Chapter 122 Going for a skewer.

"Is that why I don't get drunk?" Liu Yushi pointed at her crooked bottle.

Lin Jie glanced at her: "You drink less, Shuangwaiwai is also quite delicious, and you have to go to a part-time job tomorrow, what should you do if you drink too much and can't get up?"

Liu Yushi glanced at him, looked very seriously, and stared into his eyes.Want to see if the look in his eyes is real or fake?
Are you really not greedy for your body at all?
Looking at Lin Jie with him didn't mean to back down at all, instead he looked at ease.

By the way, Zheng Zheng also scanned the other party with the system, and he found that the other party's favor towards him was 60 points at the beginning, that is, the relationship of ordinary friends, but now it has reached 68 points, and after two points, he can reach the relationship of close friends .

It passed, and it was directly promoted in less than a day, eight o'clock.

This is a good result.

If you can reach 90 points, you can do any strategy.

The two of them stared at each other for several seconds, and finally Liu Yushi couldn't stand it any longer, her little face turned red and she was embarrassed to speak of him. "You are quite proficient in playing hard to get, have you done this kind of thing before? How many ignorant girls have you deceived?"

Lin Jie replied calmly. "You think too much, don't you? Is there any basic trust between people?"

"I believe you are a ghost, you are a bad old man." Liu Yushi joked with a smile.But then she really stopped drinking.

As a human being, I kept drinking until after ten o'clock.Lin Jie found that there were still two bottles of Ace of Spades that hadn't been opened yet.

He stopped calling for drinks.

After all, although it is said that there is cash back, it should be more reasonable to prostitute for free!

If you can't finish talking, you can't call again.

There are many ways to make money. Now that he has the system in hand and so many shares, he doesn't have to worry about not having enough money.There is no need to make others think that you are a pretender.

Putting the label of a nouveau riche on yourself may not give a good impression to others.

He said to the crowd. "It's almost time, everyone clear up the wine? Brother Feng, Brother Hui, you two are too weak, aren't you? I've been raising fish for a long time."

Lin Jie began to tease two people.

These two guys actually started drinking Liu Yushi's Shuangwaiwai.

It's obviously not going to work, and it's about to become a salted fish.

"Xiao He, go and get the list."

Lin Jie called out to Xiao He.It means that he is ready to pay the bill.

Xiao He's face was flushed from drinking at this time, it was too difficult for him tonight.

All in all, he drank more than one bottle.

"Okay, brother Jie, I'll go get the list right now." He stiffened, stood up, and walked a little sloppy.

after awhile.

Xiao He came over with a POS machine.

He said to Lin Jie: "Brother Jie, the total of the two dragon suits is 197776, and if you want to eat beer or something, it's all free!"

Originally, Shuang Wai Wai cost 66 yuan a can!
"Another fraction would be 19.7!" Xiao He immediately gave Lin Jie a few hundred dollars less.

Although these hundreds of dollars are nothing to Lin Jie, this kind of attitude makes Lin Jie feel quite comfortable.

So Lin Jie waved his hand and said. "Swipe 20 directly, and the rest will be your tip."

Xiao He didn't refuse, but quickly thanked him. "Thank you Jackie!"

For local tyrants, a few thousand dollars is nothing at all, and if you don't take the money from the local tyrants' betrothal gifts, isn't that a disgrace to others?
So Xiao He naturally didn't refuse.

Lin Jie swiped his card directly, paid 20 yuan, and then said to Ou Feng and Chen Zhihui, "Brother Feng, Brother Hui, let me go first, and you can solve it yourself?"

Oufeng said: "We've finished drinking too, let's go. Let's go together."

Chen Zhihui also nodded: "Well, let's go together."

The people from Liuhe haven't left yet, after all, there are still two bottles of Ace of Spades that haven't been opened yet, for old fritters in bars like them.These two bottles of wine.You can completely pretend to be aggressive in Moments for them, how could you leave so early?
When they arrived at the bar, Lin Jie directly called a car for Liu Yusi, put him in the car, and told him to reply on WeChat when he got home.

Liu Yushi was not drunk, he only drank a little bit, and he drank a lot after that, so he was very sober now, and naturally he would not be in any danger, so Lin Jie didn't send her back either.

After sending Liu Yushi away.The last three people looked at each other and then laughed.

Oufeng spoke first. "I'm sorry, I feel that I didn't handle things well today. To be honest, I didn't think about it."

Lin Jie walked over and patted Ou Feng on the shoulder, and said, "We are all buddies, what are you talking about?"

At this time, Chen Zhihui suggested again. "I only ate some porridge before drinking, and now I feel a little hungry. How about we go and have a skewer?"

"I think it's good." Lin Jie nodded.

"Walk around, I know there is a barbecue restaurant nearby, it's very good." Oufeng also said.

Since the three of them had been drinking, Ou Feng directly hailed a taxi and started driving towards the destination. In the end, the taxi stopped in a small alley.

After ten o'clock in the evening, this small alley is still very lively, and there are various stalls on the side of the street.

Two of the barbecue specialties are very popular, and there are a few small tables next to them, which are almost full of people.

Oufeng greeted the boss directly. "Old Li, here are six roasted kidneys and three pig brains. Thirty skewers of roast lamb and six skewers of lamb tendons."

"Okay, wait a moment." The boss responded immediately.

At this moment, Ou Feng said to Lin Jie. ... "This place is only known to authentic locals. I have eaten skewers here since I was a child, and I have been eating skewers here since I was a child. The taste here is very authentic."

Chen Zhihui also nodded. "That's right, it's really authentic, you'll know when the skewers come up."

After a while, the kebabs were brought up first, and Lin Jie took a skewer and started eating.

The roasted mutton is charred on the outside and tender on the inside, without the smell of mutton, so it is naturally very fragrant.Once you bite into it, you will find that the mutton is very smooth, which is different from other places.

The taste is really good, it is indeed worthy of the European style, and Chen Zhihui's boast.

"It's really good to eat. You two are really awesome! All the delicious food in this place has been eaten by you, right?"

Lin Jie couldn't help but complimented him.

The taste is really good.

(End of this chapter)

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