Paranoid he embraced me

Chapter 193 Su Luo, My Girl

Chapter 193 Su Luo, My Girl

ID: It belongs to Su Luo.

And this ID is actually just a sentence in this forum, but it is also a sentence that can attract everyone's attention.

And now it is sent to the top of the hot list because there are too many people discussing and paying attention, so once the popularity increases, the hot list will naturally go up.

"Su Luo, my girl."

However, there is still a picture below this short sentence, and no one else can be photographed in this picture.

It was two hands with interlocking fingers.

One could see Su Tuo's slender fingers that were sickly white at a glance, and Xu Nian could also see clearly when Xu Nian held Su Tuo's hand tightly.

So this love has really been directly shown on the forum.

Su Luo also found out about this not long after, and couldn't help but kept rubbing his temples, which was really a bit embarrassing.

But besides the embarrassment, he was very happy, because this was telling others about the relationship between himself and Xu Nie, and it made everyone witness the relationship between himself and him.

Su Luo is definitely not a person who will show his affection openly on the forum, and Su Luo will not say too many nasty things when it is only him and Xu Nian on weekdays.

Because her character is like this, it would be really embarrassing for her if she was asked to change for this, or deliberately show her affection.

Embarrassment, this is naturally a fact, but it is also a fact that he likes Xu Nie.

Su Luo has a forum account, but it's just a random name, a string of English letters typed out at random.

However, Su Luo's reply also let people know that this string of messy English letters actually came from Su Luo's account.

"Give you [love]".

Su Luo typed two words, followed by an emoji.

Brief words are also one of Su's usual styles, and they also show the style between the two of them very well.

So because everyone's suspicion this time also directly exposed the relationship between the two, and they are indeed in love now.

So in this kind of scene where they are no longer allowed to fall in love without being disciplined by the teacher, they don't need to cover up.

Although when I was in high school, some teachers felt that the two of them were in a relationship, and they had been observing the two of them, and even separated the seats without following the school's seat allocation rules.

But the two of them did not make any excessive moves, and they did not fall in love.

It was the first time in their lives that both of them made such a decision until they had stepped out of high school and ushered in university.

That is to be with the person you like, and this relationship is not making friends, but falling in love.

Naturally, there will be fewer comments below, and the popularity is also very hot.

Su Luo didn't intend to read these comments, because there were actually only a few kinds of opinions back and forth, so there was no need to waste this time at all.

But other people have really talked about this matter that has nothing to do with them, and some people have even started to cry.

(End of this chapter)

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