After playing the king for a year, I became the richest man!

Chapter 124 Brother Hui is Ready to Buy a Car

Chapter 124 Brother Hui is Ready to Buy a Car
"Okay! Then Brother Jie, let's ask if your small sales are available? We'll see you later."

Then Oufeng hung up the phone.

Lin Jie immediately started sending messages to the small salesman, after all, he didn't know whether the other party would be available or not.

However, he saw that the favorability between himself and the other party had reached 68 points and was about to reach 70 points.

If you want to come to such a good impression, the following should not refuse, right?

It took a few minutes before he received Liu Yushi's reply.

Maybe it's because the other party is busy now.

"Yes, local tyrant, then I will ask for a leave of absence at four o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Come and pick me up then." Liu Yushi replied to the cable.

Lin Jie directly agreed.

As for having a car?Is the car the problem now?

Last night, more than 1 million cash was returned casually.

Afraid of not having a car?

How much does it cost to rent a 1000 million car a day?
At around 11 o'clock in the morning, Ou Feng and Chen Zhihui came to the hotel to pick up Lin Jie.

The three met in the hotel lobby.

Oufeng asked directly. "Brother Jie, I ordered green vegetable porridge, plus some more refreshing cold salad, for a lighter meal, what do you think?"

Lin Jie nodded: "Very good, I was drunk last night, and today I just eat something light to nourish my stomach, and then go racing."

Oufeng asked again: "Brother Jie, will you go to that long-legged salesman of yours?"

"Go, she asked for leave at four o'clock, and I will pick her up directly then." Lin Jie replied.

After hearing this sentence, Oufeng handed over his car keys to Lin Jie directly. Lin Jie took a look and found that it belonged to Lamborghini, the key.

Oufeng added: "Take my car to pick it up. This is an old Maverick. Don't be disgusted, Brother Jie."

"Thank you, Brother Feng." Lin Jie took it, if there is a thank you.

Although there is often a saying that wives and cars are not allowed to be borrowed

In fact, most of the people who said this were middle-class. When they bought a car, they probably bought a low-end luxury car by gritting their teeth. Bba or something.

If there is any collision, it is estimated that he will feel distressed. In case of any accident, his friends will not be able to afford it.

For the really rich, the car in the house may not be able to drive by himself, and it is easy to borrow it out.

And the most important point is that the rich people in the family, the friends next to them are basically rich people.Even if your 1000 million car crashes, you can still afford it.

Take Lin Jie for example.

A Mercedes-Benz worth RMB 40 million is just a scooter for him.

Even if there is a traffic accident and the car is damaged.

It can only be compensated by waving your hand.

But if the friend you borrow is the kind who has no money.

For this car worth 40 to [-] yuan, it is estimated that his whole family's belongings have been scraped together, and they can't afford it.

Then who dares to lend it to you?
That's why there is a saying that the wife and the car can't be borrowed.

And Oufeng saw Lin Jie casually bought a Ferrari of more than 600 million yuan, what happened to borrowing that old Lamborghini?
Are you afraid that people will not have the money to compensate you?
The three came to the porridge shop, drank porridge and ate cold dishes together, at this time Chen Zhihui said: "Shall we go to the auto show again this afternoon?"

"Going to the auto show, isn't there anything to see?" Lin Jie was a little surprised.

He bought a car yesterday and has visited all the car shows, there is really nothing to see.

Chen Zhihui said with a slightly embarrassed expression. "I saw a Porsche 718. The performance of this car is actually not bad, and the price is barely acceptable to me."

Ou Feng added jokingly from the side. "Xiaohui's family is relatively strict, and he crashed two sports cars, so even if she wants to buy this Porsche 718, she has to buy it with a loan."

Lin Jie nodded when he heard it, and didn't mean to laugh at the other party.Instead, he directly said: "Porsche's is really good. Although the Porsche 718 is less than 100 million, it kills a lot of sports cars in seconds. The performance is worth mentioning."

Porsche's cars are indeed low in price and good in performance.

Take the Porsche 911 for example!
Although the price is less than 300 million, the performance directly kills the Ferrari he just bought for more than 600 million yesterday.

That Ferrari is nothing but looks and.Car logo comparison.Except for high-end, it is actually not as good as the Porsche 911.

Chen Zhihui also looked excited: "Yes, yes, Porsche's price-performance ratio is really high. I want to buy a Porsche 718, which is the second-highest configuration, and it only costs more than 80. The official acceleration of 4.4 kilometers is only [-] seconds. But everyone knows that Porsche officials are relatively modest."

Porsche is a little different from other manufacturers. When they introduce the performance of their cars, they like to speak conservatively.

Most other manufacturers like to exaggerate and talk about their own [-]-kilometer acceleration to a minimum, and then it is actually difficult to achieve it after actually buying a car.

But everyone will add a conclusion from the laboratory below, and reserve the right of final interpretation.

You can't say that he is false advertising.

But Porsche is a different manufacturer than others.

Take a Porsche 718 as an example.

The official statement of the 2.0t engine version is that the acceleration from 4.9 kilometers to 4.6 kilometers is [-] seconds, but after actually getting the car, many people can actually run in [-] seconds.

As for the 2.5t engine version, the official statement is 4.4 seconds.

But if there is a skilled veteran driver, he can even run under four seconds.

Running in four seconds is equivalent to the level of most supercars!

And if you modify it like this, you can even run under three seconds!

Step directly into the supercar club.

Isn't this price-performance ratio not high?

A car worth less than 100 million can run as fast as many cars worth 500 million or even 600 million!

If there are still people who feel that the cost performance is not high, it can only be said that such people are not the target customers of Porsche.

If you want to make cars according to customer requirements, it is estimated that the car factory has closed down long ago.

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, the three of them had finished drinking, so Lin Jie drove an old European-style Lamborghini.Oufeng and Chen Zhihui were driving the Mercedes-Benz e300.Once again came to the Auto Show Center.

This time, the goals of the three people were very clear. After a large auto show center, they went straight to the Porsche booth.

On the Porsche booth, the Porsche 911 is naturally in the c position.

Next to the 911 is the Cayenne SUV.Next to it is. Taycam's electric supercar.Next to the electric supercar is the Palame and the urban off-road macam.

As for the Porsche 718, it was placed in a small corner.

Looks pitiful, helpless and weak.

Lin Jie accompanied Chen Zhihui to the booth.

Then he stood by and waited for Chen Zhihui, asking for information about 718.

(End of this chapter)

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