Chapter 123 Preparing to Race
Afterwards, Lin Jie grew long sheep tendons and pig brains, which were very delicious.

This barbecue stall is indeed much more delicious than all the ones he has eaten before.

The three of them drank beer and ate skewers.This party ended after eating until one o'clock in the morning.

When we returned to Huaheng Hotel, it was already past two o'clock.

After returning to the hotel, taking a shower, and lying on the bed, Lin Jie began to receive system prompts.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, this sharing party has spent a total of 20!"

"Now start to randomly draw the cashback multiple."

"Congratulations to the host for drawing 10 times the cashback multiple!"

"Start analyzing the satisfaction factor."

"Comprehensive satisfaction 7.5!"

"Congratulations to the host, this time the cashback multiple is 75 times!"

"Congratulations to the host for increasing the favorability of a beautiful friend in this party."

"Increase the score by eight points!"

"Extra eight times cash back!"

"Cashback amount. 1.2 million! It has been sent to the host's account, please check."

Fuck, awesome, 1.2 million directly in a party?
Even Lin Jie couldn't help sighing.

The money came too easily, right?

And the triggered random task directly increased the quota by eight times, which is really cool.

The person who said that she gained the favorability of her beautiful friends should be Liu Yushi!

I didn't let him keep drinking cans of wine, but instead gave him a drink instead of drinking, and gained eight points of favorability from the other party.

So I also got eight times more money.

This is indeed very good!

But Zhou Jie found a problem.

Satisfaction seems to be not very high this time.

Why is the overall satisfaction rate only 7.5?

The last time I invited a starlet to dinner, I got eight or nine points.

This time it was below eight points?
Zhou Jie took a look at the favorability of everyone:
"Oufeng: 9.5!"

"Chen Zhihui: 9.8!"

"Liu Yushi: 9.6!"

"Willow River: 8!"

"Chen Yingying: 7!"

"Zhou Yu: 6!"

"Chen Shan: 5!"

"Zhao Yu: 8.5!"

"Zhou Lulu: 8.5!"


Look at the satisfaction of everyone.Lin Jie couldn't help sighing.

Sure enough, as he had guessed, the person with the lowest satisfaction level was that stinky dick Chen Shan.

But think about it.

A person like him is simply here to eat and drink.They are not in the same circle at all, and if they insist on merging, they will not be able to get in at all.

In the whole meeting, no one paid any attention to him.

It's just that his small group organizes drinking there.

Therefore, the favorability of their entire small group is not high.

The last two should be members of the atmosphere group.

They are all above 8.5, which is pretty good.

And Zhou Yu came to this party, probably because she wanted a big money, but her appearance was not very good. Compared with Liu Yushi, she was even a little unattractive, so naturally she didn't catch anything.

Chen Zhihui, although he touched her when he was drinking, he didn't even look at her when he left, and looked at her again.

When drinking, always grab something in your hand to add to the fun!
Therefore, Chen Zhihui's arrest of her did not mean that he had a good impression of her.

If you don't catch it, you don't catch it!

So the guy wasn't very satisfied.

As for Liuhe.

She was invited by Oufeng.

But because of her operation, two more people were brought along.

So Oufeng didn't have a word with her during the whole party.

Naturally, her satisfaction is neither high nor low.

Fortunately, Ou Feng, Chen Zhihui, and Liu Yushi's satisfaction ratings were not bad, raising their scores a bit.

The sharing cashback card has been used up, and there is a dining cashback card.

Be careful when using it!

Don't meet someone like Chen Shan who lowers your score again.

The next morning, Lin Jie woke up after ten o'clock. Although he was in good health after the effect of the marrow washing pill, he needed time to break down the alcohol after drinking two consecutive nines.

When he just woke up, he received a call from Oufeng, and they had already exchanged contact information when they were playing skewers last night.

Lin Jie asked, "Brother Feng, it's so early? Why are you up?"

Oufeng responded: "Brother Jie, didn't you wake up too?"

"I just woke up. What's the plan? Do you want to continue drinking today?" Lin Jie asked.

Oufeng answered in the negative. "Forget it today. I won't drink it for now. I'll invite you to drink porridge at noon. There is an event arranged in the afternoon. Please join me."

"Oh? What event?" Lin Jie was curious.

"I don't know if Brother Jie has heard of Jingang Automobile Park?" Oufeng asked.

"Of course I've heard of it." Lin Jie replied.

Jingang Automobile Park is the most famous racing track in the imperial capital, which has a 2.4-kilometer track.Up to 25 vehicles are allowed to start at the same time.The widest part of the road is 20 meters, and the narrowest part is 12 meters. There are 16 bends in total, and there are four consecutive bends.

If it is calculated on a [-]-point system, the difficulty of this track can basically reach [-] points.

"Jinggang Motor Park is from five o'clock to seven o'clock this afternoon. I will book the space for two hours. And at the same time, I arranged for a Ferrari 488, a Porsche 911, a 1000-horsepower Nissan GTR, a BMW Thunder version of the m8. A Mercedes-Benz GTR, and a Lamborghini bull. The race will be held this afternoon." Oufeng commented.

Lin Jie raised his brows listening to the other party's words. He knew that the other party's arrangement meant reciprocity. After all, at the bar party he arranged last night, something happened to Oufeng, and he invited a few irrelevant people. That party was a little flawed.

So today he arranged a race car.As a compensation.

If the other party arranged an event like eating and drinking, Lin Jie might still think about it, whether to go or not?But the other party really put their minds to it and even arranged this racing show.

Because there is no racing track in Donghai City, even if Lin Jie has a sports car, he can't enjoy the extreme pleasure.

Oufeng was investigating that, so he arranged a racing event before Lin Jie left the imperial capital.

And he saw that Lin Jie bought a new Ferrari 488, so he arranged for one, just to let Lin Jie experience the thrill of 488 running wildly on the track in advance.

"By the way, Brother Jie, this time I also invited a few buddies, all of whom our brother likes to play with cars. There are also masters who play with cars. When the time comes to run together, it will be more exciting than a competition. "

Oufeng said in advance.

After hearing what the other party said, Lin Jie agreed. "Brother Feng, be careful."

"Brother Jie, you're too polite. Wait, Chen Zhihui and I will pick you up at the hotel. Let's have some porridge first. By the way, do you want to bring your small salesman there today?"

"Then I have to ask if she is free?" Lin Jie responded.
(End of this chapter)

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