After playing the king for a year, I became the richest man!

Chapter 174 The more the description gets darker,

Chapter 174 The more the description gets darker,

After turning off the vehicle's wetland mode, Lin Jie began to say to Liu Yushi: "There are three steps to drifting on the track. The first step is to oversteer. Before entering the curve, don't I'm afraid, I must step on the accelerator deeply to let the vehicle enter an oversteer state..."

"The method of entering the oversteer state is similar to the method we used in the drift training ground at that time, but you don't need to kill the steering wheel, you can turn it around first, and then quickly reverse the direction. At this time, you have to keep stepping on the accelerator. .In this way, there is enough power to maintain this kind of oversteer state."

"Next, I'll show you the specific operation, please pay attention to it."

After Lin Jie finished speaking, the Ferrari 812 that he drove directly entered into an oversteer state easily, and then began to drift and drift.

After leaving, he immediately corrected the direction of the car, and then entered the next curve, before he started explaining again.

"After entering the oversteer state, the thing to do is to maintain the drift state. This step is the most exciting, and it is also the most exciting in the whole drifting process."

The so-called maintaining drift is to allow the vehicle to drift in the curve.

"When maintaining drift, there is also a note, which is a mistake that many novices will make, that is, they think that once the vehicle enters the drift state, it does not need high horsepower to maintain it, and then it is likely to cause drift. fail.

In fact, this is wrong. When your vehicle enters the drift state, if you want to maintain the drift, you must continue to increase the engine speed and keep it at a high speed to have enough horsepower to drift. "

Lin Jie said, and when entering the second corner, he made another perfect drift.

"Next, the third and most important step is how to re-correct the direction of the vehicle from the drifting state and return to normal after the end of the curve."

"The most important thing in this third step is the control and cooperation of the accelerator. And when controlling the accelerator, you must also control the steering wheel to correct the direction, so that the steering wheel and the accelerator cooperate with each other to ensure smooth cornering."

"The most important skill in this step is to rely on your own experience and understanding of the car's performance! Only the familiar vehicle's feedback on different throttles can be used to get perfect control.

In the whole drift process, the most accident-prone is also the last step.Once there is a little bit of poor control, there may be a situation where the tail flicks out of control, so be careful. "

Lin Jie warned Liu Yushi.

"There is also a very advanced earth, that is, after you have completed the first three parts and mastered it proficiently, you can try continuous cornering. Wait, the next corner is continuous cornering. , first turn to the left, then turn to the right. At this time, if you want to continuously drift through the corner, you must shift the center of gravity."

"Wait, I'll show you the technique of continuous cornering, but you must learn all the three basic steps I just mentioned before you can try continuous cornering, because continuous cornering is more difficult Yes. You should not be able to control it now, so don't be brave."

Lin Jie warned Liu Yushi again.

"Okay, I see." Liu Yushi nodded obediently.

At this time, the vehicle has come to the front of the third curve.

Lin Jie showed her the skills of continuous cornering.

The excitement of shifting the center of gravity and continuous drift made her scream in the co-pilot position.

After running a lap, the vehicle returned to the starting point.

Lin Jie got out of the car and checked the tires of the car to make sure everything was normal. He then said to Liu Yushi in the co-pilot position, "Next, sit in the cab and try the drifting steps I just taught you. .”

"Okay! No problem!" Liu Yushi immediately said excitedly.

She couldn't wait any longer and was eager to try.

This long-legged beauty with big breasts, thin legs, long skin and fair skin, with a figure of 98 points, really likes drag racing.

As soon as I heard that I could actually fight on the track by myself, the whole person became excited.

And I have to say that this peerless beauty is also very talented in drag racing. After only six laps on the track, he has basically mastered the skills of drifting, and almost never makes mistakes. He can reach 80% of the time. Success rate.

Although sometimes it is difficult to control the vehicle when exiting a corner, and there may be a little tail drift, but it is already very good to learn so many drifting skills in such a short time, right?

The two raced on the track for nearly two hours.

Ms. Liu's skills have basically been mastered, and she can achieve a 100% success rate.

Seeing the other party's excited face, Lin Jie said with a smirk. "You're enjoying racing for a while now, but soon you'll know that your hands and feet are hurting, and your whole body will be sore and limp!"

After Liu Yushi heard this sentence, she always felt that the other party seemed to be playing tricks?

However, he thought it was nothing at first, but now that the other party said that, it seemed that he really felt a little weak in his hands and feet.

After all, when racing.The nerves are tense, and the coordination of hands and feet is very important. Basically, they are constantly operating the steering wheel and accelerator.

After more than two months of practice, her hands and feet are already a little tired.

When they left the track and returned to the Imperial Conservatory of Music, it was Lin Jie who drove him back.

That's the end of a happy day.

The next morning, Lin Jie received a call from Chen Zhihui.

"Brother Jie, my 911 has been fully revived. Tonight, let's go to Mr. 13 to have a good time, shall we?"

"Ask Brother Feng, and Brother Zeqing if you are free?" Lin Jie replied.

"It's Brother Feng, and Zeqing asked me to ask you. As long as you have time, we will start the game tonight. There are only four of us. Miss Ferrari, do you want her to go?" Chen Zhihui asked .

"I don't know if it's convenient for her? I'll ask later! Her hands and feet should be sore today, and her whole body is sore...Well, let me ask her first."

Lin Jie realized that further talking might make the other party think wrong, so he stopped the topic immediately.

"Damn it, Brother Jie is so awesome. He can make the hands and feet of such a tall lady Ferrari sore, and her whole body is sore? I am 1.7 meters tall. If I meet such a lady, I think I will be the one who is sore all over. ?”

Chen Zhihui laughed badly, and then said: "Brother Jie, hurry up and ask if Miss Sister is free? I'll wait for your reply,"

"Yes." Lin Jie said directly without explaining too much, after all, the more you explain this kind of thing, the more guilty you will be!

(End of this chapter)

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