Chapter 155 Who is the prey?

I have to say that Chen Jun is definitely a flirtatious flirt.

This method of flirting with girls is simply layer after layer.

After ordinary girls heard this story, they might have already been moved.

It's just a pity that Anna is not an ordinary girl.

There is a saying that is good, know people, face but not heart, praying mantis catches cicada, and oriole is behind.

Chen Jun thought that his pretend application had already been set, this girl, but how did she know that she was in someone else's set?
"Handsome guy, I really sympathize with you. Come on, let me toast you." Anna said as she raised her glass and touched Chen Jun.

Chen Jun also picked up his glass.

And now his heart has begun to steal joy. Seeing this situation, he is already sure, this rich woman has obviously been moved by his story.

It may be possible to arrange it tonight!

After the two clinked glasses, Anna finished the wine in the glass, and then he said. "Handsome guy, I can't drink anymore, I have something to do tomorrow, I'm afraid it will delay things."

Chen Jun looked into Anna's eyes with a questioning look. Although he didn't speak, the look was already there.Can clearly express his meaning.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and finally Anna looked away, and then said. "Tomorrow I'm going abroad to have fun in America. I'm going to board the plane at nine o'clock in the morning, so I can't drink too much, I'm afraid I won't get up."

"Are you going to travel?" Chen Jun asked.

"Well, I've been in a bad mood recently, so I want to go abroad to relax alone." Anna replied.

Saying that you are in a bad mood means that you need someone to comfort you. Once you are comforted, you may drop out of school in the future.

It shows that he is an easy prey.

And when she said that she went to relax alone, she had already made it clear that she was alone.

Isn't it easy to get a woman who is in a bad mood?

After hearing Anna's words, Chen Jun silently remembered all the information in his heart.

"So handsome, I'm leaving first, let's see you again!" Anna said, and got up straight away.

"Okay, then let's see you again." Chen Jun resisted the urge to ask the other party for WeChat.Also said so.

Because she knew that if she took the initiative to ask the other party for WeChat at this time, then the persona of the aloof and infatuated man she created at the beginning would completely collapse.

So although he felt that he couldn't miss this rich woman, he didn't dare to ask for WeChat. He even had a little extravagant hope in his heart that the other party asked him for WeChat.

However, his wish was not fulfilled, because Anna left with a dashing back, showing no intention of staying at all.

But looking at the back of the other party, the corners of Chen Jun's mouth curled up slightly. At this moment, he had already made up his mind in his heart that he must get this rich woman and all her money.

After seeing Anna leave, Chen Jun directly took out his mobile phone and checked the flight to the United States tomorrow morning.

Then he quickly found the nine o'clock shift.

Because from six to ten in the morning, there is only that flight.

So you can't go wrong with this one flight.

Without hesitation, he booked a plane ticket for himself.

And he has already thought up the lines for meeting again tomorrow.

At six o'clock the next morning, Chen Jun had already woken up early, and he tidied up his clothes in front of the mirror.

Today he is wearing normal casual attire.There is a little bit of Japanese warm male temperament.

He was still wearing the one hundred thousand yuan watch yesterday.

It won't be too ostentatious, but it can also highlight your low-key identity.

Look at yourself in the mirror.Chen Jun practiced his smile.

Wanting to make my smile look more sunny and warm can capture the heart of a rich woman.

At the same time, he practiced his lines in front of the mirror again.

"I've been feeling very depressed recently, so I also want to go to the United States to relax..."

After simply practicing his lines a few times.

He put on his canvas shoes, put on a canvas backpack, and went straight to the airport.

At 7:40 in the morning, he had already passed through the security check.

Although the ticket he bought was an economy class ticket, he made up for a few days after going to VIP.

Because she knew that Anna's performance last night could prove that he was a thoroughly rich woman, so she must have booked first class.

The decorations on his body are more than 30, how can he book an economy class ticket?
In the VIP lounge, Anna was playing with her mobile phone with her head down.

At this time, she suddenly received a message.

"Get ready for the prey, the prey has appeared and is coming to you."

After receiving this message, Anna sorted out her clothes, and then deleted the message.

At the same time, she turned on her mobile phone and began browsing LV bags online.

At this time, after Chen Jun walked into the VIP waiting hall, he quickly saw Anna waiting inside.

So they went directly to Anna, and Anna had spotted Chen Jun from the corner of her eye, but he was still browsing the phone calmly, until Chen Jun came to her side, she didn't raise her head.

Chen Jun also glanced at the other party's mobile phone, and found that the other party was looking at a famous brand bag, and immediately became more sure that the other party was a rich woman.

Afterwards, Chen Jun took the initiative to say hello. "Hello, beauty, we meet again."

Anna raised her head slowly.Then a puzzled look appeared on his face.asked him. "Why are you here?"

A smile that he had practiced for a long time appeared on Chen Jun's face, and then he said.

"I think I'm also depressed, and I don't know how to release it. After hearing what you said last night, I think I should also go abroad to change my environment and relax myself."

Anna didn't speak, just looked at him quietly.

Chen Jun continued: "I was at the bar last night. I had already drank more than a dozen glasses of wine. I felt that my consciousness was about to disappear, but her appearance kept appearing in my mind. It was still repeated over and over again. Keep repeating the unfeeling words she said to me."

"I think if it goes on like this, I'm going to have a mental breakdown."

"So I decided to leave here first, change the environment, maybe speed up, let me forget about her."

"As we said yesterday, goodbye by fate. What a fate, we meet again."

After finishing speaking, Chen Jun left the VIP waiting room directly.

(End of this chapter)

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