Chapter 135 Driving Too Fast
Zhou Bingbing said that he was very puzzled.

Why does this guy have such a nickname?

Lin Jie showed a mysterious expression on purpose and said seriously: "Because my hometown is in Xiangxi, you should have heard about our hometown, right? So our family is actually a family of onmyojis that have been passed down for thousands of years!"

"Wow, is it so powerful? A family of onmyojis for thousands of years? Isn't it passed down from the Tang Dynasty to the present?"

"Of course it's amazing! Isn't it! A true ancestral secret technique!" Lin Jie nodded.

"That's amazing, so can your Onmyojis see some strange things? You understand!?" Zhou Bingbing asked curiously.

Facing the other party's question, Lin Jie deliberately made a more mysterious expression.

"Of course! Our onmyojis all have yin and yang eyes. Those things can't escape our eyes. For example, now I see that thing behind you!" Lin Jie looked at the other side deliberately. said behind.

After Zhou Bingbing heard this sentence, he felt a little cold behind him.

"Ah!" she cried, startled.

"Hahaha!!! Bingbing, aren't you too funny? Why are you so easy to deceive? This guy is from a family of onmyojis!" Liu Yushi laughed loudly.

He didn't expect his best friend to believe the nonsense of the other party in just a few words.

Seeing Liu Yushi laugh so much that her stomach hurts, Zhou Bingbing realized that she had been cheated.

He rolled his eyes directly at Lin Jie.He chuckled lightly, "Heh~ a man's mouth!"

Sister Lin also smiled, and then scanned the other party to see the other party's favorability, and found that the other party's favorability had been upgraded from 58 points to 63 points because of a little joke just made.

A joke increased the favorability by five points, and it exceeded 60 points, which meant that the other party had already regarded Lin Jie as an ordinary friend.

"Yu Shi, since what he said just now was all nonsense, why did you say he is an Onmyoji?" Zhou Bingbing still asked very curiously.

So Liu Yushi began to approach her best friend.Tell about everything you saw on the plane.

Lin Jie was eating breakfast next to her, listening to her talk about the first time they met.

Watching Zhou Bingbing listening to the story, he laughed from time to time.

After finishing speaking, Liu Yushi asked, "Are you saying that I called him an onmyoji too much?"

Zhou Bingbing said: "It's not too much, I can see it. Just now he fooled me for a while! He really is a veritable onmyoji."

Hearing the comments from the two beauties, Lin Jie didn't refute. After all, Onmyoji isn't really a derogatory term.

More actually means that you can speak well.

He finished his breakfast and stood up to pay.

At this moment, Liu Yushi said, "No need, I've already paid for it."

Lin Jie nodded, but he was not polite to this beauty.he asked directly. "Is it too late for you to go to work at the auto show?"

"In time!" Liu Yushi replied.

"Okay, then you can drive." Lin Jie handed the Lamborghini key to Liu Yushi.Then added a sentence. "I didn't drink today, so you can do whatever you want. You don't need to drive like that, it's so slow, but pay attention to the speed limit on the road."

After hearing these words, Liu Yushi's eyes lit up.

Since she had to take care of the drunk Lin Jie last night, she really didn't enjoy driving.

Have a good experience today.

So he was polite and took the key directly.

At this time Zhou Bingbing said: "Okay, then I have to go back to school. I ate too much breakfast today. I will wait for more exercise before I can digest it."

Liu Yushi unceremoniously exposed her best friend directly. "Just now, it seems that I advised you not to eat more of what you have been ordering?"

After hearing Liu Yushi's words, Zhou Bingbing deliberately showed a sad expression. "Oh, our sisterhood is indeed made of plastic."

Liu Yushi laughed loudly: "Hahahaha! You are a girl from the dance academy, not a film academy, and your acting skills are too bad. You can compete with Xiao Xianrou!"

"Hmph! I'm going back to school first, I'll contact you another day." Zhou Bingbing waved his hand and said goodbye to Liu Yushi.

Liu Yushi looked at the back of Zhou Bingbing leaving, and then asked Lin Jie: "How is it? My best friend is pretty, right?"

"It's really good-looking. I believe that saying, birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups. As expected, a good-looking person will have good-looking friends, too!" Lin Jie said truthfully.

"For you to be honest, you didn't open your eyes and tell nonsense! My best friend is also the school belle! The people chasing her lined up for two kilometers." Liu Yushi said with a smile.

"Really? How many kilometers did the person chasing you travel?" Lin Jie asked with a smile.

"That must be four kilometers! It's twice as strong as Bingbing, hahaha!" Liu Yushi said with a smile.

"By the way, what are you doing at the auto show again today?" Liu Yushi asked.

"Isn't this the last day? It's all here anyway, so of course I'll take a look at the car again. If I like it, I'll buy another one. That's all right, let's go quickly, aren't you in a hurry?" Time? Go, you drive."

"I'm not in a hurry, and I'm not afraid of being late. Anyway, the Ferrari sales people who are late won't say anything." Liu Yushi replied.

"Really, you can do whatever you want because you are pretty? Are you late for work?" Lin Jie pretended to be surprised.

"Of course, being beautiful means you can do whatever you want!"

"It's really stinky!"

"What is ugly beauty? Am I not beautiful?" Liu Yushi asked back.

"Beautiful!" Lin Jie praised without hesitation.

After hearing this compliment, Liu Yushi was also very satisfied, and he didn't continue to ask himself or his best friend Zhou Bingbing who was more beautiful.

After all, being able to ask this kind of question shows that you are no longer confident in your heart, and no matter how the other party answers?You have already lost.

Then the two got into the Lamborghini, and Liu Yusi drove to the Auto Show Center.

Sure enough, since Lin Jie wasn't drunk this time, he didn't have to drive slowly, so he let go of his hands and feet.

Liu Yushi, who likes drag racing, excitement, and speed, did not miss this opportunity to drive a sports car.

It was Lin Jie who reminded him several times not to speed. If Lin Jie hadn't reminded him, this guy would have deducted all the points on his driver's license.

When the Lamborghini parked in the parking lot of the Auto Show Center, Lin Jie complained to Liu Yushi: "You female driver, you are driving a little too hard, right? I suspect that if I see you again next time, your driver's license will be gone. was revoked."

"How could it be revoked? I don't have a car, and I can't drive it a few times a year. My points will not be deducted every year!" Liu Yushi replied.

(End of this chapter)

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