After playing the king for a year, I became the richest man!

Chapter 108 Miss Sister's Arrangement.

Chapter 108 Miss Sister's Arrangement.

Inside Huaheng Hotel.

At this moment, Lin Jie had already arrived in the hotel, and he booked a large room with an independent swimming pool.

The entire room is more than 100 square meters. Although it is still a bit inferior to Aman Yangyun in Shanghai, it is not bad.

The weather in the imperial capital is relatively dry, so booking a room with a swimming pool will make the air more humid.

It is more suitable for people in the south.

You must know that many people who travel from the south will not be able to adapt to the dry climate of the imperial capital, leading to things like bleeding noses.

He had a few laps in the pool.

Then he sent a message to Chen Ziyi.

"Miss, I've already arrived in the imperial capital. Can't we make some arrangements for the food, drink and fun we agreed to have?"

After speaking, he directly sent his hotel information location to the other party.

Soon, Chen Ziyi replied to the message.

"No problem, I understand. I'll pick you up when I get off work. God will arrange roast duck for you tonight, so I'll make sure you're full."

Hearing the other party's answer, Lin Jie was stunned.

What the hell?

Imperial Roast Duck?

Did I come all the way here just to eat your roast duck?

Eldest sister, Imperial Capital Roast Duck has already become popular all over the country, where can I not eat it?

He directly sent a black question mark face to the other party.

If I eat roast duck, do I still have to come to the imperial capital myself?

This young lady is really trying to make people feel bad, right?
"What's the matter? Don't you want to eat Imperial City Roast Duck? Don't you know that the most famous thing in our Imperial City is Imperial City Roast Duck?" Chen Ziyi also deliberately replied to the message, disgusting Lin Jie.

"Forget it, I appreciate your kindness, alright, I will still eat here if the Imperial Capital Roast Duck is used, it seems that I'd better go out for a walk in the evening and see if I can try my luck and find something delicious!" Lin Jay replied.

Seeing Lin Jie's answer, the other party replied to the message: "Then why don't you just invite you to have hot-boiled mutton?"

Lin Jie: "..."

What's the difference between this boiled mutton and the imperial roast duck?
Can this represent the specialty food of a place?
This is almost universalized across the country, okay, big sister!
Where in the country can't you eat instant-boiled mutton?

And the taste is basically the same, is it more authentic to eat in your imperial capital?I believe you ghost!

"Miss sister, you are trying to mess with my mentality on purpose. If you don't want to invite me to dinner, just tell me. I won't force you." Lin Jie replied helplessly.

"Then what do you want to eat? Tell me, I'll take you to eat, don't act like I'm stingy." Chen Ziyi replied again.

Lin Jie was a little speechless,

I want to know what is delicious in the capital, do I still need you to take it?

I just don't know anything about the imperial capital, so I need your guidance!

Lin Jie really felt that he was a little autistic.

He replied directly: "Forget it then? I'll go find it myself, don't bother Miss Sister, after all, your time is also very precious."

After seeing this sentence, the other party replied immediately.

"Hahaha! Okay, okay, forget it, I won't be joking with you. Don't worry, I have already made arrangements. I have already made a reservation. I will take you to taste it tonight. The most authentic one in our imperial capital. Stir-fried liver and stewed belly!"

The authentic Fried Stir-fried Liver with Stir-Fried Belly and Stewed Stew in Imperial City are very down-to-earth delicacies.

This is as distinctive as Sichuan hot pot and Malatang, and can represent a city's cuisine.

"Oh! Woman!" Lin Jie replied.

"I'm leaving work soon, and I'll arrive at your hotel in about an hour, so get ready, I'll pick you up right away." Chen Ziyi replied.

After Lin Jie replied to the other party, he came out of the swimming pool and was about to take a bath.

Although he has Yong in the swimming pool, who knows how much disinfectant powder is put in the disinfectant water in the swimming pool?

After swimming, you must take a bath again, otherwise too much disinfectant powder may be harmful to the skin.

Sure enough, after he entered the bathroom, he found his body.It really has a strange feeling and even smells like disinfectant,
From this point of view, there is indeed too much disinfectant powder in the swimming pool, perhaps because the hotel has strict control over safety and sanitation.

But you put so much disinfectant powder, who would dare to swim?

Lin Jie couldn't help complaining in his heart.

I even began to miss the spa in Shanghai again.

There is also the young lady who is so charming, who keeps seducing me, and wants to give me a special service.

After taking a shower, Lin Jie didn't forget to send a message to He Mengxue who was far away in Donghai City to report her safety.By the way, I made complaints about the environment of the imperial capital.

"Mengxue, I have already arrived in the imperial capital, but I really vomited. The environment in the imperial capital is really too embarrassing. Of course, I felt a little uncomfortable in my nose after a while. Fortunately, I didn't choose the school in the imperial capital, otherwise If not, I guess I will have rhinitis!"

In fact, it is true that many southerners feel uncomfortable when they come to the imperial capital.

Nosebleeds and blisters on the mouth are normal.

"Then you must remember to ask the hotel to give you a humidifier when you stay in the hotel." He Mengxue replied.

"Don't worry, this hotel is quite thoughtful, it has its own humidifier!" Lin Jie took a photo of the swimming pool and sent it to the other party.

Then I complained about the swimming pool again.

"I just entered the swimming pool. After a while, I found that there was too much disinfectant in this swimming pool. I swam around and felt a layer of disinfectant sticking to my body. I dare not swim anymore. I feel I was cheated! You must know that a room with a swimming pool is more expensive than a room without a swimming pool, 1000 yuan, and I feel that the 1000 yuan is wasted.”

"You deserve it!" He Mengxue complained.

The two chatted for a while, and then ended the chat, after all, the other party still had to prepare for the exam.Busy reviewing it.

It was over, after chatting with Meng Xue, Lin Jie also started to prepare himself to go out for dinner with Chen Ziyi later.

As soon as he changed his clothes, the other party called.

"I've arrived at the parking lot of your hotel."

"Okay! I'll take the elevator down now." Lin Jie took the elevator to the underground parking lot.

I saw Chen Ziyi.

Chen Ziyi's car is a white Nissan Sylphy.

It's just a small scooter worth over a hundred thousand.

Lin Jie skillfully sat in the co-pilot's seat.

Then he smiled and said something to the other party.

"Miss, yes, you can get a license from the imperial capital."

Chen Ziyi replied: "We are out-and-out people from the imperial capital!"

The license plate of the imperial capital and the license plate of the magic capital are very difficult to obtain. This license plate is probably worth more than the car itself.

(End of this chapter)

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