Paranoid he embraced me

Chapter 189 Chapter 1?

Chapter 189 First?

And after the final result broke out, everyone seemed to have exploded, whether online or offline, they were stunned and unbelievable, and all these discussions were carried with a sense of disbelief. kind of mocking.

"Su Luo can actually take the first place?! Are you kidding me?!"

"Apart from the good grades in liberal arts, what else is good about Su Luo? How can a person like this still win the first place??! These judges must have been bribed!"

"But don't tell me that Su Luo was recommended to come in. Even if the grades are really good enough to guarantee the qualifications, designing this thing doesn't necessarily mean that good grades can be equally good."

"As far as I know, all the freshmen in this competition seem to have very good grades? Otherwise, they would not be eligible to enter Lianyun's design institute, right? So don't say that Su Tuo is the best person .”

"The people who eat melons silently said that some sour words are really enough. Su Duo has been ridiculed by you all the time, and no one speaks for her at all. As a result, you are still here saying that someone helped her. Speak, please help your eyes, please?"


Yes, Su Luo was the first in this final competition, but because the design draft was not sent out, everyone had an attitude of not being able to believe the truth of the result of this competition.

It was as if if Su Luo really got the first place, it would be the kind where all the judges were bribed.

However, this result has already come out, so if you want to change it, it must not be too simple.

Because if no one could find evidence that Su Chuo was cheating, then no one would be qualified to say that she didn't deserve to be number one.

Because this is the score given by the judges, and it was also Su Luo who relied on his own strength to bring this score to himself with his work, and linked the No.1 status to himself.

As for when the design draft will appear in front of the audience, it is quite a headache, because it makes people not sure.

And it also makes people feel that it will not appear in a short time, and it may take several days to come out.

After all, there are really many people participating in the design competition, and with so many works, if all of them are to be displayed one by one, they must be checked one by one.

If something goes wrong, the school will really be ridiculed by the students and the audience.

Because if even these small things can go wrong, then such a big school, with so many staff and teachers, will be useless.

So it is because of these things that temporarily delay the release of the works that Su Luo will definitely be dissed by everyone in the past few days, at least until the time when all the works are listed.

In fact, the more things people think are impossible, the more people will feel that they must do them, because only by doing these things can they prove that they are the best.

For example, Su Luo is actually like this. Although he has been distrusted and suspected by others, it doesn't matter, because it is just a temporary situation.

(End of this chapter)

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