Chapter 130 Fighting wine together.

After hearing Liu Yushi's emotion, Lin Jie also interrupted. "I also like the experience of the Porsche 718. It is really good, and the most important point is that it is cheap and cost-effective."

After hearing Lin Jie's words, Liu Yushi couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

Cost-effective, cheap?
Is a car worth more than 100 million yuan actually cheap for local tyrants?
How many people can't save 100 million for a lifetime!

This guy can actually say such a thing, it is really maddening!Sure enough, ordinary people cannot understand the life of local tyrants.

"Please don't pretend to be aggressive, just be yourself!" Liu Yushi couldn't help complaining!
"I'm a male god, why should I be a human being?" Lin Jie teased,

"Cut! You are the only male god." Liu Yushi frowned pretending to be disgusted
Lin Jie patted the opponent's head directly, and then he patted the head to kill, and then said. "What's the matter? A young and promising man like me who is not only rich but also handsome is not considered a male god? I already have the skills to drive a Ferrari with one hand, what do you want from me? For you guys For these girls, isn't someone like me an excellent male god?"

Faced with Lin Jie's head-touching killing, Liu Yushi was actually not very disgusted. Instead of breaking free, she lowered her head and even blushed a little.

What Lin Jie said is actually not bad. A high-quality boy like this, young and promising, rich and handsome, is indeed an excellent boy.

Even being called a male god would not pass.

After all, he was already worth hundreds of billions just after entering college.

How many people in the country can reach this level?

Even the national husband, Prince Wang, dare not say that he has so many assets!
At this time, the others had basically finished the competition, so Oufeng came over directly.

He said to Lin Jie, "Brother Jie, it's almost time for us here. Do you want to have dinner first!"

At this moment, it was almost seven o'clock, and Oufeng's reservation was only until seven o'clock.

And this time has come, time for dinner.

So he has already started preparing and arranging dinner.

"Okay, Brother Feng, what shall we have for dinner?" Lin Jie asked.

This system is pretty good. If you eat something that makes Lin Jie feel delicious, there will be some rewards, such as food cash back cards and the like.

If the food fits the characteristics of this place and fits Lin Jie's taste, it's easy to get this kind of card.

Chen Zhihui interjected from the side, and said, "Brother Feng arranged for the very famous steam fish in our imperial capital, and the prepared fish is original, scientifically and naturally farmed high-quality fish, and the taste is absolutely guaranteed."

After listening to the other party's introduction, Lin Jie's eyes lit up immediately, and he said hastily. "Walking up, I'm getting a little hungry."

At seven o'clock in the evening, the sports cars in the first row of a racetrack set off in a mighty way.

Go to Qingshan Farmhouse, the destination of steam-boiled fish reserved by European style.

Along the way, because it happened to be the rush hour for get off work, there were some traffic jams. They took more than an hour to arrive. Qingshan, the farmhouse,

After getting there, all dinners were prepared by appointment.

Only the last step is to start the prepared steam equipment to complete the cooking.

This method of cooking fish is different from the traditional main fish method, and it can be cooked faster.

Because the temperature of the steam can reach up to 130 degrees Celsius.

And if it is boiled with water, it can only reach [-] degrees.

The temperature of the steam is even higher than that of a pressure cooker.

However, after Lin Jie saw this cooking method, he just thought it was a bit gimmicky, but he didn't think it would be delicious.

He didn't know if he could get a little reward for the special boiled fish he ate today?

"Brother Jie, why don't we buy some wine so we can drink?" Oufeng asked tentatively.

This time at the party, the boys sat at one table and the girls sat at the other table, so don't be afraid, some girls don't drink.

The one next to him started following him.After the match, Liu Meng also interjected, "Yeah, brother Jie, let's have a drink together, the match is no match for you, your match skills are really good, but maybe drinking can win us back?"

"Okay, no problem, we can have some." Of course, Lin Jie would not reject these people, he wanted to compare himself to drinking, who was he afraid of?
Ever since he took the Xisui Pill and transformed his body, he hasn't been drunk yet!
So Oufeng ordered some Moutai.After all, the people at the party this time were not ordinary people, so the wine they drank naturally had to be of higher quality.

"Brother Jie, come, come, let me toast you first. Today on the racing track, your skills are really amazing. I have been surpassed by you several times!" Liu Meng took the lead in toasting.He is quite confident in his drinking capacity, he can't compare to Lin Jie in racing, and he will definitely not lose again this time drinking.

"Come on, Brother Meng! Cheers!" Lin Jie and Liu Meng touched their backs, and then drank it all in one gulp. After all, the glasses of baijiu are relatively small, and it only takes about one or two sips.

Oufeng saw it from the side, and also took the initiative to join the battle.

But she was joined by Lin Jie. On this side, he directly toasted Long Xing, the driver of the McLaren 720s: "Come on, brother Xing, let's have a toast."

Zhang Longxin also immediately raised his own bar. "Brother Feng, you are too polite, do it!"

Chen Zhihui naturally joined the battle not to be outdone, but it was Lin Jie who joined her and raised his glass to Wang Zeqing and said, "Brother Zeqing, come, let's have a drink."

Ferrari 488 owner Wang Zeqing said. "Okay, let's compete tonight to see who gets drunk the last!"

At this time, the owner of the Lamborghini Da Niu also joined the battle, his name is Ma Jiaqi.

He raised his glass and said to Lin Jie: "Brother Jie, the BMW m8 you drove on the racing track today is really amazing. I am so envious of the technology! We are all overwhelmed by you." Passing cars, so I'm going four-on-three, what do you think?"

Obviously, Ma Jiaqi is going to win the few with more.

At this moment, Lin Jie received a system prompt.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for triggering a random mission and winning this team battle over wine."

"The mission is completed. You will be rewarded by the system."

"Mission failed. The host will be awarded the title of loser at the wine table!"

Lin Jie didn't expect that a seemingly ordinary wine fight could trigger a random mission, and he was immediately a little happy.

(End of this chapter)

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