near the earth also turned their muzzles at this time, and with the high-energy reaction, the black holes of the cannons aimed at the earth.

Once these dozens of mass bombs are blasted down, without the attack of the eternal kingdom, they can blast through the center of the earth at such a short distance and completely explode the earth.


This is already a gamble of life, a gamble on the psychology of the Eternal Kingdom wanting the scientific and technological data of the human beings on the earth.

Once the other party's move to go all out at this moment is worried again, then things can turn for the better.


The elder Taishang, the sage king of the Eternal Kingdom, was stunned for a moment, startled by human actions and the broadcast.

Good guy.

If there was a disagreement, before they could attack, the human beings aimed their cannons at themselves.

Is it sure that they want scientific and technological information?

After the daze passed, the Supreme Elder felt intense anger in his heart.

They have been played by this group of ants for a long time.

Yes, ants.

They clearly determined that the human civilization on this earth is all ordinary people without the power to restrain chickens, and there is no practitioner.

Such ordinary people, if they plundered and robbed other planets, they would kill millions of them with a wave of their hands.

Being led by the nose by such a group of ants, from the beginning, what to say to explain the information of the technology tree, whether to give the technology data to one family or to multiple families, cheating in and then blocking time and space, focusing fire attacks, attrition attacks and so on.

Now that they can't win, they call to surrender and hand over the technological data, saying that the fish will die and the net will be broken. Is this playing them like monkeys?Or do you think they really would pay anything for tech data?


Thinking of this, the Saint King let out a tyrannical roar, and rushed out with murderous aura all over his body, slightly faster than before.

Under the aura of fury, the surrounding space-time is almost trembling. If the gravitational resonance is not restricted, the space-time may be distorted and broken.

Is it tolerable or unbearable!The strong anger made him not want to negotiate, but to kill.


The commander-in-chief of the Earth Command Center saw this scene with a pained expression and a helpless sigh.


Completely failed.


The new order was issued, and the equipment that had erupted with a terrifying high-energy reaction was gradually subsiding, and the reactor was stopping.

"The data in the No. 68 data center was completely destroyed, and the scientists and engineers of the first sequence were forcibly transferred to the underground fortifications, using high-density nuclear materials to isolate enemy practitioners and warships from detection.

Cut off the external communication of the underground fortification, and the transfer information of the scientists is completely top-secret. The soldiers escorting the scientists cannot enter the underground fortification together, and any electronic and paper records are destroyed.

Even if humans are extinct outside, relevant scientists are not allowed to come out without a joint order from the heads of state! "

The commander-in-chief gave the last order, stood up almost exhausted, and saluted the leaders who had been standing beside him silently, including the heads of state.

"Report to the heads of state, the war mission has failed!"

"Civilization takes survival and continuation as its primary purpose. Humans on Earth are about to enter the final period of negotiation. Please be informed!"

Negotiation, oh no, this is not a negotiation, it is better to say it is to endure abuse and extract a confession.

When the elders of the eternal kingdom landed on the earth, they found that all the recorded scientific and technological data had been destroyed, and the scientists who had mastered the scientific and technological information were also transferred and hidden.

If they don't want to work hard to decipher the earth's technology bit by bit, they must find the scientists hidden by human beings.

If you can't find it, you can only force humans to reveal their whereabouts.

Human beings have survived humiliation and forced confessions, so they can still negotiate some conditions that are not too harsh, such as retaining the fire of civilization.

If the humiliation and confession cannot be endured, or the hidden scientist is found, then human civilization will completely lose all chips and its destiny will be completely cut off.

It can be predicted what kind of purgatory the Eternal Kingdom will be waiting for the people who are still living outside in order to force out the scientists who are hiding in the human race.

"Thank you for your hard work, let's leave it to our old men to talk to them.

Everyone should go home, reunite with their families, and then announce the results and situation of the war to the people. "

The leaders, including the heads of state, were silent for a long time before they signaled everyone in the command center to go home.


The commander-in-chief shouted an order and led the crowd to salute before striding out.

Behind him, a group of people were crying and leaving the command center silently.

The next development has nothing to do with them, and even their life and death have been handed over.

In the end, how human civilization will be, whether it will continue or become extinct, depends entirely on whether the heads of state can bear the pressure.

"Micky, tell me what is your psychological limit?"

The Russian head of state's fingers were trembling slightly, but he still pretended to be calm and asked the American head of state next to him.

"No no no, I'm mentally strong, it's good to think of it as a number.

I will call my wife and two babies later, and if the situation is wrong, I will commit suicide immediately. "

The head of the United States looked very relaxed, but his trembling hands and the following words revealed his pressure.

The primary purpose of civilization is survival and continuation.

They need to survive the darkest moment ahead. They have to witness the suffering of their family members, relatives and friends, billions of compatriots, and the destruction of their homes.

While bearing such pressure, they also had to control their emotions to negotiate with the invading Eternal Kingdom.

If you resist, then civilization will continue, if you can't, then everyone will die.

Psychological analysis reports and indications all show that this invading fleet is not good, and it is useless for humans to surrender.

"Oh, Falk!"

Suddenly, the head of the United States looked at the screen and yelled, and the surrounding leaders, the head of Russia and others turned their heads to look, and their expressions suddenly changed.

(End of this chapter)

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