Chapter 121 Keep a low profile

All six bottles of wine were seen to be opened.

Oufeng couldn't help giving a thumbs up. "Brother Jie, you are so powerful, you can open all six bottles as soon as you make a shot!"

Chen Zhihui also echoed: "Yes, yes, as expected of Brother Jie, you are really awesome!"

At this time, Chen Shan also interjected, saying: "Brother Jie is awesome! Thank you, Brother Jie, you are so generous!"

At the beginning, Chen Shan and Xiao He had the same idea.

He thought that Lin Jie should just order a big dragon, save the wine, and open a bottle or two at will.

But he didn't expect that it would be fully opened in an instant.

Excuse me, excuse me, the world of local tyrants is really unimaginable!
He has long been an old fritter in the bar.

When he saw Lin Jie ordering the Great Dragon, he wasn't too excited.

In his words, what kind of situation has he never seen in bars all year round?
The result is really open.

This made him not think of such a situation, he had never seen it before.

Too fucking rich.

Chen Yingying beside Chen Zhihui also leaned into Chen Zhihui's ear and asked. "Brother Hui, what's the situation with your friend? The tentacles are so majestic? Is there a mine at home?"

When Chen Yingying spoke, the hot air in her mouth was blowing into his earlobes, making his mouth itchy, so he wrapped his arms around Chen Yingying's small waist.Chen Yingying is an old fritter in the bar.Being hugged around the waist, instead of opening, she took advantage of the situation and leaned into Chen Zhihui's arms.

Only then did Chen Zhihui say: "That's right, brother Jie is so awesome, there must be a mine in the house, he is very arrogant!"

This answer seems to answer the question, but in fact it does not answer anything, and does not have any useful information.

Chen Zhihui is not an idiot either, how could he casually tell others about Lin Jie?
After Xiao He opened six bottles of Ace of Spades, he directly poured everyone a glass of wine.

Then he stood aside respectfully.

Lin Jie saw his actions, so he said to him. "Xiao He, what's the matter with you as a sales writer? As a sales manager, you have to compensate customers for a few drinks?"


Xiao He was a little speechless.

Although he is indeed the sales manager in the bar and the person with the best sales performance, how can he accompany male customers to drink and find male salesmen?

There are so many bunny girls behind me, why don't you look for them?

And how can anyone invite the salesman to drink, just drink the Ace of Spades?
This glass of wine can't cost thousands of dollars.

Xiao He looked at Lin Jie with a strange look.

At this time Oufeng said. "Xiao He, why are you still standing there? Brother Jie said that he wants to let you have a few drinks with him, but you still don't do it?"

Hearing this sentence, Xiao He finally moved. He walked over with a smile on his face, and then picked up a bottle of beer. He didn't intend to move the ace of spades.Said with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, Brother Jie, I punish myself with a bottle of beer!"

"What's the point of drinking beer? Aren't you cheating? You can't get drunk after drinking a barrel of beer. Come on! Drink this and pour it yourself!" Lin Jie pointed to the platinum ace of spades on the table.

"Thank you, Brother Jie!" Xiao He bent over, smiled, and poured himself a small cup from a cup.

Lin Jie continued to complain: "What do you mean by such a small amount? Fill it up bro!"


Xiao He was really speechless.

What the hell is going on here?

Are current customers so good at playing?Directly invite sales to drink wine worth tens of thousands of dollars a bottle?
Is it because I can't keep up with the times?
"Everyone, don't be too polite, pour yourself a glass of love, let me offer you a glass first. Among the vast crowds, it is fate to meet you! Come! Give everyone a glass!"

As he spoke, Lin Jie took the lead in drinking a cup.

As the organizer, Lin Jie naturally gave face to everyone.

On the other side of Liuhe and Chenshan.It was time to take a picture and send it to Moments. The pretentious one had already been taken, so they just raised their glasses and stood up.

The ace of spades is actually not too high, only thirteen or four degrees, so there is no pressure at all to drink a cup, Lin Jie greeted again: "Xiao He, refill it for everyone, let's continue!"

At this moment, Liu Yushi lowered her voice and whispered in Lin Jie's ear, "Lord, is it really okay for us to drink like this?"

"What's the problem? If it's not enough, just wait and order again." Speaking of this, he looked at Xiao He: "Xiao He, wait for another big dragon, but don't make any more fancy things Now, it’s like playing a monkey like just now, all the lights are shining on me, which makes me feel embarrassed. Let’s keep a low profile.”

Xiao He: "..."

Isn't it for that sense of superiority that people come to the bar to order magic suits?Someone actually ordered the dragon set, and didn't want VIP treatment?

Are you here to spend money, and you don't want others to know?

He has been a salesperson for this kind of customer for several years, and this is really the first time he has encountered it.

"Okay, wait a minute, let's keep a low profile." Xiao He replied.

Although he doesn't understand why this local tyrant is, but since he is a local tyrant, he just needs to listen. After all, the customer is God. He spent a small 20 here, so of course he must try his best to meet all needs.

It is normal not to understand the thoughts of local tyrants, even though I am not a local tyrant?

There is no way to put yourself in the place to think.

This is the gap between people!

After more than an hour, Xiao He came over with another set of big dragons.

This time he responded to the request and did not engage in too much pomp.

He and Lin Jie specially ordered a few bottles of Shuangwaiwai for Liu Yushi.

After all, although he was greedy for Ms. Liu's body, he didn't want to get her by getting drunk.

In Lin Jie's words, it means not taking the initiative, not being responsible, and not refusing.

If you get him drunk, isn't it because you actively want to mess with him?
At that time, if you don't want to be responsible, you can't do it.

Maybe he will be accused!

After all, if the other party has a relationship when the other party is unconscious, the other party can sue you.

Lin Jie didn't want to get a dead fish and get sued.

He prefers to accept passively, so that he can be a good man.

After all, it was you who wanted to mess with me, so there is no reason to ask me to be responsible, right?
and so.

He didn't want to give Liu Yushi a can of wine, nor did he want him to get drunk.

After all, it is very troublesome for women to get drunk.

So it's better to order a few bottles of Shuangwaiwai for him, so that she can refresh herself.

The second set of big dragons was also brought to the table.

Lin Jie stood up and greeted everyone. "Everyone open up and drink quickly, if you don't get drunk, you won't return!"

"Don't go home if you don't get drunk" is actually just a polite way of saying, I just want this group of people to drink more.

After all, the more they spend, the more cash back they get.

Lin Jie was just brushing up his achievements.

After all, as a prostitute whore, of course he must try his best to prostitute more prostitutes.

(End of this chapter)

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