Chapter 111
The reason why he was joking like this was because it was impossible for Lin Jie to tell the other party that he had taken the marrow washing pill?
Wait, someone asked you how did the Xisui Pill come about?
Could it be that you came to play King of Glory?

What if I report you and take it to slice for research?
That's why Lin Jie wouldn't tell the truth to Chen Ziyi!

"Ding! It was detected that the host had enjoyed a delicious meal and gained a happy mood, so I will reward you with a meal cashback card!"

"Dining cashback card: The host can organize a meal event for four or less people. After the meal is over, you can get 1 to 100 times the cash back. At the same time, you will also get other member satisfaction bonuses."

Dining cashback card?
Isn't this card the one he used and obtained when he invited the little star to dinner?

Not bad, I gave him tens of millions last time.

Wouldn't it be tens of millions more to get this card again this time?


Lin Jie's mood improved.

He was very satisfied with this stew.I met that little bastard just now, and I tried it again, and my body is indeed very strong after taking the marrow washing pill.

For ordinary people, not to mention hitting ten, even hitting 50 is not a problem!

Now I got another cashback card, isn't it flattering?
It seems that today is really lucky.

This time at the auto show, if you buy any car, you probably won’t be able to buy it all. This cash-back card will get you cash back!

Obviously, I went whoring for nothing again, and I made money.

So Lin Jie hurriedly asked Chen Ziyi: "Miss, do you know where there is a similar authentic gourmet restaurant in the imperial capital? It doesn't need to be stewed, and other things are also available."

Chen Ziyi gave Lin Jie a blank look.

I thought to myself that I had prepared a good show, and you completely messed with it. You didn't play the cards according to the routine, and it was ruined. You still want to continue whoring for free?
Don't you go to heaven?

Hurry up and go to bed!

Don't think about peaches all day long!

Chen Ziyi said angrily: "No, I don't know if I want to eat, you can find it yourself!"

After hearing the other party's answer, I will be a little confused about the connection in the future. What's the tone of the other party?It seems a little angry inside.

Am I doing something wrong?I think should not be.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, Chen Ziyi sent Lin Jie back to Huaheng Hotel.

After getting out of the car, Chen Ziyi took the initiative to say, "Why don't you invite me up for a cup of tea?"

Lin Jie: "???"

He shook his head. "It's okay, the hotel, the cups are not very clean, let's forget it, let's go to another day!"

When going out, boys must protect themselves, this is what Lin Jie has always said to himself.

After all, at this moment, I am not an ordinary college student, and my worth has already reached hundreds of billions.

I own 20% of the shares of Tengfei Group!

Not yet, since graduating from university, he has already reached the pinnacle of life, and he must not capsize in the gutter.

He could clearly see Chen Zi's affection for him, and he was just an ordinary friend.It is far from reaching the step where we can get in touch.

The reason why the other party said this was either a temptation or another purpose.

So how could Lin Jie be fooled?
Seeing that the other party rejected her, Chen Ziyi was also a little puzzled.

Could it be that his charm has declined?Such a bloody young man in his early teens would not be tempted by himself?
How strange!


The next morning, Lin Jie woke up from the hotel on time at eight o'clock, and then had a buffet breakfast in the hotel.

The taste of the breakfast buffet is not great.

But since it's a hotel's breakfast, it doesn't cost money anyway, so what extravagance do you want?

After breakfast, he directly asked the hotel's courtesy car to take him to the auto show center.

The auto show was held at the Imperial Capital International Exhibition Center.

Around 09:30.The welcome car of the hotel sent him to the International Exhibition Center.

After getting off the car, Lin Jie found that there was already a sea of ​​people there.

It seems that this auto show is very much anticipated.

After all, it is an international auto show.

Luxury cars that you can't usually see can now be seen, and.You don’t have to buy a car when you come to an auto show, can you just take a look and not buy it?

Besides, the car models in such a large auto show are top-notch.

Even if you don't like looking at luxury cars, it's good to look at models with hot bodies.

Therefore, it has attracted a large number of people who eat melons.

Anyway, 90% of people basically don't come here to buy a car. In fact, people who hold auto shows also know it.

Does it matter if you buy a car or not?It's not bad to collect the tickets.

Lin Jie had already reserved tickets for this auto show early in the morning, and now that the morning rush hour had passed, he entered it without a hitch.

The International Auto Show in Imperial City is indeed one of the largest large-scale auto shows.

In this auto show, almost all famous brands in the world participated.

In addition to Ferrari, Porsche, Lamborghini, and other mainstream sports car manufacturers.Non-mainstream sports car manufacturers such as Pagani also participated.

As soon as you enter the gate, you will see the Lamborghini booth.This Lamborghini booth brought together a large number of people who eat melons.Because this time Lamborghini brought their latest model, both in terms of configuration and horsepower, far surpassing the old Hurricane.

"Fuck, this Lamborghini evo is simply invincible!"

A young man with yellow hair and casual clothes sighed beside Lin Jie, which caught Lin Jie's attention.

Lin Jie glanced at the other party and found that the yellow hair looked about 20 years old.

He was wearing a very casual and loose T-shirt, a pair of ordinary-looking slippers, and those baggy cropped trousers.

Looks like a street punk.

But Lin Jie took a look and found that things were not that simple.

A pair of slippers that look ordinary are actually from Gucci.

The clothes on her body looked second-rate, but they were actually famous brands.

With a Rolex watch in his hand, the value is also hundreds of thousands.

These things all showed that the other party was definitely not an ordinary gangster.

"The owner of the old Hurricane will panic after seeing this car, right? The configuration of this Hurricane evo is just like the old model. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a cross-generational progress! "

"The more important point is that its price is even lower than the original release price of the old model, can you believe it?" Huang Mao continued to complain.

"Brother Feng, I think you should sell your old Hurricane quickly, otherwise this car will be sold soon. The price of your Hurricane will definitely be cut in half!" Huang Mao said to his friend next to him.

The man called Brother Feng said jokingly, "How about I sell you my old Hurricane in half, okay?"

"Of course!" the man said, and then added: "But unfortunately, I don't have any money for the half-cut price."

(End of this chapter)

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