Chapter 147 Attracting a Snake Face
Of course, in terms of appearance, the Ferrari 488 looks more stylish.

Especially on the road, when other cars saw something other than the Ferrari 488, they all wanted to stay away from one or two lanes.

Afraid of a little scratching.

As soon as you saw this, you had to turn, and immediately began to slow down and give way.

Although the Rolls-Royce Phantom also has this privilege, it is not so obvious.

Obviously, this cool sports car is more able to attract and attract the attention of others.

Afraid of sending out a little scratch.

He was unimpeded along the way, not only let him sigh, the driver in Donghai City is also very polite...

All the way to the gate of Hemengxue University.

Lin Jie discovered that this car was actually more suitable for pretending to be aggressive, not for ordinary travel.

If you usually travel for shopping or shopping, it is more comfortable to drive a Rolls-Royce.

The space and comfort are more perfect than this sports car.

Of course, if it's a pick up girl.The Ferrari 488 is definitely the obvious choice.

After all, people who buy this kind of sports car will never use it as a scooter, right?

Using this kind of scooter to run out, I'm afraid it's not a brain tease.


Lin Jie came to a Starbucks in Wanda Plaza, ready to have a simple lunch.

Just as he was eating while playing with his mobile phone, a voice suddenly came.

"Handsome guy. Hello!"

Lin Jie raised his head, and found that a girl with long white legs and very fair skin looked at him, walked towards him, and sat at the table in front of him.

He took a closer look at the other party, and found that the other party's skin was quite fair, his chin was quite pointed, his eyes were quite large, and his nose bridge was quite high, but he felt that it was not harmonious.

Simply put, it is unnatural.

More generally speaking, it is a face-lifting snake face.

Obviously, this girl has the most standard and common type of internet celebrity face.

So I was accosted by an internet celebrity?

I'm afraid it's because I put the Ferrari 488 on the table, so I attracted this person's Internet celebrity face, right?

Lin Jie glanced at the other party, and secretly used the system to scan it too.

"Life: Liu Mei!"

"Age: 24!"

"Height: 168!"

"Weight: 48kg!"

"Appearance: 75."

"Status: 70."

"Purity: 60."

"Favourability: 90."


After seeing this comment, Lin Jie was a little confused.

The favorability level has directly reached 90. I haven't said a word to the other party, but the other party has already thought of the child's name, right?
Just seeing a car key has already reached 90 favorability points?
That is.If you want to push each other down, you can even do it anytime, anywhere.

But what does your 60-year purity mean?
Back then, the young lady who served the special service in Shanghai had an appearance of more than 80 and a purity of more than 75.

Are you fucking worse than a technician?

Lin Jie felt that his three views had been affected, and he really understood a sentence.

I would rather marry a good prostitute than marry a wife who has been in the wrong!
This sentence really makes sense.

There are some rotten crotches, even dirtier than technicians!

After all, a qualified technician will strictly abide by safety regulations, and they even have safety training.

If you don't take safety measures, they won't let you go!

But this so-called celebrity is different.

They may play more flowery sometimes.

It is estimated that if you have a child, you don't even know who the child belongs to!

Moreover, Lin Jie also discovered a problem, the opponent's figure was only 70 points.

But it looks bulging and warped.

So is the business line also made of silicone?
Stone milk that doesn't feel good, get out of here!

Regarding his 90-point favorability, Lin Jie said that he was about to throw up.

If the other party's figure, appearance and purity are above 95 points, of course he will not refuse to strike up a conversation with him so actively.

But with your purity of 60 points and your figure of 70 points, what are you going to do?
Don't be a toad and want to eat swan meat, okay?
"Little brother, are you alone?" The snake spirit asked Lin Jie with a smile on his face.

It's a pity that Lin Jie already knew the opponent's background, and had no interest in him at all, so he immediately became an onmyoji.

He asked back:

"Don't I look like a man? You mean to say I'm a dog?"

"Haha..." The snake spirit covered his mouth and laughed: "Little brother is really humorous, so good at making jokes! I just like the humorous little brother who can drive a Ferrari with one hand!"

"I don't know how to drive a Ferrari with one hand!" Lin Jie shook his head quickly, and then said: "Let me give you some science, Ferrari is a rear-wheel drive car with high horsepower, and it is difficult to control it with one hand, so those who say one-handed People who drive Ferraris generally don't own Ferraris."

"Oh, so that's the case, little brother knows a lot!" The other party continued to smile, but the smile was already a little awkward.

she asked again. "Little brother, can I add you on WeChat? Come out and play together when you have time!"

"No, my girlfriend checks my phone every day!" Lin Jie directly refused.

"Hey, how can a male god like my little brother only have one WeChat ID?" the other party continued to hint unwillingly. "Don't worry, little brother, I'm very good, and I will never disturb your normal life!"

Lin Jie shook his head: "Don't say it, don't say it, my key is just a lighter bought on Taobao for nine yuan and nine free shipping. I came here to Starbucks to pretend to be aggressive. Got it."


This sentence made the other party speechless.

Although the online red-faced lady is a fake celebrity, she has seen high-end goods.

Not only could it tell which key was real, but it could also tell that Lin Jie's attire was worth a lot.

Especially the watch on my hand.

Although she couldn't recognize the model, she could tell that it belonged to Patek Philippe, and it was not an entry-level model, at least more than 100 million.

However, the other party's rejection was so obvious, and he knew it. It was obvious that he didn't like him.

But also, how could there be no big beauties around such a local tyrant?

She came to strike up a conversation just to try her luck. If the other party is really interested in her and has a hit, maybe she will give her some gifts, such as a million-dollar watch, and she will make a lot of money. up.

But the other party had already refused, and she felt a little bored, so she left in embarrassment.

After watching the other party leave, Lin Jie showed a disdainful expression.

Such a snake face should have invested a lot on her body, plastic surgery, breast enlargement, buttock enlargement, liposuction, etc., probably cost a lot of money.Basically, it can be equivalent to an artificial human.

Always want to catch a big money to earn back.

But how could I, Lin Jie, fall in love with such a rouge vulgar fan?
(End of this chapter)

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