Paranoid he embraced me

Chapter 10 Xu Nie

Chapter 10 Xu Nie
After the head teacher gave an impassioned introduction, he adjusted his glasses, and the smile on his face did not fade away.

"Student Xu Nie, let me introduce myself to everyone."

Xu Nie's gaze seemed to be deliberately placed in a certain place, and it seemed to be just lying flat without any purpose.

The voice was warm and cold, with very little emotion attached: "Xu Nie."

Two simple words, that is, his self-introduction.

The head teacher had already talked with the head teacher of the fourth class before this, and also understood that Xu Nie is not a person who talks too much, so he had a previous precaution against all this, and it was not too much to hear this brief self-introduction Shock.

When Xu Nie appeared in the classroom just now, there were already waves of discussions below.

There is surprise, there is admiration, and there is also ridicule.

Of course, these three voices of discussion cannot naturally come from one type of people.

In order to urge everyone to study hard and study hard, the seats are arranged by grades just like class division.

Under everyone's gaze, Xu Nie actually put his schoolbag in the corner of the last row.

Su Luo's gaze was on Xu Nie, but more precisely, it should be on his seat.

Because the seat next to Xu Nie was Su Tuo's usual seat, and Xu Nie's current seat was also the second seat in his previous grade, that person seemed to have lost his mind and ran to the last row to sit.

Su Luo has been sitting in this seat for a long time, because the consecutive first place in the grade is also the first position that can be selected consecutively.

When Su Luo chose the position in the last row, he also answered a question from the teacher.

"My eyesight is too good, there is nothing I can do."

Su Luo's eyesight was indeed good, so he gave up the front row to those students who couldn't see the blackboard clearly even with glasses.

So the story of Su Luo spread in the school.

They all joked that Su Tuo was sitting at the bottom of the seat, but he was always the first in the grade in the test, which was simply monstrous.

Su Luo originally planned to take this position, but now he hesitated.

Su Luo carried her schoolbag and walked to the front row, also under everyone's gaze.

At this moment, the teacher in charge said: "Su Tuo, why don't you still sit in the previous seat, and you can have a good exchange and study with classmate Xu Nie."

But an even weirder scene happened at the same time.

Xu Nie actually grabbed Su Luo's wrist, the blue and white school uniform sleeves were still pushed up to the elbow, his arm was sickly white, but the red braided bracelet was gone at this moment, it was caused by Xu Nie's sharp bones. Hand just covered it.


"Feel sorry."

Under such an extremely weird atmosphere, Xu Nie suddenly let go of Su Tuo's wrist, and even apologized.

Su Luo's gaze moved down and landed on his wrist, and he could vaguely feel Xu Nie's temperature falling on his wrist.

Su Luo twitched the corner of his lips: "Brother, you don't call it sorry, you call it holding the fall."

A burst of laughter.

But after Su Luo said the meaningless words, he threw the schoolbag on the table and sat down.

The ranking of Class [-] never changed much, so most of the people chose the seats they sat in before. After all, they were used to it, and they had no intention of changing seats.

A class ended in such a safe and sound way.

The 10-minute break between classes came, and everyone took advantage of this opportunity to gossip wildly.

Su Luo was writing the test paper, without looking up, but asked: "Xu Nie, why did you pull my wrist just now?"

Xu Nie's voice seemed to be a little more angry than usual, not as cold as before.


He didn't give an answer, and the words he spoke were another apology.

(End of this chapter)

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