After playing the king for a year, I became the richest man!

Chapter 154 Chen Jun, the master girl teaser.

Chapter 154 Chen Jun, the master girl teaser.

"Handsome, are you drinking here alone?"

At this moment, a charming voice reached Chen Jun's ears.

He glanced back.

It was found that the other party was a beautiful woman with a charming dress and a hot figure, and her appearance was at least eight points.

However, he didn't care about the appearance of the other party, but quickly glanced at the other party's attire.

There is a Van Cleef & Arpels necklace hanging around the neck of this beautiful woman.Moreover, the price of the Jiuhua series is at least over [-].

He also has a bracelet of the same brand on his hand, but it's from Liuhua, but the price will not be low, probably seventy or eighty thousand.The price of the five-flower earrings above the ears will definitely not be less than [-].And the clothes on his body are definitely not ordinary brands, and they look expensive.

"Rich woman!" Chen Jun secretly sighed in his heart.

The jewelry on his body alone exceeds 30.What is a rich woman?

At this time, Chen Jun had already labeled him as a rich woman in his heart, and he was interested in her.

Uncle me!

I like rich women the most!

"Yeah. Alone." Chen Jun responded calmly, his eyes seemed to glance at the other party and then quickly retracted.Continue to drink the wine in your glass slowly.

Chen Jun is very good at flirting with girls.

He knows the tricks very well.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to fool Chen Mengting around when he was in college.

I understand very well how to improve my posture so that girls can fall into their own charm step by step.

Now that a rich woman comes to strike up a conversation, how can she not raise her airs?
No one likes to lick a dog.

If you want to pick up a girl, you have to find a way to turn her into your licking dog.

"Handsome guy, you don't seem to be in a good mood. Is there something else on your mind?" the rich woman said, sitting directly next to Chen Jun. "My name is Anna, handsome guy, what's your name?"

Afterwards, she introduced herself to Chen Jun.

"My name is Chen Jun, handsome and unrestrained Jun." Chen Jun said lightly.

His eyes are staring at his wine glass, but his eyes seem to be out of focus and melancholy, deliberately creating a feeling that I am very deep and full of stories.

"Ah... he really lives up to his name!" Anna replied pretending to be surprised.

"Yeah." Chen Jun nodded, he still didn't look into his eyes, but Anna continued to use his dull eyes, looking at him with a wine glass without focus, but it was just enough for the other party to see her eyes clearly .

"My real name is Anna too. It sounds like a nickname, but it's my real name," Anna continued.

"It is indeed a foreign-style name, and it also looks like a fake name." Chen Jun finally turned his head to look at it. Anna glanced at it, as if she was interested in his name.

"Handsome guy, don't you believe this is my real name?" Anna asked.

Chen Jun didn't speak, but showed an expression of incredulity.

Aman snorted, then swiped his mobile phone as if angry, and then put his mobile phone in front of Chen Jun.

"Let me show you my payment package, which contains my real name authentication. Do you think this is my real name?"

Chen Jun looked at the phone, and it was indeed the name. Then, Anna swiped the phone again, exited the real-name authentication interface, and just revealed her balance in Yu'e Bao.

In an instant, a seven-figure deposit was displayed.

There are more than 80 in Yu'ebao alone!

After seeing this scene, Chen Jun suddenly sighed secretly in his heart, she was indeed a rich woman, and he was not mistaken.

Being able to save so much money in the Yu'ebao of Pay, this shows that the other party is definitely not short of money.

Although more than 80 is not much, who would store more than 80 in this mobile phone?
Only those who regard more than 80 yuan as pocket money will make such an operation.

In other words, the more than 80 yuan is just pocket money for the other party!

There may be more than ten times this amount in his bank card!

"Little brother, I think you seem to have something on your mind, can you tell me your story? You seem to be very sad. Could it be that you have encountered something that made you feel sad? For example, a broken relationship?" Anna said to Chen Jun again.

"Oh..." Chen Jun sighed.

Then he said to the waiter at the bar again. "Continued Cup!"

Soon, the bartender prepared another glass of wine for him, but he pushed it in front of Anna.

"Handsome, are you going to buy me a drink?"

Chen Jun didn't speak, but clinked glasses to Anna.

Anna raised her wine glass, touched the other party, and then said. "Handsome, now that I have wine, will you tell me your story now?"

"En." Chen Jun responded, then drank his glass again, and continued to the waiter, "One more glass."

Anna took a sip from the wine glass, but of course she didn't intend to finish it in one gulp.After taking a sip, he looked at Chen Jun again and asked, "Little brother, is it time to tell your story?"

"Alas..." Chen Jun sighed again, and finished the wine in the glass again.

Then he said with a lonely expression.

"You girls' hearts are really like needles in the sea, which is unpredictable, and once you change your mind, it's really irreversible, isn't it?"

Anna showed a hesitant expression, and then asked. "Handsome, are you broken in love?"

"She came to a relative with a stomachache. I ran more than 200 kilometers overnight and went to his house to make ginger tea for him. He said he wanted to drink Heytea. I waited in line for three hours and bought her a cup. Go to her house. She likes to eat shrimp. Every time I peel off the shell of the shrimp, I will pile all the shrimp meat on the iron plate in front of him. When she eats fish, I will pull out all the shark fins one by one. .Because every time she gets caught by a fishbone, I feel very distressed..."

Chen Jun's expression was lonely, as if he was talking to himself.

"Every time he sends me a message, no matter how busy I am, I will try my best to get back to her every second. Every time he says that she wants to go out to play, I will immediately ask for leave, and I will even go out with her even at the expense of skipping work." Play."

After speaking, he drank another glass of wine.

Then, as if it exploded, he said loudly.

"But in the end, in the end, she left without looking back, and said that I was fucking a dog!"

"Hehe..." Chen Jun smiled contemptuously: "How did this world become like this? How should girls love in order to move them? I don't understand, I really don't understand."

"I will only treat her wholeheartedly. I try to please her and pay attention to every detail, but in the end I am called a licking dog!"

Chen Jun gritted his teeth angrily, and then said to the waiter.

"Give me another drink!"

(End of this chapter)

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