Chapter 153 Beauty cares.

From Chen Mengting's actions, it can be seen that he cares about himself very much.

If he chooses not to do anything but watch this incident happen and ask Lin Jie to help him solve Chen Jun, of course Lin Jie will solve it due to the task of the system, but if he solves it after , she might lose contact with Chen Mengting.

But Chen Mengting did not do this.

He gave up the choice that was most beneficial to him, and instead chose to stop Lin Jie.

This made Lin Jie very fond of him.

He replied to Chen Mengting: "Sister Chen, don't worry. I know what to do."

Seeing Lin Jie's reply, she seemed to confirm that she was not smiling, so Chen Mengting called directly, and Lin Jie answered the phone.

On the other end of the phone, Chen Mengting's voice was a little anxious,
"Lin Jie, I'm telling you the truth. You'd better not do anything recently. Although I know you have great energy, you are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. For a homeless man, there is no need to let yourself fall into In danger. My dad and I will deal with this."

"Okay, Sister Chen, I understand." Lin Jie agreed without hesitation.

Seeing that Lin Jie agreed to her, Chen Mengting was relieved.

Then he resumed speaking in a low voice.

"Actually, she and I were classmates in college. He was a senior who was a year older than me. At that time, he was high-spirited, romantic, humorous and sunny. When I was in college, I was named the school belle, so he pursued me crazily. Me, we fell in love."

Hearing the other party's statement, Lin Jie didn't speak, but just listened quietly.

"Later, when I was a sophomore and he was a junior, the two of us traveled together to the Aegean Sea. At night we looked at the stars in the sky and made a promise to grow old together. Then..."

Having said that, Chen Mengting paused.

Lin Jie, at this time, he has already guessed a rough idea.

Chen Mengting's only incident was probably at that time, right?

"Who knows that even after he got me, he immediately revealed his true nature. It turns out that he is a scumbag, and he has already cheated on him in school. There are many female students! It's a pity that I found out that I was pregnant at that time, so I dropped out of school and went home, thinking that I had nothing to do with her anymore, but I didn't expect that after the child on my body, he would come to my door again and say he wanted to fight for the child's custody."

"For peace of mind, our family gave him 500 million so that he would never appear in front of me. Who knows the past few years? He ran out of money, so he came to the door again, wanting more money , this time he wants 2000 million!"

After hearing these words, Lin Jie was immediately speechless.

A scumbag who cheated on him can still get a 500 million breakup fee?
Fuck, if I knew I would have been a scumbag!
And this guy is awesome, he spent 500 million in a few years, and now he wants 2000 million when he comes back?
Is this guy bloated?

Inflation is not expanding so fast!

Didn't this bastard make it clear that he wanted to bully honest people?

Lin Jie said that the righteous self must not sit idly by!
As a good man, he hated scumbags the most in his life!

"I didn't expect him to dare to come back again, and this time he asked for 2000 million yuan. In the past, we kept quiet about it for the sake of face. That's why we spent 500 million yuan to calm things down. We wanted to send her away, but I didn't expect him to be so greedy."

"This time, we have also figured it out. We must not compromise on this, and we must make him pay the price."

"Don't say it's 2000 million, even if it's two cents, I won't give him any more."

"Lin Jie, let us handle this matter this time! Once some things cross the boundary of the iron law, it is very likely that you will get angry. You should not be too impulsive."

Chen Mengting continued to persuade.

"Sister Chen, I've already promised you, so don't worry, how could he be worth such a big price for a tramp like him?" Lin Jie comforted Chen Mengting.

After hearing Lin Jie's words, Chen Mengting breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, I'm relieved if you think so. Thank you for your kindness this time."

"Sister Chen, you're welcome, we are all friends." After Lin Jie replied, he hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, a cold light appeared in Lin Jie's eyes.

Chen Jun, this guy is really greedy, he really is a nasty dog ​​skin plaster.

He was even more determined to fight the opponent to the end.

You must find a way to let the other party fall into the trap, and you will be locked up forever, and you will never be able to come out as a disgusting person.

I feel a little upset.

Lin Jie decisively ordered Lulu to play games with him, wanting to refresh himself.

Sure enough, Lulu showed his best Zhang Liang again.

Lin Jie's Han Xin suddenly turned over the entire canyon like a god of war.

Seeing the heads being harvested by him one by one, Lin Jie also felt better, and gradually became excited.

After playing seven games in a row, Lin Jie rubbed his eyes and looked at his phone. It was already past ten o'clock in the evening.Seven games, and got more than 600 million.

He directly brushed 50 rockets for Lulu, and then went offline, ready to take a shower and sleep.


At the same time, in a bar in Donghai City.

Chen Jun had a greasy hair, a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, a suit and leather shoes on his body, and his leather shoes were polished to a shine, completely different from the homeless man's attire during the day.

He still has a Rolex watch worth 15 yuan in his hand.

The reason why she dressed so sloppily and pitifully during the day was because she wanted to deceive Chen Mengting's sympathy.

Who knew that a young man would suddenly appear at that time?

Do you even want to kill yourself?

I get nothing during the day, and at night, I naturally have to find ways to make some income for myself.

He sat quietly on the bar counter, drinking slowly.

The expression on his face was very melancholy, as if he had been hurt so much emotionally.

In fact, he wasn't as melancholy as he appeared, he was just pretending that he wanted to hunt, prey at night.

Just like Lin Jie's scan, its appearance has reached 90 points, and there is no shortage of women at all.

Therefore, the prey he hunts is naturally not to vent his desire.

But to get it out of the hands of prey.Get something of value.


Chen Jun disdained to do such a thing.

With his appearance, as long as he waved his hand, many women would throw themselves into his arms.

Therefore, he likes something more advanced.

make money.

For him, money is the most important thing.

(End of this chapter)

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