Chapter 112 Make a bet
"Haha!" Lin Jie laughed out loud when he heard the conversation between the two.

This yellow hair is a bit interesting to talk about.

But maybe because the distance between the two of them was too close, the yellow-haired man heard Lin Jie's smile.He turned his head for a moment and took a look.

Lin Jie hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, buddy. I couldn't hold back, please forgive me."

The young man named Brother Feng introduced himself: "Hi brother, my name is Oufeng. You also like Lamborghini, are you going to buy one?"

The reason why he took the initiative to talk and introduce himself was actually because he saw the famous brand on Lin Jie's body and the more than 100 million watch on his hand.

At first glance, they are not ordinary melon eaters. The masses obviously have some family background and strength.

Therefore, his self-introduction is actually just to see people.

If Lin Jie was really poor, he probably would never initiate a conversation.

After all, birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups. Brother Feng is obviously not short of money. How can he communicate with an ordinary person?

"Let's take a casual look first. I do have the intention to buy. My name is Lin Jie, and I'm from Donghai City. I came here specifically to see the auto show," Lin Jie replied.

The yellow hair also took the initiative to look over and introduce. "Meet my brother. My name is Chen Zhihui."

"Brother Chen seems to know cars very well!" Lin Jie said casually.

Huang Mao quickly complained: "I understand, but it's useless! I don't have money to buy it!"

"Hey, brother, you don't know that when Brother Feng wanted to buy the old Hurricane, I introduced a lot to her and said a lot of defects of that Hurricane, but guess what our Brother Feng said? ?”

Huang Mao didn't wait for Lin Jie to speak, and then continued to speak on his own. "Brother Feng, we admire people like me who know everything but can't afford it. I'm a poor guy who doesn't have much money, but knows the parameters by heart. What kind of car does he want to buy? You have to ask Just ask me, just pay and pick up the car.”

"Brother, do you see that this is speaking in human language? Thanks to me, I still regard him as a good brother? Doesn't it make it clear that you are deliberately attacking a poor idiot like me?"

The yellow-haired man said in an exaggerated tone.

What he said quickly shortened the distance between them. After all, such complaints are the easiest to make people feel close to life.

Oufeng scolded with a smile. "Damn it, if you say something like this now, how many people leave my Hurricane? I don't drive as much as you. I drive my car every day to pick up girls, so I'm ashamed to say that!"

Huang Mao laughed out loud when he heard this. "Hahaha! Thank you, Brother Feng, who told you to be arrogant? Who told you that you have too many cars? It is also a disadvantage to keep it in the garage. Why don't you let me drive it out to be majestic and majestic!"

At this time, Oufeng looked at Lin Jie again: "I said brother. Do you have any goals? Which one are you going to buy?"

"Let's take a look first. I don't have anything I want to buy right now. Let's compare it carefully first." Lin Jie replied after hearing the other party's question, and then asked another question. "Two brothers, do you have any goals?"

Huang Mao responded first again. "Yes, I have many goals, such as this new Hurricane, I really want it. And that new Audi Urus looks very handsome. The Ferrari 488 over there is also good .McLaren's new gt is also very attractive! There is also BMW's thunder version m8..."

"Don't say it, don't say it, you can't afford it anyway, why think so much?" Ou Feng joked.

Lin Jie said it was a little funny.

The one who couldn't afford it made Chen Zhihui shut up in an instant.

He showed an aggrieved expression. "Brother Feng, would you like to lend me some money? Let me buy one first? I'm so hungry! Especially the BMW m8 Thunder Edition, it's so handsome. It is said that it only takes 3.2 seconds to accelerate from [-] kilometers, awesome I'm going to die."

Ou Feng: "Yes, yes, the price of almost 300 million is also very impressive..."

The three of them spoke one sentence at a time, and then came down from the Rolls-Royce booth to a Ferrari booth.

But at the Ferrari stand, Yunjie met an acquaintance.

Isn't that the super tall beauty Liu Yushi I met on the plane?

Lin Jie didn't expect that Liu Yushi would become a Ferrari car model!
Although it is now stipulated that there are no car models, manufacturers can always come up with some fancy reasons.

For example, a beautiful salesperson.

Are you saying I'm a car model?I'm not a female car model, I'm just a salesperson standing here waiting to introduce the car's performance to customers...

Even if the salesperson can't intentionally scratch his head and show off his posture here and there, as long as it's a beautiful woman, he can always show off a pair of thighs attractively, isn't it too much?

Isn't it too much to expose the northern hemisphere?

Of course, the words in the southern hemisphere are a bit too much...

"Fuck! Ferrari's booth is awesome. The salesman must be at least 1.8 meters tall, right?"

The yellow-haired Chen Zhihui is only about 1.7 meters tall.Standing next to Lin Jie, he was half a head shorter than Lin Jie.When facing Liu Yushi who is about the same height as Lin Jie, he naturally expressed a lot of pressure.

Ou Feng also nodded. "It's estimated to be about 1.8 meters! These legs are fine, they are white and long!"

Chen Zhihui: "I suddenly feel these few days, but now I feel that I have lost love... Woooooo!"

Ou Feng: "Xiaohui, don't think too much, girls won't like it. Boys who are shorter than themselves, let alone that boy can't even afford a car?"

"Fuck! Brother Feng, do you want to be so heartbroken?" Chen Zhihui said that his heart was broken.

Then he asked: "Brother Feng, isn't he going to attack? I need a contact information, make an appointment."

"Although I also want to go out, although those two big white legs are very attractive to me, but I have self-knowledge, such a beautiful girl, it may be difficult to win..." He looked at Lin Jie: "Dude , how about you go up?"

Lin Jie responded: "What pressure can there be? Isn't it easy to ask for any contact information? Let's make a bet?"

"So confident, buddy? You can bet, what are you betting on?" Huang Mao returned first.

Lin Jie: "Let's just gamble on a meal. I'll ask for her contact information. If it's noon, I'll treat you to dinner. How about it?"

Ou Feng, Chen Zhihui: "No problem! I didn't expect Brother Lin Jie to be so confident? Next, we will watch you perform! According to my many years of clinical experience, this car model does not seem to be so easy to handle."

Both of them expressed a little disbelief that Lin Jie could casually go around to each other's contact information. After all, this car model is not only beautiful, but also very aura.

Obviously, she doesn't look like a little girl who has never seen the world.

(End of this chapter)

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