Paranoid he embraced me

Chapter 188 Hardworking People Are Lucky

Chapter 188 Hardworking People Are Lucky

So what about the fact that money bought it?Naturally, it is just a false lie, and this false lie may also be an interpretation that is completely opposite to the real facts.

It seems that Su Luo has really experienced a lot of criticism along the way, and also experienced a lot of tribulations.

But it doesn't matter, because it is impossible for a person not to encounter some things in this life, because even some small things will definitely appear in your life.

A person's life is carried out in ups and downs, and it is only on the day when the dust settles in your life that you feel that the things that happened to you are so worthwhile, and it also makes people feel very happy.

Because this is an experience of treating one's own life, and it is also a kind of recognition of one's own life, and it is also a final answer that everyone will definitely get.

And the final result of Lianyun's first design competition this year has come out.

There are really countless people watching this result.

It's not just Lian Yun's people who are staring at it, there are really countless people who are not familiar with it, and it can even be said that people in the entire domestic design industry are staring at it.

I just want to see if there are any talented players. If there are, then I must bring them to my side and train them well. Only in this way can I train my successors.

And maybe you can let these people do all kinds of special things by your side. This is definitely the best kind of training for all designers.

Lianyun is indeed the number one design school in China, so many outstanding new designers go out every year.

But if you want to go abroad, it is not too simple, but it would be great if a new domestic designer can have such a little evaluation and position.

The reason why it is difficult to go abroad is actually because there are really countless excellent designers from all over the world.

If you want to have such a place in it, you must spend a lot of hard work and a lot of time.

Because no one can soar into the sky, and no one can become the king standing at the top in an instant.

All of these are fair, and they can only be obtained after a long period of training.

For example, designing this thing, it is absolutely impossible to let you know how to become the focus of everyone's appreciation in an instant.

And it is impossible to let you know what kind of manuscript can make you a master.

All of this will become your experience in the process of slowly exploring, and then in the end, you will get a greater winning rate in various games.

All of these are actually quite worthwhile, and they are all able to make people think clearly. In fact, in simple terms, there is only one sentence.

As long as you work hard enough, it will always be your turn to do what you should do, because this is a kind of reward given to you after your hard work.

Although what you get in the end is not the kind of result you really want, it is absolutely impossible to let you down forever.

Because life can't always make you embarrassed, and it can't always make you feel unfair.

Those who work hard are always lucky enough, because God can see your hard work, and will turn your hard work into the same reward and put it by your side.

Such a word can be a light on your way, and it will also give you more in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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