Chapter 300

The screen showed that several extraordinary practitioners from the Eternal Kingdom had already entered the earth's orbit.

As soon as he arrived near the earth, the cultivator who detected the strongest reaction to energy suddenly launched an attack.

Time and space vibrated, countless spiritual energies emerged, Dao patterns were flickering, and finally a terrifying killing magic was condensed and blasted down from the outer space of the earth.

The flames soared into the sky, and the terrifying shock wave swept across thousands of miles. The elder Wang Taishang, the elder of the Eternal Kingdom, who desperately needed to vent his anger, entered the range of the earth, and immediately hit the earth with a controlled power attack on Western Europe.

In an instant, the earth's crust with a radius of thousands of miles was broken, magma spewed out, and more than ten million people died in an instant.

"Human civilization! Come out!"

Seeing his attack blowing up thousands of miles of the earth, and countless human beings being slaughtered, the Saint King, who was still unhappy in his heart, endured the urge to attack and blow up the earth with all his strength, his divine sense shook, and a cry resounded all over the world.


The command center, the leader and others looked at the disaster scene on the screen, cursed with ugly faces, and immediately turned on the communication to order rescue.

"Hand over your technology tree!"

The aura energy in the starry sky surged, and countless Dao lines emerged, and the Saint King, who was still angry in his heart, launched an attack again.

Before the attack arrived, the terrifying power caused the earth's atmosphere to set off a gust of wind, and the strong oppressive force made countless people cry out in fear.

"I'll give it to Nima!"

Before this attack landed on the ground and slaughtered tens of millions of people, a roar suddenly came from the starry sky.

The time-space blockade that the Saint King could not shake and break after several attacks shattered in an instant, and countless gravitational resonance instruments burst into flames due to energy overload.

A powerful psychic force that distorts time and space arrived in an instant, and with a bang, it shattered the second attack of the Saint King of the Eternal Kingdom, forming a layer of psychic barrier to isolate the shock wave that radiated to the ground.

The Saint King of the Eternal Kingdom was stunned, subconsciously showing fear in his eyes.

This momentum, the Great Saint?There are saints on this planet.
Snapped! ! !
Before he could react, a figure suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and he slapped hard on the face, turning his head around twice.

"I'll hand it over to your uncle!"

The sage king was extremely angry at being played by the human show IQ, and Chen Nuo, who almost drove back across the entire universe, was even more angry.

After the slap in the face, with a move of the right hand, more than a dozen orbital weapons in the distance came into his hands.

Boom, the left hand blasted out, and the torso of the surviving saint king shattered, and the orbital weapon was transformed into a layer of hadronic material to wrap and seal the surviving head.

"Go away!"

Shielding the gravitational force of the hadronic material, Chen Nuo kicked it out, and the hadronic material ball wrapped around the head of a saint king flew into the dark starry sky with a whistling sound.

According to the vitality of the Saint King, even if he is sealed like this, he can live for a thousand years.

In this millennium, it is an eternal small black room, the characteristics and density of hadron materials, even divine thoughts cannot penetrate.

From Chen Nuo's appearance to the Saint King's head bowling ball flying into the dark starry sky, there was not enough time in the blink of an eye.

In the distance, other saint realm elders in the Eternal Kingdom, including fleets and mechas, reacted subconsciously at this moment—that is, escape!
As an eternal country that relies on plundering to make a fortune and is used to robbing, it is already a subconscious reaction to bully the weak and fear the strong.

Although Chen Nuo hadn't fully understood Chen Nuo's strength, judging from the power of breaking the time-space blockade at will and distorting time-space with his spiritual power just now, this was at least a big realm higher than them.

Facing a strong enemy, if you don't run away now, when will you run away?
Time and space are distorting, the star gate is built, and the fleet of the eternal kingdom quickly penetrates the star gate and disappears into the solar system.

"Do you still want to escape?"

Seeing that the Eternal Kingdom Fleet in the asteroid belt wanted to escape, Chen Nuo frowned, and a trace of anger flashed in his heart.

The space-time with a radius of tens of thousands of light-years resonated, and the fleet of the Eternal Kingdom, which escaped at super-light speed, escaped tens of light-years. The super-space-time channel of the star gate was destroyed by resonance, and the fleet appeared in the normal starry sky.

call out!
The time and space around the fleet were distorted, and the curvature bubbles wrapped them and brought them back quickly. No matter how their engines roared, how their streaks flashed, and how violent their attacks were, everything was useless.

Soon, in order, the internal core aura energy engine was forcibly suppressed and shut down by Chen Nuo with psychic power, and the fleet returned to Earth.

At this time, the earth reacted.

"It's him!"

The leader looked at Chen Nuo, who was like a god descending on the screen, and took care of the practitioners who almost destroyed the earth and human civilization with the fleet in twos and twos. His expression was excited, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The earth is saved.

Human civilization can be saved.

"Oh, God, this hero who saved the earth, saved civilization, and saved billions of human beings, we in Millican will entertain him with the most enthusiasm!"

At this time, the head of state of the United States shouted excitedly, wanting to make sure that they would entertain Chen Nuo next.

"No, no, you are not good in the United States. The rough skin is not very good. Before the age of 30, it looks older than other races at the age of 40."

The Russian head of state next to him hastily stopped: "Let Mr. Chen come to our Russia. We Russians have a gentle temperament, soft hair, good body and skin. With an exotic style, we will definitely serve Mr. Chen attentively!"

"That's not right, come to Germany, our Germany is not bad, it will definitely satisfy Mr. Chen"

The German head of state next to him interrupted, indicating that Chen Nuo would be entertained by them this time, and the service was absolutely satisfactory.


The leader looked at the heads of state who looked like pimps. Although there were no other people here, and the secretary assistants had left, at least they should pay attention to their image?

"Ahem, don't forget, Mr. Chen is of the yellow race."

The leader coughed twice to remind him of the key points.

The five-color altar of Mount Tai was exposed 10 years ago, and with the technology tree information provided by Huaguo, everyone can almost recite Chen Nuo's information by heart.

If Chen Nuo can settle down in his own country, there is no doubt that this will bring huge benefits to their nation and country.

"Stop arguing, just watch the screen, can you find a girl who is more attractive than the one on the screen?"

At this time, the South African head of state who was not involved in the discussion pointed at the screen.

Although he also wanted to introduce, but he was too dark to show off.

The heads of state of the United States looked up, a flash of surprise flashed in their eyes, and then they smiled wryly.

"Sir, is this your hometown?"

An Miaoyi came to Chen Nuo from Mars, looked at the earth below with a puzzled expression.

The body is graceful and slender like fairy jade, and the skin is as cold as snow, and the temperament is holy and elegant, and at the same time, it has a kind of ecstasy charm.

Such a girl like a holy goddess cannot be found on an earth full of ordinary people.

"It seems that Mr. Chen still prefers people of the yellow race, this time we Huaguo will be in charge of receiving them.

Now let's deal with appeasing the people first, and arrange follow-up compensation and mourning.

Regarding the specific situation of this alien civilization invading us, we will ask Mr. Chen afterwards, including how to negotiate and deal with it. "

The leader glanced at the screen, then thought of something, and his face became heavy.

While the invading alien civilization is contained, things are far from over.

(End of this chapter)

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