After playing the king for a year, I became the richest man!

Chapter 110 I don't know martial arts.

Chapter 110 I don't know martial arts.

After seeing the other party unconscious, Lin Jie asked Chen Ziyi, "Miss, where is this?"

"Lotus Alley!" Chen Ziyi replied in a daze.

At this moment, in Chen Ziyi's mind, it was as if it had turned into a paste with water added. It was a mess, and he didn't know how it developed to the current situation?

Obviously the script was not written like this, how did it become like this?
Director, where are you?Come out quickly, shout card!

In fact, apart from Chen Ziyi, who didn't react, neither did the two companions of the drunk man.

They watched their companion helplessly, and were instantly knocked down by Lin Jie, not knowing what happened for a while.

Also don't know what to do next.

No one thought that this young-looking fellow would be so skilled!

It only took three seconds to stun a person!And step by step in an orderly manner, without panic or confusion, just like a well-written script.

But obviously we wrote the script!

How did things develop like this?

"Okay, Comrade Police Officer. Come quickly, this person has been stunned by me. He has lost the ability to harm me now. But I don't know when he will wake up, and he may still attack me once he wakes up." Do it, so you better hurry over here."

Lin Jie ended the call to the police.

Then he looked at what Chen Ziyi said again.

"By the way, young lady, tell the boss to look at your monitoring records and keep them well. A police officer will come over later, and they will be used as evidence at that time."

"Oh! Okay!" Chen Ziyi nodded blankly.

After getting this response, Lin Jie turned his attention to the drunken man just now, the two companions at the same table.

"You're all his friends, aren't you?" he asked.

"No, it's not that we're just sharing a table. I don't know him at all. How can we have such a scumbag as a friend?" The two of them shook their heads and directly denied it.

But looking at their eyes is a bit erratic, and they don't have the confidence to speak, it is obvious that they are lying.

Lin Jie didn't care too much about them, and said directly. "When the police officer arrives, you may be asked to make a record together. You must tell the truth!"

"Understand, understand!"

"I understand! This kind of scum, everyone deserves to be cast aside, so we will not favor him!"

The two people nodded and said.

After seeing the reactions of the two, Lin Jie turned his head in satisfaction and ate a mouthful of the stewed fat intestines in the bowl.

The taste is very good.

He couldn't help but nodded, as expected, the stewed food in this family was very Masamune.The fatty sausage is also very tasty.


"It's really good. It tastes delicious. As expected of a young lady, you recommended it. You have a good eye!" Lin Jie praised Chen Ziyi while eating.

At this moment, Chen Ziyi looked at Lin Jie in a daze.

I thought that you just put someone down just now, and now you are eating so casually, is it not affected at all?

"You..." Chen Ziyi looked at Lin Jie and wanted to speak, but she didn't know what to say?
Lin Jie, however, ate on his own and put another piece of fat sausage into his mouth, chewed it, and then asked strangely. "What's the matter? Young lady, don't you want to eat?"

Chen Ziyi "..."

This time he was completely speechless, and he didn't know if the connection was really a big nerve or something?
she asked, pointing to the one who fell to the ground. "Aren't you worried?"

"Worried? Why should I be worried? Young lady, are you right? It was obviously this person who provoked me and wanted to hit me first. Did he want to hit me with a beer bottle? I just punched him, and then I just stunned him as quickly as possible, and made him lose the ability to harm me. This is actually helping him.

If he doesn't get dizzy, if he gets angry, he might do something that he regrets!Besides, everyone has seen the behavior just now, and there is no evidence, and there is surveillance video here, so what are you afraid of?It can be completely proved that I was defending myself, and this person wanted to harm me.So ah, I have nothing to worry about. "

Lin Jie said indifferently.

Then he complained again. "To be honest, this kind of thing happened in front of me, and it really made my impression of your imperial capital drop a bit. Is there any mistake? It's the 21st century, and such a thing will happen? I thought it was from the last century!"

At this time, the shop owner came over with fried liver.

They said with apologetic smiles on their faces. "I'm sorry, little brother, this is actually the first time this kind of thing happened in my store, and I've never encountered such a little bastard before."

Lin Jie nodded, but did not answer.

He was a little, speechless.

Could it be that I am too handsome?So did it arouse the envy of others?

Blame me?
In fact, everything that happened at this moment should really be blamed on him.

In fact, no matter whether it was the courtier, the one lying on the ground, or the two people at the same table as the one lying on the ground, they were all members of the National Security Bureau.

These people just acted according to the script, but they didn't think about the development of the matter. It was not exactly the same as their script, but some changes happened.

Originally they were planned.

They specially asked that person to pretend to be drunk to provoke Lin Jie, and at this time Chen Ziyi personally took action, and a beautiful woman came to save the hero.With a loud shout, the drunk guy was scared away.

In order to shorten the distance between her and Lin Jie.

In this way, Lin Jie can be used to investigate the matter in Pengcheng.

In the end, who knew why Lin Jie didn't play his cards according to the routine, and killed their companions in just a few seconds.

What the fuck is going to do next?Everyone present was dumbfounded!

Sure enough, a few minutes later, the police officer appeared.

There were testimonials from many customers in the store, and videos as evidence, so Lin Jie simply made a record, and nothing happened.

After all, the person concerned did not suffer any harm.It was just a small dispute.

When the police took the unconscious man away, his two companions at the same table passed by not long after.Also followed.

Only then did Chen Ziyi ask Lin Jie.

"I didn't think of it, kid. You still have some skills. Have you practiced it? What kind of kung fu are those moves just now?"

"Haha, I haven't practiced before. I don't know martial arts, I'm just born with supernatural power." Lin Jie said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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