After playing the king for a year, I became the richest man!

Chapter 109 Authentic Snacks of the Imperial Capital

Chapter 109 Authentic Snacks of the Imperial Capital
The two of them were driving on the streets of the imperial capital. It happened to be off-duty time at this moment, and there was some traffic jam.

Chen Ziyi reminded: "The road is a bit congested today. Judging by the situation, we estimate that it will take more than an hour to get there."

Lin Jie looked at the slow-moving traffic beside him. "It's also called a traffic jam. You haven't seen the traffic jam in our Donghai City. That guy stayed in the traffic jam for several hours and didn't move at all. We're just moving slowly, it's not a traffic jam at all."

"What the hell, are you blackmailing your hometown?" Chen Ziyi was a little incredulous.

"What the hell, I'm not from Donghai at all. I'm just studying there." Lin Jie waved his hand.

What he said may be true.

Especially when freshmen and sophomores commute to and from get off work, and when students are leaving school, the road is really congested!
The two of them chatted in the car for a while, and sure enough, just as Chen Ziyi said, it was already more than an hour later when they arrived at their destination.

Afterwards, Chen Ziyi's white car turned into a small alley, and then he stopped the car and said to Lin Jie, "Let's get out of the car when we arrive! I'll take you to taste it, the most authentic one in our imperial capital." Stir-fried liver with fried belly and braised stew..."

In a small alley, there is a small shop with a lot of people in front.

Lin Jie looked around, and found that the small shop didn't even have a signboard, and it looked like a century-old shop that was passed on by word of mouth.

"What's the matter? Are you disgusted?" Chen Ziyi looked into Lin Jie's eyes and asked.

After all, when he was in Pengcheng, he saw Lin Jie's famous brand and more than 100 million watches.

Generally, this kind of rich people probably don't like this kind of alley, right?

"What do you dislike? Even if I haven't eaten it, I have read novels. Generally, martial arts masters hide in some inconspicuous places. Such delicious food is naturally hidden in this deep alley!" Lin Jie replied.

"Hahaha, you still have some discernment!" Chen Ziyi laughed at Lin Jie's words. "If I hadn't made an appointment in advance, we might not be able to eat even if we waited in line for half an hour. Let me tell you, this restaurant is the most authentic braised stew in the entire imperial capital!"

Lin Jie didn't doubt the other party's words. After all, the small shop was full of people's voices. Obviously, there were a lot of people queuing up.

So what Chen Ziyi said should be true.

"To be honest, I'm looking forward to it!" Lin Jie said expectantly.

As soon as Chen Zi led Lin Jie into this small shop, he greeted him with a familiar discount: "Uncle Zhou! Two servings of fried liver and stewed belly, and another serving of soy milk."

"Good!" A middle-aged man with a short shaved head and a little white hair replied angrily, then he glanced at Lin Jie, and then said jokingly. "Is this your boyfriend?"

"No! How is it possible! Uncle Zhou, don't talk nonsense, he is still in college, just freshman, how could he be my boyfriend?" Chen Ziyi quickly denied.

Lin Jie watched the conversation between the two and knew that they should be very familiar.

Chen Ziyi should be a regular customer here.

The boss named Uncle Zhou was talking to Chen Ziyi while starting to cook the stew. He skillfully cut the large intestine into slices and put them into the stew.

After Lian Jie and Chen Ziyi were ready to take their seats, two servings of stewed food were served.

"Hurry up and taste how it tastes. Uncle Zhou has been cooking here for more than 30 years. The ones here are the most authentic! Her hands are absolutely trustworthy!"

Chen Ziyi introduced.

Before Lin Jie could speak, a man's voice suddenly came over.

"Hey! Beauty, my craft is also very soft-hearted, do you want to try it?"

The two looked up, and found that the man was about 20 years old. At this moment, his face was flushed and he smelled of alcohol. He was obviously drunk. After seeing Chen Ziyi's beauty, he came over to tease him with the help of alcohol.

Lin Jie was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that it was already 2021, and there were still people molesting others in the street?

Even in a small county on the 18th line, such a thing will not happen, right?

Looking at the man who was about to molest Chen Ziyi, Lin Jie stood up first and said before Chen Ziyi could answer.

"Brother. Are you drunk?"

"Brother?" After hearing this, the man glared at Lin Jie viciously, and then said, "Who the hell is your brother? You don't want to take a pee to see if you deserve it? Where?" The bumpkin who came here? How far can I get away from me!"

While the drunk man was talking, he stretched out his hand and pushed Lin Jie. Lin Jie took advantage of the situation and pretended to take a few steps back.

Then he opened his mouth and said: "Everyone has seen it, you hit me with your hands. If I fight back, it is self-defense."

"Defend you, you shit! Still fucking defending, and fucking fighting, who do you think you are, dare to fight with me, and you don't ask, who doesn't know me on this street?" the man said .He stretched out his hand again, ready to push Lin Jie again, to push him down.

After all, he retreated underground just now, just as a test, but he didn't expect the other party to retreat several steps directly.

It can be seen from this that although the opponent is quite tall, he is probably a kid who is strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

Therefore, the drunk man completely underestimated Lin Jie.

But he didn't know that Lin Jie had undergone the transformation of the marrow washing pill, at this moment.It's not an ordinary person's body at all.

Even if he beat ten ordinary people, he wouldn't feel any pressure!

This time when the drunk man pushed towards Lin Jie, Lin Jie didn't stand still, but dodged, and raised his fist and punched the man in the stomach, instantly making his stomach tumbling, almost eating spit out everything.

The other party let out a scream, and then Lin Jie pushed him to the side of a box of beer.

"Fuck, you still want to hit me with beer? It's too much, you want to use a weapon! Then I can only defend myself until you can't hurt me again." Lin Jie yelled deliberately.

In fact, after that man was punched by Lin Jie, his stomach hurt like hell. At this moment, he was bending over to cover his stomach, but in the eyes of others, it seemed that he was bending over to pick up the box Beer bottle inside.

Before he had time to speak, Lin Jie rushed up again, kicked him down, and then rode directly on his body and pinched his neck, completely restricting the flow of blood in his carotid artery.It only took three seconds to make his brain hypoxic and unconscious.

After seeing the other party unconscious, Lin Jie let him go.

(End of this chapter)

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