Chapter 173 Gives you a hug.

Racing on the track, it took about half an hour before Liu Yushi drove the car into the rest area.

After more than half an hour of high-level focused driving, she was also a little tired.

At this moment, Lin Jie asked Liu Yushi, "Yushi, do you want to learn to drift?"

After hearing these words, Liu Yushi's eyes lit up. "Think and think!"

"Come on, you do this side, I'll do the cab." Lin Jie said, changed places with Liu Yushi, and then drove the car into the drift teaching area.

He booked a drift instruction course here.But there is no need for a coach to teach, he is a professional level, so he can personally teach Liu Yushi to drift.

In the drifting teaching area, Lin Jie said to Liu Yushi. "Wait a minute, I will release the drift first, you have a look first, and then I will teach you. Finally, you can try it yourself."

"Okay, no problem!" Liu Yushi's face was full of excitement.

Then Lin Jie took Liu Yushi to drift a few laps in the drift teaching area of ​​the car park.The friction between the tires and the ground of the Ferrari 812 made a sharp sound, and the feeling of drifting was also very good.
"Okay, you should have seen my drift release just now, and I will teach you the skills next." Lin Jie stopped the car, and then said to Liu Yushi.

"Actually, drifting looks cool, but it's not difficult to do. The first thing to do is to turn off the wetland mode. Wet must not be turned on at this time."

When Liu Yushi heard this sentence, she blushed immediately, and then gave Lin Jie a blank look. She knew that the other party was playing tricks.

"After we turned off the wet system, we manually shifted the gear to first gear, and then turned the steering wheel in one direction to death. At this time, we can try drifting." Lin Jie said while teaching.

"For example, now that the space on our right side is relatively wide, we turn the steering wheel to the right to kill, and then start with a big foot of the accelerator. Don't hesitate to start with a big foot of the accelerator."

Lin Jie emphasized it again, but did not carry out this step.

"When you start off with a big foot of the accelerator, you will feel that the vehicle is starting to drift. At this time, you turn the steering wheel in the opposite direction, and then adjust in the direction you want to go."

"Next, I will try the tutorial I just mentioned, and then you look at the details carefully and memorize the operation." Lin Jie said, and started to start the vehicle to perform his drifting operation.

After this time of drifting teaching, Liu Yushi discovered that drifting is not as difficult as imagined.Originally, he thought that drifting during drag racing was very handsome, and I am afraid that only the best of the best can do it.Now, it doesn't seem so difficult.

After following his tutorial twice, Lin Jie changed his seat back to the co-pilot's seat, and said to Liu Yushi. "Next, try it. You have to remember every step I said, and be aware of it. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me."

Liu Yushi snorted softly and said. "Just a few steps, I have completely memorized it, so much easier than memorizing piano scores!"

Lin Jie: "..."

What this little girl said seems to make sense.

Lin Jie said that he could not find a reason to refute.

Liu Yushi made the position of the cab, and then started talking to himself and followed the steps.

"Start the vehicle, the first step is to turn off the wetland mode!"

After the Ferrari 812 turns off the wetland mode, it will turn into a red death mode esc-off.For daily use, it is generally in the blue wet mode.

"Then manually adjust the gear to the first gear." Liu Yu directly moved the blade shift paddle with his hands, looking decent, like a professional driver.

"Start with the big foot in the direction of the accelerator, then reverse the accelerator. Then look at the direction and adjust the steering wheel!" Liu Yushi said, and started to operate step by step, and then completed it in one go. The direct operation was successful, and the drift was completed on the first try!
"Ah! I succeeded, I actually succeeded, this is amazing!" Liu Yushi yelled happily.

After she parked the car again, she threw herself into Lin Jie's arms from the cab and gave him a big hug.Said excitedly. "Lin Jie, I succeeded. I just succeeded in drifting. Did you see that?"

Lin Jie said that he really wanted to say that he saw it, because he was sitting in the co-pilot's seat, and he was not blind, how could he not see it?
But when the other party hugged him, the softness and touch of Liu Yushi's giant panda made him shut up.

He also wanted to complain about the other party, but the other party's giant panda was too big.It's just that "big" makes sense. I can't find a reason to complain at all.

So he can only choose to succumb to the other party's arms and feel it well.

After Liu Yusi was excited in her arms for a while, she seemed to have reacted instantly, and then she came out of her arms, her face flushed.

Then he pretended nothing happened. "I'll try again."

"Well, maybe it was just a coincidence?" Lin Jie also said.

Although the other party's embrace is indeed warm and soft, it is a D-level cup after all.

But Lin Jie didn't mean to be greedy.

As a good man, not to take the initiative, not to refuse, not to refuse, not to be responsible, is the most important criterion.

Did anything weird just happen?
Not at all!
I'm just teaching the other party to drift.

She seems to have learned to drift just now.

Did anything else happen after learning to drift?

Lin Jie said that he didn't remember anything at all, as if nothing happened.

Although "big" made sense, after the reasoning, Lin Jie forgot about it.

Stop asking!
Asking again is a good man principle warning!
If you still want to ask again, it is definitely not a good man!

A good man must learn to draw conclusions, okay?

This incident has completely passed, and Lin Jie doesn't remember it at all!
You scumbags, get the hell out of here, okay?

Then after trying a few more times on the drift track, Lin Jie suggested that Liu Yushi go directly to the real track to try.

After all, there are some differences between the drift track and the real track, and it must be practiced.

In order for the opponent to learn to drift well.In order not to affect other racers, Lin Jie directly chose to book the field,
"If you want to drift on the track, you must also turn off the wet mode. Otherwise, this mode directly stabilizes your body, and it is almost impossible to drift."

While talking, Lin Jie changed the mode to the red death mode.

(End of this chapter)

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