Chapter 151 gets a new mission.

Hearing this sentence, Chen Mengting suddenly wanted to turn back angrily.

Lin Jie stopped her again: "Let's go, Ms. Chen, I have the same knowledge as this kind of person, just to make myself feel uncomfortable."

Chen Mengting nodded: "Okay, then I'll go home first, you should be careful by yourself."

"Okay." Lin Jie nodded.

Then he sent the mother and daughter directly to the underground parking lot. After seeing them get into the car and drive out of the underground parking lot, he turned and left.

After this little episode, Lin Jie was scolded by that bum, Chen Jun.

He is not in the mood to buy things either, and.The plan to meet He Mengxue.It can also be canceled.

He simply drove back to the rental house directly from the underground parking lot.



Donghai City.

Chen family.

Chen Mengting returned home.

The pianist teacher she handed Chen Yiyi to.

Then he found his father, Chen Tian.

He said to Chen Tian: "Dad, today I took Yiyi to go shopping in the International Financial Center, and I encountered some things."

"Let's go, let's go to the study." Chen Tian saw that his daughter's expression was not right, so he turned and went to the study.

As soon as he changed your usual face of messing around, he became serious instead.

In the study, he asked Chen Mengting. "What's wrong? What's wrong with you?"

Chen Mengting said: "The person I met."

"What? That bastard dares to come back? Didn't he say that after giving him 500 million, he completely severed the relationship and would never appear in Donghai City again? This bastard turned his back on what he said? What does he want to do when he comes back this time? "Chen Tian showed an angry expression of gnashing his teeth.

Obviously, he was also very angry with that dog man who hurt his daughter's heart.

"He wants to be with me again, and also wants Yiyi's custody." Chen Mengting gritted her teeth and said.

"He doesn't even pee and take pictures of himself! What are you daydreaming about here? He still wants custody rights. He can't support himself with his appearance, but can he still raise a child?" Chen Tian slapped the table angrily.There was a loud bang.

Chen Mengting showed a wry smile: "According to his conditions, it is indeed impossible to fight for custody with me, but he is, after all, Yiyi's biological father and has visitation rights. If she asks to be with the child every week If we meet, I can't refuse."

Chen Tian was even angrier when he heard this.he asked gritted his teeth. "What the hell does that shitty thing want?"

"This time, he wants 2000 million." Chen Mengting said helplessly.

"So you came back to ask for money? You only gave him 500 million a few years ago. I spent it in just a few years? It's not that I can't afford to pay 2000 million, but I'm afraid that he will pester him after spending the money! It's like a piece of dog skin plaster It’s the same, you can’t even shake it off. Impossible! There is absolutely no compromise for this kind of scoundrel.”

Chen Mengting continued: "When I was in the International Finance Mall, I met Lin Jie again, and was seen by that guy. He misunderstood my relationship with Lin Jie, and even scolded us as dogs and men. He scolded us very badly."

Chen Tian showed a puzzled expression: "Lin Jie? Why did he go there too?"

Chen Mengting did not answer this question, but instead told what Lin Jie did there, including threatening Chen Jun.

Then she said: "Obviously, Mr. Lin was also very angry when Chen Jun scolded us. He threatened to deal with the other party, and even said that the other party was dying. I don't think his tone seemed to be It's a joke. I'm afraid he'll do something serious then."

Chen Tian frowned after hearing this, and then said, "That kid really said that?"

Chen Mengting nodded: "With his financial resources, it is not difficult to make Chen Jun disappear completely. After all, his status as the second shareholder of Tengfei Group is enough to prove how strong his assets are."

Chen Tian showed a thoughtful expression: "According to what he said, if he really did this, and if he succeeded, in fact, for us, it will be beneficial and harmless, and it has nothing to do with us. Help us get rid of a problem."

"Dad! What are you talking about? How can we use him?" Chen Mengting looked at her father with a dissatisfied expression.

"Hehe, and worrying about him, you might as well worry about Chen Jun. If he really wants to get rid of Chen Jun, then Chen Jun may really be dead. You can never imagine how powerful money is." Powerful. Moreover, as far as I know, there are assassins in foreign countries who specialize in taking on these tasks. Tengyun Group can definitely find a way to match the Assassin Alliance. As long as the money is enough, it can be seamless."

Chen Tian said with a sneer.

"Ah... is this true?" Chen Mengting was also taken aback.

Originally, he told Chen Jun that Lin Jie had ten thousand ways to kill him, and he just cooperated with Lin Jie to scare him.

Didn't expect it to be true?

"You don't understand foreign countries, and some things cannot be explained to you too clearly. You just need to understand that what he said is true." Chen Tian said calmly.

"Then what should we do?" Chen Mengting was a little at a loss.

"Of course the best choice is to stand still and wait for that boy Lin Jie to make his move. If his move is successful, it would be better to help us get rid of a dog skin plaster. For us, it is completely beneficial It’s harmless, and it doesn’t involve us at all.”

"But... just in case..." Chen Mengting hesitated.

Seeing his daughter's concerned expression, Chen Tian could only shake his head.

Said to her daughter:

"Okay, okay, then go and persuade him not to do such a thing! As for the dog skin plaster, I'll find a solution."


On the other side, Lin Jie returned to his residence.

He didn't choose to continue shopping, and then went to He Mengxue. One reason was that Chen Jun's appearance had a bad influence on his mood.

Another reason is the system prompt he received.

It is now being carefully weighed.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for triggering the hidden mission: the choice of life."

"There are two options for the host to choose from."

"1. Help Chen Mengting solve the troubles he encountered in life, and make Chen Jun completely disappear from his life. After the mission is successful, the host will get a private security company, or a real-name private foreign security guard."

"2. Choose to ignore this trouble and let Chen Mengting figure out a solution by herself. Reward the host with the title of Iron Law."

"Iron law: After obtaining this title, the array will be protected by the rules of order. No one can cross the rules of order to become an enemy of the host."

(End of this chapter)

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