Chapter 145 Returning to Donghai City
Lin Jie took the packed items from Ma Jing and was ready to go out.

He also specially asked the other party. "Lao Ma, the two of us have also added WeChat. If there are any good limited edition items in the store, remember to notify me as soon as possible."

He almost had good money written on his face.

"Okay! Mr. Lin, don't worry, if the limited edition goods arrive, I will notify you as soon as possible!" Ma Jing said with a smile.

Who doesn't like this kind of extravagant consumers?
In less than ten minutes, more than 200 million things were sold directly.

Ma Jing said that it is best to have more such consumers.

After getting this answer, Lin Jie picked up his bag and walked downstairs: "Okay, then I'll go first!"

"Mr. Lin, go slowly!" Ma Jing escorted Lin Jie to the door very attentively, watched him get into the car before turning back to the shop.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Jie arrived at the airport in the imperial capital.

This time, he finally booked a first-class cabin, so he entered the VIP waiting room very smoothly.

The two Patek Philippe watches he bought, as well as other gifts, have been placed in the backpack. After all, it is too conspicuous to carry in his hand, and he does not want others to think that he is pretending.

After entering the lounge, he felt a little hungry, so he went to the beef noodle stall and ordered a bowl of beef noodles.

But looking at the way the young lady who made beef noodles did, he had already judged that the other party should be a novice, and the taste of this bowl of noodles might not be very good?
But since eating here is free, he shouldn't be too harsh.

But fortunately, there is a bun stall next to it.

He went to the self-service bun stall to get a basket of steamed buns, and then ordered another glass of watermelon juice.

After eating the noodles, she really found that her judgment was correct, the taste of this bowl of life was indeed worthy of that young lady's unfamiliar way of making noodles.

It tastes very soft, without any elasticity at all, and without any texture.

As for the beef, it was too tough.

Fortunately, I am young and have good teeth. Otherwise, if I meet a middle-aged person in a few grades, I may not be able to eat at all.

The steamed buns didn't taste that good either.

It didn't taste like any soup.After one sip, it feels dull.

The only thing that matches the taste is that glass of watermelon juice. After all, it is fresh and squeezed out.

After eating, his stomach was half full, so he lay on the sofa and enjoyed it leisurely.

He made a picture of Ge You lying down, and then looked at the information given to him by the system.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for spending more than 200 million. Do you want to start drawing cashback multiples now?"

"Yes! Start drawing!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully drawing, and get eight times the cash back! The cash back amount is 1600 million!"

1 to 10 times the line of defense, I have drawn [-] times, it seems to be very good, this luck.

I bought two watches, spent more than 200 million, and got 1600 million cash back directly, that is to say, I not only got two watches, but also made a profit of 1400 million!
In addition, his sharing card has received more than 1 million cashbacks. During this trip to the imperial capital, he bought a Ferrari 488 and two watches.Instead, he earned more than 1 million.

Lin Jie felt very pleased with this kind of prostitution.

You can get more cashback cards like this.

In addition, he has a gourmet cashback card with him.

Lin Jie thought.After returning to Donghai City, do you want to find a chance to use this up?

But after thinking about it, he still shook his head. Although Donghai City is also a first-tier city, it is still a little worse than the Shanghai Capital and the Imperial City.

Like that kind of cashback card, only the higher the basic consumption, the less the cashback, so you should save it for the next time you go to Shanghai, or the capital!

After all, sooner or later both the capital city and the capital city will go.

The little star Zhao Lina in Shanghai is helping her in filming, so it's time to develop it, right?
As for the imperial capital, Liu Yushi's favorability for her has almost reached 90 points, and she should be able to directly break through 90 points when she comes next time, or even be overthrown directly if she has the opportunity.

Thinking of this, Lin Jie was not only a little emotional.

Originally, she came here because she wanted to exchange feelings with Chen Ziyi, to see if they could improve each other's relationship, and there was some intersection.

But I didn't expect that guy to be quite perfunctory.

And the favorability has never exceeded that of ordinary friends.

This made Lin Jie a little disappointed.

However, fortunately, I met Liu Yushi, a beautiful woman with long legs and an explosive figure.

Moreover, the progress of the two of them is good, and it can be regarded as a blessing in disguise, but it is not a blessing!

As for Chen Ziyi, Lin Jie did not insist.

Just kidding, would a good man like me still lack a girlfriend?
One more is not much, one less is not more.

It's your loss if you didn't develop a relationship with me!

At around ten o'clock in the evening, he returned to his rental house. After taking a shower, he lay on the bed without any sleepiness. He took out his mobile phone and sent a private message to the female anchor Lulu.

The opponent immediately lined up with Lin Jie.

Continue to invite that Zhang Liang to be his dog.

Lin Jie thinks this kind of trip to the canyon is pretty good.

After all, who doesn't want their Han Xin to become the God of War, who can block people and kill people, and Buddhas can block and kill Buddhas?
Lin Jie played five consecutive victories in the canyon, and after earning more than 100 million, he quit the game and gave Lulu 20 rockets as a reward.

Then lie in bed and sleep.

Woke up at nine o'clock in the morning, came to wash up, and was about to go out for breakfast. At this time, he received a call from Ferrari.

"Hello, Mr. Lin, the Ferrari 488 you reserved is ready for the delivery ceremony at the Ferrari Center in Donghai City. When do you have time, can you come over?"

Lin Jie could tell that the person who called was the sales manager who was at the Imperial Capital Auto Show back then.

She didn't answer the other party and said again. "Mr. Lin, don't worry, I have already come to Donghai City from the imperial capital to preside over the handover ceremony. I guarantee that nothing will go wrong."

Lin Jie didn't expect that the sales manager also came directly.

"You guys have your heart set on it." Lin Jie replied.

"It should be!" The other party responded politely.

After all, at this auto show, they sold this Ferrari 488 as the sales manager.For this car alone, he can earn tens of thousands of commissions.

Isn't it normal to come here from the map in person?
"I'll go there right after I finish breakfast, and I'll call you before I go." Lin Jie said to the other party.

"Good Mr. Lin. We look forward to your visit." The sales manager is still very polite.

Lin Jie hung up his phone, and then had breakfast.

(End of this chapter)

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