Chapter 150 Eat You Forever,

Hearing what Lin Jie said, Chen Jun showed a look of fear on his face.

The security captain showed a wry smile.Hastily said:
"Mr. Lin, this kind of joke can't be messed up."

Lin Jie said directly: "Send me your bank card on WeChat, and I will call your card right away. A mere 4000 million is to me like four dollars to you. It doesn't count at all. on what?"

After hearing these words, Chen Jun over there felt a strong sense of fear in his heart.

He quickly walked away from the side of the railing.

He looked at Lin Jie as if he had seen a ghost.

Then the four security guards even felt a trace of regret in their hearts after seeing the other party walk away from the railing.

I have to say that money really has magic power.

1000 million, for these security guards, I'm afraid they won't be able to earn it in their lifetime!
If ten years, and then you can exchange for 1000 million, it is estimated that many people will really be tempted!
Although Chen Jun had left the railing at this moment, he still felt a lingering fear in his heart.

Because just now the young man in front of him was calmly stating how to kill himself in front of him!
And what he said was still so serious and affirmative.

It seems that it is really possible to kill myself!
Deep down in Chen Jun's heart, he really panicked.

Seeing the other party's flustered and terrified expression, Lin Jie sneered: "Hehe, didn't you just say you were going to jump off a building? Why didn't you jump?"

Hearing the other party's ridicule, Chen Jun's heart trembled even more, and he said through gritted teeth. "Who are you, you guy? What is your identity, you dare to say such a thing, don't you know that killing people is against the law?"

"Hehe, of course I know, so I said that each of the four of them will spend about ten years in prison, but for ordinary people, it should be worthwhile to exchange 1000 million yuan in ten years, right?" Lin Jie said casually. Said.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You are obviously the mastermind, so you should go to jail!" Chen Jun shouted loudly: "You paid them to kill me, you will never escape!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Obviously you are going to the railing yourself, and then these security guards are going to rescue you. If you accidentally fall, how can you blame me? I just followed some security guards It’s better, so when they are in jail, give them some money to subsidize their families.”

"I've already said, 1000 million is to me. It's no different from a dollar. I subsidize each of them with a dollar. What's wrong?"

"I suspect that you may have some mental problems. Brother Security, quickly take him to the security room and ask him carefully!"

Lin Jie said to the security guard.

"Stop! I won't go, you guys are all in the same group, you just want to kill me. Let me tell you, I have already called the police. If you let me have any troubles, you will definitely not be able to run away!! !!"

Chen Jun shouted loudly.

"I think you really have a brain problem. Are you mentally abnormal?" Lin Jie sneered, "If I really wanted to harm you, do you think I would use such an obvious way? I have ten thousand There is a way to kill you, do you believe it? If you don't believe it, you can ask her."

Lin Jie's tone was full of confidence.

Chen Jun looked at Chen Mengxue.

Chen Mengxue nodded. "If he wants to get rid of you, it's really easy."

"How is it possible!" After Chen Jun heard this sentence, he suddenly showed a look of surprise and anger: "Impossible, you lied to me, you two bitch men and women joined forces to lie to me, just to get rid of me relationship, right?"

He couldn't believe that a person dared to say that he wanted to kill himself in front of his face?

And he didn't know how much wealth Lin Jie owned. If he knew, she would have panicked by now.

In fact, just now, if Lin Jie really transferred 1000 million to these four security guards.Maybe Chen Jun is dead.

1000 million is enough to make people crazy.

He underestimated the power of money.

Haven't you heard a saying that people die for money, and birds die for food?
After hearing his words, Lin Jie's expression turned even colder.

"You call us dogs and men?"

Chen Mengting also showed an angry look: "Chen Jun! What nonsense are you talking about here?!"

"Hehe, I really hit the mark, right? Just one sentence broke the defenses of the two of you, you couple dare to lie to me! You deliberately found an old friend to play a scene, and you want to get rid of me, right? Let me tell you, if you don’t agree to my request, I will not give up! I am Yiyi’s biological father! I will haunt you forever!!!”

After hearing what the other party said, Lin Jie's face was gloomy.

Amidst the invisibility, there seemed to be a flash of cold light.

He said to Chen Mengting: "Ms. Chen, let's go, don't bother with this lunatic."

Chen Mengting thought for a while, then nodded and followed Lin Jie.

"Hahaha! A pair of dogs and men were defeated by me with a single word, and they still want to cheat me by acting, grandma, do you really think I'm a fool? You speak so awesomely, do you have so much money to buy my life? These four security guards are all extras you hired for 100 yuan a day, right? You are too young to fight with me! Fuck you bastards!"

Seeing Lin Jie and Chen Mengting leave, Chen Jun immediately shouted arrogantly from behind.

He thought that he had exposed the other party, so the other party felt ashamed, and now he could only choose to run away.

Chen Mengting frowned when she heard the other party's harsh words, she just wanted to stop and turned around to refute.

But Lin Jie stopped him.

He calmly said to Chen Mengting: "Ms. Chen, don't be as knowledgeable as him, she is just a lunatic, and she is also a lunatic who is dying, why bother to get angry with him?"

Hearing this sentence, Chen Jun laughed even more wildly: "Hahaha, life is not long? You are still fucking playing with me, who do you think you are? I am standing here, if you have the guts, come now Kill me, dare not beat me to death, you are my son!"

Hearing the other party's harsh words, Lin Jie just gave the other party a cold look, and then said:

"Ms. Chen, let's go, ignore him."

Chen Jun watched Lin Jie take the mother and daughter away, and there were four security guards watching him. There must be no way to continue pestering him, so he could only yell behind his back.

"You can escape the monk, but you can't escape the temple. Chen Mengting, if you don't agree to my conditions, don't think about getting rid of me. I will haunt you for the rest of your life. No matter what? I'm also her biological father. You think you can do it." Send me casually? I want to eat you for the rest of my life!!!”

(End of this chapter)

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