Chapter 134 Liu Yushi's Best Friend
At eight o'clock the next morning, Lin Jie woke up on time, even though he drank two or three bottles of liquor last night.

But after a night's sleep, he didn't feel like a hangover like a headache.

This time, it is thanks to the Xisui Pill that strengthens the body, otherwise, the human body would not be able to decompose so much alcohol in such a short period of time!
"Are you awake?" Lin Jie sent a message to Liu Yushi.

"I woke up early, and I'm eating breakfast now. After breakfast, I'm going to work at the auto show."

Liu Yushi replied.

The auto show lasted for three days, and today is the last day.

Today Liu Yushi is still going to the auto show for sales work.

Lin Jie prefers this kind of self-reliance style. After all, before he got the system, he was also working part-time to make money.

Of course, it is much harder for boys to make money than girls.

Can you earn 2000 yuan in one day of sales like Ms. Liu?

Otherwise, he wouldn't be unable to pay the rent for three months.

"Still having breakfast at school?" Lin Jie asked the other party again.

"It's at the breakfast shop outside the school." As she spoke, Liu Yushi took a photo of her own breakfast and sent it over.

His breakfast is meat buns with soy milk, two tea eggs, a deep-fried dough stick and four dumplings.

This breakfast seems to be quite rich. After all, there is a saying that you must have a good breakfast.

The morning of the porridge trial, it had already been eliminated.

If you just drink some low-end carbohydrates to supplement energy, there is no way to maintain energy balance and nutrition.

However, Liu Yushi's figure is very slender, with a height of 1.7 meters 110 and a weight of only [-] kilograms.Moreover, the place that should be big is big, and the place that should be small is small. How did he keep his figure by eating so much in the morning?
I'm afraid I usually exercise a lot, right?
"It just so happens that I haven't had breakfast yet. You send me a location, and I'll go over and have breakfast with you now." Lin Jie sent a message.

Liu Yushi didn't refuse either, and directly sent her location.

After receiving the location, Lin Jie sent a message to Oufeng.

"Brother Feng! Lend me your Lamborghini for another day."

"No problem!" Oufeng readily agreed.

"Thank you, Brother Feng." Lin Jie thanked.

"It's okay, it's okay, everyone is a good brother." Oufeng replied.

Lin Jie, after putting down his phone, picked up the bedside table, the Lamborghini car keys on it, and according to the message Liu Yushi left yesterday, he found his car parked in the underground parking lot.

After starting the car, drive towards the location she sent.

Liu Yushi is a student in the Music Department of the Imperial Music Academy.

The location he sent was a small alley behind the Imperial Conservatory of Music.

And the hotel where Lin Jie was staying was not very far from the Imperial Conservatory of Music, only more than ten kilometers away.

It was almost over now, and there was not much traffic jam on the way to find the rush hour, so after only ten minutes, Lin Jie arrived at his destination.

Whenever Lamborghini enters the alley, the roar of the sports car breaks the calm in the alley.

At the breakfast in the alley, Lin Jie spotted Liu Yushi at the first sight.

After all, this is a big beauty who has scored more than 90 points in terms of survival and appearance, and has long legs with a height of 1.7 meters [-].It is very difficult not to attract attention, it can be said that it stands out from the crowd.

What's more, at this moment, beside her, there is another girl who looks similar to her.

The two beauties can be said to be the most beautiful scenery in the small alley.

Lin Jie parked the Lamborghini on the side of the road, and then started walking towards Ms. Liu's table.

After walking in again, he realized that the beauty opposite him was really beautiful.


This seems to be the feeling of heartbeat!
Sure enough, the girlfriends of beautiful women are also big beauties?

Isn't the chance of seeing two beauties with a score of 90 at the same time too small?

Lin Jie quickly scanned the other party with the system.

"Gender name: Zhou Bingbing!"

"Age: 19!"

"Height: 174!"

"Weight: 53kg!"

"Appearance: 98 points."

"Status: 96 points!"

"Purity: 93 points!"

"Favourability: 58 points!"


After Lin Jie saw the other party's message, he was a little surprised!

The opponent's face value actually scored 98 points, and his figure was also above 90 points.

In other words, her appearance is almost the same as that of Ms. Liu!
Lin Jie asked for it, and the other party also found that the other party was indeed very good-looking.

His facial features are exquisite, his nose is tall, and the most important thing is that his skin is very white, tender and delicate, just like his name.

Her skin is as white as snow, delicate and pure, and her appearance is of the weak type, which makes people feel a desire to protect.


Lin Jie discovered that the other party's favorability for him had reached 58 points, which meant that he could reach the limit of an ordinary friend after only two more points.

It is impossible for ordinary people to have such a high degree of favorability. The reason why they have such a high degree of favorability is probably because Liu Yushi often mentions herself in front of him!

So in a subtle way, let the other party increase their favorability.

After figuring this out, Lin Jie looked at Liu Yushi without squinting and asked, "Yushi, where's the breakfast you ordered for me?"

Liu Yushi replied: "I don't know what you eat, I'll give you some now! What do you want to eat?"

Lin Jie said: "Two tea eggs, one deep-fried dough stick, eight dumplings, and a cup of vegetable porridge. Oh, by the way, are the steamed buns in this breakfast shop all right?"

Liu Yushi replied: "I think it's delicious.

"Okay, then two more meat buns." Lin Jie nodded.

The breakfast shop is run by an old couple.

After hearing Lin Jie's words, Liu Yushi said to the old couple. "Boss, add to me..." She repeated Lin Jie's words.

Soon, Lin Jie's breakfast was brought over.

Zhou Bingbing next to him secretly observed Lin Jie.

Her good friend Liu Yushi had breakfast together because of a chance encounter.

I've heard Liu Yushi say it just now.Lin Jie is coming.

Now seeing Liu Yushi ordering breakfast for Lin Jie again, Zhou Bingbing was a little surprised.

The cold and beautiful Liu Yushi actually took the initiative to order breakfast for others!
This situation is too rare, right?
After Liu Yushi ordered breakfast, she took the initiative to introduce Zhou Bingbing and Lin Jie to each other.

"Onmyoji, let me introduce you. This is my good sister, Zhou Bingbing. By the way, he is a student of the dance academy! Didn't you always say that you want to meet the beauties of the dance academy?"

Liu Yushi also made a joke.

Lin Jie looked at Zhou Bingbing and said, "Hi, my name is Lin Jie. I'm Liu Yushi's friend. Nice to meet you."

Zhou Bingbing nodded, and then asked, "Hello, Lin Jie. By the way, why did Liu Yushi call you an onmyoji?"

(End of this chapter)

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