After playing the king for a year, I became the richest man!

Chapter 133 Can only pretend to be drunk.

Chapter 133 Can only pretend to be drunk.

When Liu Yushi passed the alcohol test, another female driver was also passing the alcohol test, but judging by her appearance, there seemed to be something wrong.

"Comrade traffic police, is that how you blow it? Do you need to keep it in your mouth?"

"Do you need to lick with your tongue?"

"Do you want to blow on your knees?"

The traffic police next to me felt a little speechless.

Obviously, this female driver has not been tested yet, and she can already conclude that he must have been drinking, and his mind is a little blurred, not only drunk driving, but even more serious drunk driving!

Drunk driving is punishable!
After the test, Liu Yushi closed the car door, and asked Lin Jie, "Do you feel better now?"

Lin Jie said, "Is it better? But it's still a bit uncomfortable."

"Then you should drink less next time. I just saw you fighting fiercely at the wine table." Liu Yushi said with concern.

After hearing this sentence, Lin Jie chuckled secretly in his heart. There is a lot of information revealed in this sentence, drink less next time, does it mean that he is still looking forward to going out to play with him next time?
Obviously, from the lines of these conversations, it can be seen that this little girl has a high degree of affection for her.

He nodded: "Well, I will pay more attention next time."

"Okay, then lie down on the car and rest for a while, and I'll take you back to the hotel." Liu Yushi replied, and then continued to start the car.

"En!" Lin Jie nodded.

Lamborghini continued to drive slowly and steadily, and after about half an hour, it finally returned to Huaheng Hotel.

When getting out of the car.Liu Yushixian got out of the car by herself, then helped Lin Yingjie open the co-pilot's door, then helped him get out of the car and helped Lin Jie start to take the elevator.

Since the two people are supporting each other, some physical contact is inevitable.

Lin Jie felt that he had indeed touched some soft spots.

This little girl's body score reached 98 points, which is really very promising.

Her breasts should be the biggest among all the girls I know!The legs are also the longest!

With this kind of soft contact, Lin Jie felt that it felt pretty good.So he kept thinking that he should.Tell the other party that you are actually quite sober or continue to pretend to be drunk! ?

After struggling for half a second, Lin Jie decided to do as he pleases.

All the way pretending to be drunk under the support of the other party, entered the room.

After entering the room, Liu Yushi looked at the independent swimming pool in the room and felt a little envious.

This is the life of the rich. Living in a hotel has its own swimming pool. You can swim. Isn't this too extravagant?

But this envy was fleeting.

He went to the bathroom and got a towel to clean Lin Jie briefly, then put it on the bed.When he left, he put a bottle of mineral water beside the bed, so that when Lin Jie woke up, he could drink water to quench his thirst.

After finishing all this, Liu Yushi left in peace. After hearing the door close, Lin Jie sat up from the bed immediately.

In fact, he was not guilty in the first place, but he felt really good when he was supported by the other party at first, so he didn't say that he was sober.In the end, I can only install it all the way.

He didn't dare to get up until the other party left.

And everything the other party did just now was in his eyes.

Whether it's using a towel to help himself clean up, or putting a bottle of mineral water in the small details, Lin Jie has gained a good impression.

This big beauty with a hot body is exactly as I imagined, she should be more careful and considerate, a good wife and mother,

Who can marry her as a wife?Absolutely flattered.

And when she was feeling emotional in her heart, she suddenly received a WeChat message.

He clicked to check it, and found that it was sent by Liu Yushi.

"The car is parked underground, on the second floor of the parking lot, parking space c198. I put the key on your bedside table. I'm going back to school first. Let's contact you tomorrow when you wake up!"

This move of Liu Yushi once again won Lin Jie's favor.

According to his personality, he likes drag racing, exciting nature, and sports cars.

In fact, even if he drove the sports car back to school, it was understandable.

But she didn't do that.Instead, he parked the car directly in the underground parking lot and left the key on the bedside table.

If you just changed to a girl with a strong vanity, I'm afraid she would have already driven the car back to school to satisfy her vanity, right?
After all, there are not many people in 100 schools who can drive a Lamborghini in college!

This method of his really won Lin Jie a lot of goodwill.

But think about it, the purity of the other party has reached more than 90 points.

In other words, the other party's purity of body and mind are all very high.

She is definitely a big beauty who cleans herself and has good moral character.
Otherwise, relying on her appearance, she can make her monthly income hundreds of thousands, right?
However, with a purity of over 90 points, of course she would not do such a thing.

Lin Jie didn't reply to the other party's message. After all, he was drunk and unconscious in the other party's eyes. Wouldn't it be revealing if he replied to the message?

As a good man, he must not overturn such details!
At this moment, Lin Jie didn't feel sleepy either. He directly opened the Goldfish Live Streaming Platform and checked his account.

Sure enough, there were [-] million goldfish coins in the account.

By the way, he looked at the anchor he was following.

It was discovered that Zhou Keke was live broadcasting at this moment.

He directly logged out of his account, and then entered the live broadcast room as a tourist to watch it.

At this moment, Zhou Keke has resumed his status as an outdoor anchor, and is looking for late-night delicacies in Donghai City.

Lin Jie glanced at the VIP seats, and found that the other party had more than 200 VIPs.

In other words, has this little anchor woke up?

The situation on the weekly edition is indeed much better than before, and the leader of the list has even surpassed [-].

But after looking at the other party's ID, it was an ID he was familiar with.

That is a king number.

It is Feng Hua Xue Yue, the eldest brother of Huang Ying's family.

And the second, third, and fourth are also acquaintances.

They are Little Apple's older brothers, Old Newton and Old White Dog, and Qingquan Liuxiang.

Each of these people has a fan value of 5000. They must have swiped a treasure map, right?
So this anchor is an acquaintance to save face?

After a few glances, he directly exited the live broadcast room. At this moment, the little anchor seemed to have a tendency to stand up, and she hadn't contacted herself, and of course she had no intention of contacting the other party.

As a good man, not taking the initiative is the first criterion!
(End of this chapter)

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