Chapter 129 Getting No.1

Seeing that the other party is so focused and driving, Lin Jie might as well be admiring the beauty beside him!Why talk too much to remind me?

Unless there is an accident of demolishing and killing people, Lin Jie will not intervene anymore.

The performance of the BMW Thunder US version is actually not too strong in a supercar, but Liu Yushi's luck is really good.

The No.2 grid position was drawn, and the No.1 was a BMW Mini again.

Now she is firmly in the first position and leading by a lot.Even ahead of No.2.Ten seconds.

After the first lap, he was far ahead, and by the second lap, he had slowly found some feeling.

On the second lap, when entering the first corner, Liu Yushi's speed was directly increased to 70 kilometers, and the actual control of the corner entry was more proficient and accurate, and the acceleration after the corner exit was also more timely.

Seeing the opponent's operation progress so quickly, Lin Jie couldn't help giving him a thumbs up in his heart.

I thought to myself, does such a long-legged beauty have a talent for driving?

The joyful brawl of the girls group ended soon. This time, Liu Yushi became the No. [-] winner without any surprise.

Yes, very good, the racing car, after getting off the car, he was very excited and jumped up, hugged Lin Jie and shouted loudly,
"Hahahaha, we won, we are No.1!"

"This is the first time I got off the car and won the championship!"

"It's amazing, I'm so happy!"

It can be seen that Liu Yushi is very excited at this moment.

Lin Jie was also very excited. The other person was about the same height as him, and at the same time hugged him tightly, jumping up and down all the time, with their chests touching each other.

Although the system can see the extra points for the opponent's figure and appearance, it can't see the specific size of the chest.

Lin Jie, at the beginning, he guessed that it was at least C-level and above.

Now I have a kind feeling with my chest, and I have confirmed this conjecture, I'm afraid it's just big or small!
Seeing Liu Yushi so excited, Lin Jie also responded. "Yeah, yeah, I didn't expect you to be so talented, and you did so well in the first competition! And all the prize money you just won will be donated. Congratulations, you have been named a great benevolent person."

According to the rules, he participated in this Happy Smash Bros. and won the championship. He can win back his 1 yuan registration fee, and the rest of the money will be donated to various welfare organizations.

At this time, Liu Yushi also slowly calmed down, and he slowly withdrew from Lin Jie's embrace.After reacting, after the move just now.Her face was a little red.Then he pretended to be calm and said. "Yeah, it's really fun to go. The first time I raced, it also made me subvert my understanding of the sport of racing."

"So the game can still be used for charity?"

Lin Jie nodded and said. "Yeah, it's also the first time I know there is such a game method."

After all, for most people, when it comes to drag racing, it always reminds people of the speeding party on the road with no one in the middle of the night.

When I think about it, I don't have a good impression.

After all, road racing is illegal, and a normal person should resist it.

At this time Oufeng came over.He asked Lin Jie, "Brother Jie, wait a minute and there is a special Porsche 718 competition, do you want to participate?"

In fact, he was already ready to come over, but he just saw Liu Yushi laying in Lin Jie's arms, and he has never had the nerve to come over and be a light bulb.

At the same time, he couldn't help but secretly sigh in his heart, has this long-legged beauty already developed to this stage with Lin Jie?
Sure enough, rich people are invincible!
And the most important point is that Lin Jie is handsome even if he is rich and handsome, that is invincible plus invincible.

After hearing what Ou Feng said, Lin Jie showed a somewhat puzzled expression. "Are they all Porsche 718s? But if there are 718s with different configurations, the performance gap should be quite large, right?"

There is nothing wrong with that, as the entry-level Porsche 718 sprints to [-] km/h in just over five seconds.

As for the top-equipped Porsche 718, it only takes more than three seconds to accelerate from [-] kilometers to [-] kilometers.

Such a big gap, no matter how good your skills are, it will be difficult to make up for it?

Facing Lin Jie's question, Oufeng responded. "The performance of each car we have prepared very well this time is similar. Although the configuration of the Porsche 718 prepared this time is different, the acceleration is actually very close."

"This time, the entry fee for the Porsche 718 is still 5 yuan, and the person who wins the championship can win back his own 5 yuan. At the same time, the rest of the money will be donated to charity."

"Okay, since Brother Feng has already prepared so well, of course I won't refuse. By the way, is this Porsche 718 competition a women's group? If so, I would like to sign up for Yu Shi as well. Let her also experience the fun of the Porsche 718."

The Porsche 718 is a relatively flexible model among the mid-range sports cars.

The body is smaller and the steering is more flexible.

Comparing it with a Porsche 911 is two different experiences.

"Of course there are also women's groups. This time we have women's competitions and women's brawls. Anyway, if we win money, it will be donated to charity in the end, so there are no rules. It's all just playing around."

"Okay, then Yushi has to sign up for the women's competition, and the women's brawl!" Lin Jie nodded.

Liu Yushi did not reject Lin Jie's arrangement either. After all, it was the first time he won the championship with the BMW Thunder m8. He had already experienced the fun of drag racing, and he fell in love with this kind of competition.He really wanted to try again.

Soon, this time the Porsche 718 race was over.

Although Lin Jie was fifth on the grid, he still won No.1 by virtue of his extraordinary control skills.

After all, all the racing cars this time are of the same series, and the performance of the Porsche 718 is almost the same. The competition is all about personal driving ability.

With professional driving skills, Lin Jie naturally has an absolute advantage.

And Liu Yushi didn't have such good luck this time.

In the women's competition, he only won No.4, and in the Smash Bros. competition, he only won No.3.

However, although she didn't win the championship, she didn't think it had anything to do with it, because she mainly came to experience the feeling of racing, and after trying the Porsche 718, he really felt that such a flexible and petite car was easier to control and more comfortable. Convenient, he likes this feeling even more.

"This 718 feels really good to drive." Liu Yushi couldn't help sighing.

In terms of handling flexibility, the 718 has indeed surpassed the BMW m8.

When cornering, he will feel more light.It gives people a feeling of being one with the car.

(End of this chapter)

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