Paranoid he embraced me

Chapter 192 The Internet is a Place of Impunity

Chapter 192 The Internet is a Place of Impunity
Su Luo is really excellent, so excellent that no one can snipe her based on her ability.

"I'm going... I always thought that Su Luo really only got good grades in cultural subjects as everyone said, but I didn't expect that he could crush all the Lianyun design students in the past four years in terms of design. okay?"

"Su Luo seems to be really pitiful. He was slandered for such a thing in high school, but when he arrived at university, some people would continue to follow suit. Don't tell me you're tearing it up as a fan circle? ?"

"I'm not familiar with Su Luo, so I don't want to talk about her character, because I can't tell why, I just talk about her design, it is absolutely true The existence that can crush everyone..."

"Even if Su Luo's grades are really good, so what if the design is really good? What qualifications does she have to be worthy of Xu Nie? Xu Nie is the number one male god in our medical department. They are completely different from each other, okay? "


It is true that there is no place for people to snipe in places like Su Luo, but other things have already been magnified.

And among them, the one who was sniped the most was actually the incident where Su Tuo and Xu Nie were together.

Because no one can accept that the person they like is with others, this is really a very big blow to them.

But even if you really like that person, if that person doesn't like you, you can't force it, maybe they don't know you at all.

And your liking is just wishful thinking, so naturally there is no way to impose your liking on others.

But the comments on the Internet are really free to speak, and no one can pick out those students who really spoke.

So on the Internet that does not require real-name authentication, everyone can say whatever they want.

It even exposes the truest self that cannot be exposed in real life on the Internet.

Su Luo could see these comments, but he couldn't say anything.

Because as long as they answer, and give any answer, they can dig out a lot of other information from these replies from themselves.

But it is completely misinterpreting my original meaning, so there is no need to communicate with them.

Su Luo could almost guess why these people sniped at him crazily on the Internet. In fact, they just wanted to make himself speak.

Because if you speak up yourself, you are in their arms, which is the best situation for anyone except yourself.

So, under the circumstances that he could already guess the motive, it was naturally impossible for Su Tuo to speak.

It's true that Su Luo didn't intend to speak, but it doesn't mean that Xu Nie didn't intend to speak.

Moreover, without knowing it, Su Luo was inexplicably brought into a show of affection, and he was also the protagonist in this affection.

The most popular post on the forum now comes from a newly registered account, and it can be seen that this account was registered today.

(End of this chapter)

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