Chapter 9

"Xu Nie's good looks rob me! Xu Nie's grades rob me! Xu Nie's inhumanity robs me! Anyway, Xu Nie robs me no matter what! I cried in amazement when I said "wow!"


Such comments kept swiping one by one, and the words of praise were all thrown out without hiding them.

Although Su Luo came in second this time, although it would not affect the shift change, the gossip spread faster because of this.


At the flag raising ceremony on Monday.

The principal stood on the rostrum and coughed twice while holding the microphone.

"Ahem, hello students and teachers, then let me just say a few words."

This time the headmaster finally did as the students wished and didn't talk about going to class directly, because he had something more important than speaking.

The principal coughed twice again: "I think all the students know that we got a perfect score in all subjects in the mid-term exam this month. Yes, that's right, it's Xu Nie! But what I want to say this time is not only It's not just the perfect score, but the composition written by Xu Nie."

"I also know that the students are very curious. Even as the principal, after knowing the perfect score in all subjects, I also want to see what the content of the composition that has not been deducted. After seeing the composition, I , I have to say, perfect!"

"That composition will be posted on the forum by the school's official account, and everyone can watch it by themselves, and they can say what they praise truthfully. Alright, let's do it like this."

In fact, someone has already commented on the content of Xu Nie's composition this time when the results came out.

Just because of this composition, which I don't know what the content is, it has triggered countless story versions and possibilities.

Because the title of the composition this time is "People Who Care".

Because at this stage of high school, the teachers still take care of the issue of puppy love, so most of the students write about their parents or friends. Even if there is someone they really like, they dare not directly write in this composition, because they are afraid of themselves. You may be called your parents because of your puppy love, and you will be beaten up by your parents after returning home.

And the person Xu Nie wrote in this composition is not his parents, nor his friends.

It is an existence that has no name and only uses a few descriptions throughout the composition.

It can be said that gender is blurred, or it can be said that gender is not actively mentioned.

But this composition was picked up by everyone non-stop, they were discussing who the person Xu Nie cared most about in this composition.

Some said it was a buddy who had played since childhood, some said it was an older brother or a younger brother, and some people wondered if it was Xu Nie's favorite person.

But when someone says that the person in the composition is someone they like, a large number of girls will chase after them and look for evidence that the person in the composition must not be a girl. The same hatred.

But because they don't know whether the person written in the composition is a man or a woman, all the people discussing are just pure guesses without any evidence.

Now that the grades have come down, the ranking of the students in the class will also change, and naturally they will be divided into classes again.

Xu Nie originally went to Class [-] because he changed schools, but now he is naturally going to Class [-].

The head teacher of Class [-] was originally a very approachable teacher, so when he introduced Xu Nie to everyone, he also had a smile on his face.

This was the first time Su Luo saw Xu Nie wearing a school uniform. It seemed that the school uniform had just been obtained, because he had only just come to No. [-] Middle School after all, and even things like textbooks might not be able to be assembled in one day. The school uniform was naturally Even more so.

It's obviously a school uniform with no shape at all, but it feels more advanced when worn on him, and it makes people want to have the same style.

He was standing on the podium at this moment, the head teacher was talking, but he didn't say anything, looking so quiet that he was lifeless.

(End of this chapter)

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