Chapter 152 Make a choice.

See, after these two choices, Lin Jie felt very difficult to choose.

Because the things that are rewarded by both options are very useful.

For example, if he chooses the first one, then he will get a private security company, and the security personnel arranged by the system of ten security personnel must be absolutely obedient to him and will never betray.

In other words, as long as you choose this, you will be able to obtain a force of your own.

Or ten trusted henchmen.

There are some things that are relatively gray and difficult to see, and they can be done.

Moreover, the system will definitely arrange some special and reasonable identities for these security personnel, so that if something goes wrong, they will not be involved.

So Lin Jie felt that this choice was very good.

But the second option is fine too.

After you choose this, you will get that title. Once you get the title of Iron Law, no matter who it is?Neither can circumvent the law to deal with themselves.

In other words, everyone cannot use dirty tricks on themselves.

For example, his investment company, even if it is listed in a foreign country, such as the United States.

Even the top leader of the United States wants to deal with himself.Nor can they bypass the iron laws of their own country.

You can only use formal means to deal with yourself, and you can't just find a dirty excuse.Sanctions are sanctions.

So both of these options are very useful, and they say that rewarding things are very helpful for integrity.

However, Lin Jie always believed in an old saying in Huaxia that my fate is up to me. He doesn't like being bound by rules, but likes to walk outside the rules and create his own rules.

Therefore, she said to the system without hesitation.

"I choose the first option!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining Wanhe Private Security Company. At the same time, he has obtained ten security personnel, and the security company will be officially ready within three days."

"Special reminder: The contact information of the security company's real-name security personnel has been added to the host's WeChat, and your chats are absolutely encrypted, and even the WeChat official cannot crack it."

After seeing this reminder, Lian Jie decisively opened his WeChat. He really saw ten people, and their code names were 1 to 10, followed by their names.

such as.

No. [-] Tang Guomin.

No. [-] Ou Decai... Wait.

At the same time, these ten people all sent a self-introduction to Lin Jie, including their names, their ages, and the direction they are good at.

Lin Jie scanned the other party through the WeChat system and found that the loyalty of these ten people to him has reached 150 points, which means that this kind of loyalty is forever loyal and will never betray.

Even if Lin Jie asked them to die for him, they would not hesitate.

Sure enough, this is the personnel arranged by the system, 100% can rest assured.

Seeing this situation, Lin Jie was very satisfied.

Suspicious people don't use it, and employers don't doubt it. Only those who are absolutely loyal to him will let him use it.

Lin Jie was even thinking, should he order these ten people to deal with that guy named Chen Jun right now?

After all, according to the self-introduction of these ten people, each of them is very capable.

Each has experience as a mercenary, and each has its own specialties, some are snipers who shoot guns very accurately, some can fly planes, tanks are proficient in various war machines, some are network experts who can hack into any network at will, and some are assassins Born, able to kill people without anyone noticing...

But neither did Lin Jie.Immediately issued his order, but repeatedly analyzed the situation at this moment.

The task of the system is to make Chen Jun completely disappear from Chen Mengting's life.

This sentence is very practical.

Because it said that this made Chen Jun disappear from Chen Mengting's life, not that he disappeared from the world, that is to say, there was no need to kill him.

After all, if one person is killed, there will still be some lies left behind.If you mess with yourself and feel troublesome, it's not good.

Lin Jie thought for a while, so he sent this request to .No. [-] Tang Guomin of the security company.

Tang Guoming is in charge of the daily operation of the security company, mainly the person in charge.

Lin Jie sent the message to him, hoping that she and the other nine security personnel would analyze the problem carefully and figure out the best way to deal with it.

After all, these people are professionals, and they probably have encountered such things before, and they are all mercenaries, so they should be very suitable for dealing with such disappearing things.

Based on their experience, they should be able to give a better judgment.

After about 5 minutes, Tang Guomin discussed the plan with the other nine security company personnel.

So he sent the planning process to Lin Jie.

This plan can roughly mean that they refer to some iron laws and regulations, and they have to arrange a game.Waiting for Chen Jun to jump inside.Once immersed in being fooled and jumping in, you will definitely be caught in prison.If you operate it again, you can even prevent him from getting out forever.

Lin Jie thinks this plan is very good.

After all, if you want to kill someone, it is indeed very risky.

Even if the people under him are 100% loyal to him, there is no guarantee that some clues will be found.

Lin Jie would never let himself get involved in risky things for a tramp.

After all, if it is a violation of the law, the cost is too high.

Lin Jie, he has plenty of money, he can use the money to play the opponent to death slowly.

Even if the other party can resist the temptation, it doesn't matter if she doesn't fall into that trap, she can design another trap.

Lin Jie didn't believe that he couldn't kill this guy with his own money?

Just when Lin Jie instructed Tang Guomin to act according to the plan, at this time he received another WeChat message from Chen Mengting.

"Lin Jie, don't mess around with Chen Jun's matter, and don't do things that put you in trouble. Don't be too impulsive. My dad can solve his problem slowly. This matter was originally related to you. It doesn't matter much, you should ignore that lunatic."

After receiving this information, Lin Jie smiled in satisfaction.

Because from Chen Mengting's point of view, letting Lin Jie handle it at this moment, Chen Jun is the most beneficial choice for him, but at this time she kindly reminded herself, which shows that she is very important in her mind. With status, she didn't want to see herself in legal trouble.

So Lin Jie's affection for Chen Mengting increased a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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