Chapter 146 I got a good card
After eleven o'clock.

Lin Jie came to the Ferrari Sales Center in Donghai City.

The sales manager who hadn't walked in was already waiting outside the door.

Lin Jie walked over, and the sales manager immediately warmly welcomed him into the store.

Recently, after an ordinary identity verification, he gave Lin Jie the car keys, the contract and some materials.

Because Ferrari's staff will help Lin Jie to register the car.

After all, it was agreed from the very beginning that their work should be handed over to them, and Lin Jie was only responsible for driving.

At this time, that sales manager came to Lin Jie's ear and whispered tentatively. "Mr. Lin, how are you going to play the cards?"

Although the current license plates are obviously drawn by drawing, some very popular auspicious numbers can also be drawn, such as five eight five nine and the like.

But if you have enough energy, it is not impossible to get some desired license plates.

Of course, Lin Jie understood the meaning of this sentence from the sales manager.

I'm afraid this sales manager has some means to get a good license plate, but he may have to pay some money, right?
For Lin Jie, with such a generous shot, he certainly knew that Lin Jie was not short of money, so he asked this question.

If Lin Jie bought a license plate from him, he might be able to get a lot of money from it.

But before Lin Jie answered him, he received a system prompt.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully purchasing a Ferrari 488, and now I'm giving you a license plate for free. Haia, lj888!"

"The host only needs to go to the vehicle management office to apply for a license plate, and then he can get this license plate directly."

After the reminder of the real system, Lin Jie sighed in his heart, this system is really good, it is simply a caring little nanny!

Anything the system does, of course, is entirely possible.

What's wrong with arranging a license?
So Lin Jie said calmly: "We'll go directly to the vehicle management center, and then I'll leave it to you to operate the car. Finally, we can choose a license plate of Haia or lj888. It's okay, right?"

And the sales manager was shocked after hearing Lin Jie's words.

Of course he understood the meaning of this sentence, that is to say, has the other party already arranged the license plate?
Directly arranged a Linjie 888?

The most important point is, have they already chosen the number through the air before going to the vehicle management office?
Isn't this too powerful?You don't need to show up yourself, everything can be done?
And not coming out must be because of avoiding suspicion, right?
At this moment, the sales manager re-examined Lin Jie again, and he found that this young man was probably not as simple as an ordinary rich second generation.

His energy is probably beyond my imagination!
Then the two went to the car together, and when they arrived at the vehicle management office, this time it was the sales manager driving a Ferrari 488, while Lin Jie was sitting on the co-pilot seat playing with his mobile phone, and he was holding the mobile phone to communicate with He Mengxue !
After all, he knows that the relationship is cultivated, and they haven't seen each other for a few days, so naturally they have to communicate more on the phone, so that the relationship will not fade.

After all, it is not so easy to increase the favorability. After all, the favorability with He Mengxue has been raised to such a level that he can get her right away.

How can all previous efforts be wasted?
About half an hour later, the two arrived at the vehicle management office, and then the sales manager went to ask one to go through the formalities. Lin Jie sat in the waiting area and continued to communicate with He Mengxue.

After all, he is the sales manager of Ferrari. He has a lot of contacts in this vehicle management office, and the process was quickly completed. The formalities came to the final step of choosing a license plate.

The sales manager suddenly became a little nervous.

But in the next second, he saw the interface for requesting a license plate, and the first license plate was the Lin Jie 888 mentioned in the link.

He immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time felt in his heart how powerful Lin Jie's energy was.

Just a few minutes later, the staff of the vehicle management office actually handed over that license plate in person!

Seeing this situation, that sales manager was completely dumbfounded.

In the normal process, after the license plate is selected, the license plate is uniformly manufactured, and it takes a while to get the license plate.

The vehicle management office will give a temporary license plate for the owner to use first.

But had Lin Jie's license plate already been prepared?
Already made it in advance?
This operation simply made the sales manager feel his scalp tingle!
He walked out with the license plate in shock and found Lin Jie.

"Mr. Lin has already done it, the car has been registered and the license plate has been obtained." He said respectfully.

At the same time, the look in Lin Jie's eyes became a little strange.

Lin Jie also noticed something wrong with his eyes, so he explained.

"Don't think too much, I just randomly selected the license plate online in advance, I was lucky, I chose a pretty good number."

The sales manager showed an awkward yet polite smile, and said nothing.

Yes yes, he believed it.

A random license plate at night?

The cards are all ready, you told me it was random?

He felt his IQ being rubbed against the ground.

But since the other party explained it in this way, of course he believed it. After all, everything the boss said was right, so he could do whatever he said.

Can you still refute them?
For example, Huichuang Ali Jack Ma, Liu Dadong who doesn't know his wife and beauty, Ma Yunteng from an ordinary family, and Wang Dalin who is a small goal.

Every word these bigwigs say is incisive, no matter whether others believe it or not?Anyway, Lin Jie believed it.

After seeing the sales manager put his license plate on the car and pasted various inspection marks, Lin Jie thanked the other party all over.

"Thanks, I won't bother you."

"You're welcome, Mr. Lin, these are what we should do. If you are satisfied, just give me a good review." The other party said very respectfully.

"No problem, don't worry." Lin Jie said.

Then, he got directly into this Ferrari 488.He was going to eat something first, and then he would drive this car to He Mengxue's school to pick her up for a while.

When you buy a new car, of course you have to show it off in front of your friends.

The first person he thought of was He Mengxue, and he wanted her to experience his new car.

At the same time on the road, he also carefully felt the difference between this Ferrari 488 and Rolls-Royce Phantom.

The difference between them, the difference in hardware is almost difficult to reflect.

But the feeling of driving is very different.

The Ferrari 488 is, after all, a sports car.

Although it has a suspension system, it still makes people feel a little uncomfortable when passing the speed bump.

The Rolls-Royce Wraith is much better in this respect.

(End of this chapter)

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